TCHR3004 Leadership and Advocacy Assignment help

TCHR3004 Leadership and Advocacy Assignment help


Assessment One: Report

Assessment Brief


Assessment name:Report
Due Date:Monday 24th March2025 @11:59pm (Week3)
Weighting:50% of final grade
Length:1500 words (10%leeway above and below)
Unit Learning Outcomes

You will demonstrate the following UnitLearning Outcomes on the successful completion of this task:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the key principles of leadership and management in practice in earlychildhood education and care services and settings underpinned by theoretical and practical perspectives on administration, management and leadership.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of how to build supportive and collaborative environments for children, parents, community and staff.
Task Description:

For this assessment, you are required to write a report of 1500 words. The report can include tables, charts,figures, and/or graphsto illustrate yourfindings where necessary.


Write a report thatresponds to the following three tasks.

  1. Identify andexplain the key principles of a (one)leadership style thatyou aspire to follow and give some examples of how you aim to enact this leadership style in practice (whenyou are a qualified ECT).
  2. Demonstrate yourknowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of this leadership style.
  3. Critically reviewhow this leadership style influences management in an earlychildhood setting in relation to children, families, staff and the community.


The report mustinclude:

  1. A brief introduction of no morethan 100 wordsoutlining the purposeand content if the report.
    1. A body of no more than 1320 words and broken into sections withshort, appropriate headings (based upon the 3 tasks listed above).
    2. A conclusion of no morethan 80 words,highlighting the key findings.
    3. A reference listthat includes all sources of information used.
RationaleAs an early childhood educator, it is important you have an understanding aboutleadership and your role as a leader.

APA 7th referencing formatis required in Faculty of Education assessment tasks – linkto SCU Libguide here: APA 7 Referencing.

A minimum of 10 references mustbe included in this assessment task, including theunit material and MyReadings, National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework (V2.0).

Support Resources

Academic Integrity – SCU guidelines

Learning Zone – workshops, QuickGuides, videos, studyhub



Submission of your assessment is via TURNITIN. The submission link canbe found in the Assessment Tasks and Submission Tab in the TCHR3004 Blackboard site.


Please note:

  • It is YOURresponsibility to ensurethat you have submitted the correct fileand the FINAL version of your assessment for marking BEFORE the due date/time.
  • After you have followed the TurnItin submission it is essential you download the Digital Receipt.
  • If you have any difficulty submitting your assignment, please contact Technology Services and make surethat you loga job with them so you have evidence of your attempted submission. To avoid any last-minute problems, make sure you submit well before 11:59pm on the due date.
  • As per SCU Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 3 - Coursework Awards - Student Assessment and Examinations: Section 6 - Assessment Resubmission, there are NO resubmissions for this unit.
Late Submission/Extension

If you needto apply forspecial consideration you may do so HERE


If your special consideration application is approved you will needto include a copy of the approval in your assessment task.

According to SCU Policy, late penalties apply. More information found HERE

Academic Integrity


At Southern Cross University academic integrity meansbehaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.

The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University.

For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework

GenAI May be Used


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as Grammarly Premium, may be used for this Assessment Task. If you useGenAI tools, you must usethese ethically andacknowledge their use. To findout how to reference GenAI in your work consult the referencing style for your unit via SCU Library referencing guides and the Student Learning Zone Quick Guide on Acknowledging and referencing GenAI. If you use GenAI tools without

acknowledgment it may result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic andNon-Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3.

You may use Grammarly Premium to provide feedback and suggestions on your writing for academic tone, written expression, grammar, Australian English spelling, and punctuation. You mustnot use GenAIto generate ideasfor this assessment task. If you choose to use these tools, you must include an appendix to demonstrate your work prior to

using GenAI.


If youhave used GenAIin this task,you must include an acknowledgement of how and when youused these tools.


Pleaseuse the Assessment Task Coversheet provided under the assessment tasks link and indicate whether or not you have used GenAI.


TCHR3004 Assessment 1 Rubric
Marking CriteriaHigh Distinction+High DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassFail
Identification andAchieves all the criteriaOutstanding identificationIdentification andIdentification andSatisfactory identificationUnsatisfactory identification
explanation of the keyfor a high distinction toand explanation of the keyexplanation of the keyexplanationof the keyand explanation of the keyand explanation of the key
principles of a leadershipan exemplary standard,principles of a leadershipprinciples of a leadershipprinciplesof a leadershipprinciplesof a leadershipprinciplesof a leadership style
style thatyou aspire towithout any thatyou aspire tostyle thatyou aspire tostyle that you aspire tostyle that you aspire tothat you aspireto follow.
follow 20% follow.follow is articulated veryfollow is articulatedfollow is articulated. 
Provide examples of howAchieves all the criteriaOutstanding examples ofVery good examples ofGood examples of howSatisfactory examples ofUnsatisfactory examples of
you aim to enact thisfor a high distinction tohow you will enactthishow you will enactthisyou will enactthishow you willenact thishow you willenact this
leadership styleinan exemplary standard,leadership stylein practiceleadership styleinleadershipstyle inleadership style in practiceleadership style in practice
practicewithout any errors. practice.practice  
Knowledge of theAchieves all the criteriaOutstandingKnowledge of theKnowledge of theSatisfactory knowledge ofUnsatisfactory knowledge of
theoretical underpinningsfor a high distinction todemonstration oftheoreticaltheoretical underpinningsthe theoreticalthe theoretical underpinnings
of thisleadership stylean exemplary standard,knowledge of theunderpinnings of thisof this leadership styleunderpinningsof thisof this leadership style has
20%without any errors.theoretical underpinningsleadership stylehas beenhas been clearlyleadershipstyle has beenbeen demonstrated.
  of this leadership style.clearly identified andidentified.demonstrated. 
   articulated very well.   
Critically reviewhow thisAchieves all the criteriaOutstanding critical reviewCritical reviewof howCritical review of how thisSatisfactorycritical reviewUnsatisfactory critical review
leadership stylefor a high distinction toof how this leadershipthis leadership styleleadership styleof how thisleadership styleof how thisleadership style
influences managementan exemplary standard,style influencesinfluences managementinfluencesmanagementinfluences management ininfluencesmanagement in an
in an early childhoodwithout any in an earlyin an early childhoodin an earlychildhoodan early childhood settingearly childhood setting in
setting in relation to childhood setting insetting in relation tosetting in relation toin relation to children hasrelation to children, families,
children, families, staff relation to children,children, families andchildren and families hasbeen demonstrated.staff and community has been
and community. families, staffandstaff has beenbeen demonstrated. demonstrated.
20% community has beendemonstrated.   
Links to the literature onAchieves all the criteriaOutstanding linksmade toVery good links to theClear linksto theSatisfactory linksmade toUnsatisfactory or no linkshave
leadership, the EYLFfor a high distinction tothe literature onliterature on leadership,literatureon leadership,the literature, EYLFandbeen made to the literature,
(AGDE, 2022)and NQSan exemplary standard,leadership, the EYLF andthe EYLFand NQS.the EYLF and NQS haveNQS.EYLF and NQS.
(ACECQA, 2020)without any errors.NQS. been made.  
Standard of writing andAchieves all the criteriaOutstanding standard ofVery gooduse ofClear and correct use ofAcademic writingand APAPoor academic writing
presentation - spelling,for a high distinction toacademic writingincludingacademic writingandacademic writing and APA7 referencing is mostlyincluding APA 7 referencing.
punctuation, grammar,an exemplary standard,APA 7. No errorsevident.APA 7 referencing. No7 referencing. No errorscorrect. Very minorerrorsErrors are present.
paragraph structure, APAwithout any errors. errors evident.evident.are evident. 
7th referencing style      


Description of SCU Grades

High Distinction:

The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.

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