TECH8000 IT Capstone Assessment 3 Help

TECH8000 IT Capstone Assessment 3 


Assessment 3 Information


Subject Code:TECH8000
Subject Name:IT Capstone
Assessment Title:Client Presentation:ArtefactModel
Assessment Type:Individual Presentation
Word Count:10Minutes(+/-10%)
Total Marks:40
Submission:Via MyKBS
DueDate:Week 13


Your Task


This assessment is to be completed individually.In this assessment, you willdesign anddelivera recommendedartefactmodeltotheclientintheformofapresentation.


Pleasenote:Youwillberequiredtousethe same organisationforallassessmentsinthissubject.


Assessment Description


This assessment is designed to assess your ability to present research findings related toa client's IT problem.


ItisrecommendedtoattendWeeks10to12workshopsastheywill be dedicated to presentation guidelines.


This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:


LO2Collaborate with colleagues in the completionofIT-basedresearch activities.
LO3Recommend and critically analyse multi-disciplinary ITsolutions.
LO4Defend research findings and solutions to a client.


Assessment Instructions

Students must conduct research externally and included references in order to produce a well referenced assessment. You should use at least ten (10) sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, social media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a referencing list at the end of your assessment(notincludedinthewordlimit).Wikipediaandother‘popular’sitesarenottobeused.


  1. You must submit your presentation in a recorded video format using Kaltura via MyKBS. You aren’trequiredtosubmitthepresentationslidesasyourslidesandyourfacewillbepresentin the video recording.
  2. Thepresentationshouldincludethefollowingtopics:
    1. ClientUnderstanding:
    2. Familiariseyourselfwiththeclient'sIT-basedrequirementsandorganisationalcontext, considering the client's industry-specific challenges.
    3. Multi-disciplinaryITSolutions:
      1. Recommendmulti-disciplinaryITsolutionsthatcriticallyanalyseandaddresstheclient's complex problems.
      2. Integrateadvancedconcepts,theories,andframeworksfromdifferentdisciplinesto develop innovative and effective solutions.
    4. ArtefactModelDesign:
      1. Design an artefact model (e.g., presentation slides, interactive prototype, visual demonstration)thateffectivelycommunicatestherecommendedmodeltothehostile client.
      2. Ensuretheartefactmodelisvisuallyappealing,well-structured,andtailoredtoaddress the specific concerns of the client.
    5. PresentationDelivery:
      1. Prepareacompellingpresentationbasedontheartefactmodeldesigntodelivertothe hostile client.
    6. ProfessionalismandCommunication:
      1. Demonstrateprofessionalism,resilience,andeffectivecommunicationskillsthroughout the assessment, especially when interacting with the hostile client.
  3. Pleaserefertotheassessmentmarkingguidetoassistyouincompletingalltheassessment criteria.


Important Study Information


Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy


KBSvalues academic integrity.All studentsmustunderstandthemeaningandconsequencesofcheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions:


  • Whatisacademicintegrityandmisconduct?
  • Whatarethepenaltiesforacademicmisconduct?
  • HowcanIappealmygrade?




Late submission of assignments(with in the Assessment Policy)

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TECH8000 IT Capstone Assignment 1 Help


Length Limits for Assessments

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.



Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisororrefert otheresourceson the MyKBS Academic Success Centrepage. Further details can be accessed at


Generative AI Traffic Lights






Amount of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) usage



This assessment










No Generative AIallowed

This assessment showcases your individual knowledge,skills and/or personal experiences in the absence of Generative AI support.




The use of generative AI is  prohibited for this assessment and may potentially result in penaltiesforacademicmisconduct,includingbut notlimitedtoamarkofzeroforthe assessment.






















You may use Generative AI for research and content generation that is appropriately referenced.


See assessment instructions for details

This assessment allows you to engage with Generative AI as a means of expanding your understanding,creativity,andideagenerationinthe researchphaseofyourassessment andtoproduce content that enhances your assessment. I.e., images. You do not have to use it.


TheuseofGenAIisoptionalforthis assessment.


Your collaboration with GenerativeAI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link belowtolearnhowtoreferenceGenerativeAI.

In addition, you must include an appendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration includingallpromptsandresponsesusedforthe assessment.


Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessmentdetailsduringthecontentgeneration parts of your assessment may potentially resultin penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above.






























You must use Generative AI tocomplete your assessment


See assessment instruction for details


This assessment fully integrates Generative AI, allowing you to harness the technology's full potentialincollaborationwithyourownexpertise.

Always check your assessment instructions carefully as there may still be limitations on what constitutes acceptable use, and these may be specific to each assessment.


YouwillbetaughthowtousegenerativeAIand assessed on its use.


Your collaboration with GenerativeAI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resourcetype used.Click on thelink belowtolearnhowtoreferenceGenerativeAI.


In addition, you must include an appendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration includingallpromptsandresponsesusedforthe assessment.

Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessmentdetailsduringthecontentgeneration parts of your assessment may potentially resultin penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the

assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessmentinstructionsinthesectionabove.



Assessment Marking Guide


Marking Criteria


F (Fail) 0 –49%P (Pass) 50–64%C(Credit) 65–74%D(Distinction) 75 – 84%HD(HighDistinction) 85 – 100%


Client Understanding



           |4 marks

Limited or no demonstration of familiarising oneself with the client's IT- based requirements and organisational context, and consideringindustry- specific challenges.Demonstrates a basic understanding of the client's IT-based requirements and organisationalcontext, considering industry- specific challenges.Demonstrates a good understanding of the client's IT-based requirements and organisationalcontext, considering industry- specific challenges comprehensively.Demonstrates an excellentunderstanding of the client's IT-based requirements and organisational context, considering industry- specific challenges comprehensively and critically.

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the client's IT-based requirements and organisationalcontext, considering industry- specific challenges comprehensively and

critically,surpassing expectations.


Multi-disciplinary IT Solutions



           |6 marks

Fails to recommend multi-disciplinary IT solutions that critically analyse and address the client's complex problems.Recommends multi- disciplinaryITsolutions that partially critically analyse and address the client's complex problems.Recommends multi- disciplinaryITsolutions that critically analyse andaddresstheclient's complex problems.Recommends multi- disciplinaryITsolutions that critically analyse andthoroughlyaddress the client's complex problems.

Recommends multi- disciplinaryITsolutions that critically analyse and thoroughly and innovatively address the client's complex

problems,exceeding expectations.


Artefact Model Design




           |12 marks

Designs an artefact model that does not effectively communicate the recommendedmodelto the hostile client.Designs an artefact model that somewhat effectively communicates the recommendedmodelto the hostile client.Designs an artefact model that effectively communicates the recommendedmodelto the hostile client.Designs an artefact model that highly effectively communicates the recommendedmodelto the hostile client.

Designs an artefact model that seamlessly and creatively communicates the recommendedmodelto the hostile client,

exceeding expectations.


Presentation Delivery

Delivers a presentation that lacks clarity,Deliversapresentation with some clarity,Deliversapresentation with clarity,Deliversapresentation withexceptionalclarity,Deliversapresentation withexceptionalclarity,





           |8 marks

persuasiveness, and effectiveness in communicating the research findings and solutionstothehostile client.persuasiveness, and effectiveness in communicating the research findings and solutionstothehostile client.persuasiveness, and effectiveness in communicating the research findings and solutionstothehostile client.persuasiveness, and effectiveness in communicating the research findings and solutionstothehostile client.persuasiveness, and exceptional effectiveness in communicating the research findings and solutionstothehostile client, exceeding expectations.


Professionalism and Communication



           |6 marks

Demonstrates unprofessional behaviour, lack of resilience, and ineffective communication skills throughout the assessment,especially when interacting with the hostile client.Demonstrates basic professionalism, resilience, and adequate communication skills throughout the assessment,especially when interacting with the hostile client.Demonstrates good professionalism, resilience,andeffective communication skills throughout the assessment, especially when interacting with the hostile client.Demonstratesexcellent professionalism, resilience, and highly effective communication skills throughout the assessment, especially when interacting with the hostile client.Demonstrates exceptional professionalism, exceptional resilience, and highly effective communication skills throughout the assessment,especially when interacting with the hostile client, exceeding expectations.


Use of References and Research



           |4 marks

Uses inadequate or inappropriate sources of information,including Wikipedia or popular sites, with limited or no in-text citations and referencing list.


(10) sources of information, appropriatelyreferenced using the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style, with someminorerrorsinin-

textcitationsand referencing list.

Uses at least ten (10) sources of information, appropriatelyreferenced using the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style, with consistentandaccurate in-text citations and referencing list.

Uses at least ten (10) sourcesofinformation, appropriately referenced using the Kaplan Harvard ReferencingStyle,with accurate and well- integrated in-text citations and


Uses at least ten (10) high-quality sources of information, appropriately referenced using the Kaplan Harvard ReferencingStyle,with accurate and well- integrated in-text




     referencing list.
Feedback and grades will be released via MyKBS


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