SDM404 Software Development and Management Assignment Help

SDM404 Software Development and Management Assessment Help


Subject Codeand TitleSDM404 Software Development and Management
AssessmentSoftware Project Proposal
LengthMaximum two pages, 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning OutcomesThis assessment addresses the SubjectLearning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.
SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AESTSunday of Module5.
Total Marks100


Task Summary

A software project proposal is a document that a software engineer submits to other business stakeholders for approval. This document should describe what you want to do, how are you going to do it and what would be the output of the proposed software. The software project proposal should also show the benefits of the software to the business, the funding and resources that you will need to finish the project and an estimate of the time to finish the projectIn software development, the project does not exist until it has been proposed and given the approval. The project proposal is your first step at coordinating all the elements of your potential project. This is your first step in managing all the tasks, equipment and other materials you’ll need and align them with a feasible schedule to achieve the project’s objective.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


This assessment will help you develop your analytical and problem solving skills. You will need to be able to identify a certain problem that you wish to solve, propose a solution to the problem and communicate your ideas to different stakeholders to get their approval for your proposal.


All assessments for SDM404 are integrated to help you develop your skills in producing high quality software solutions in time and within budget. Your project proposal will provide the goals, objectives and structure of what the project looks like to help you focus on estimating the effort, cost and schedule for your project. When making design and implementation decisions, you always look at the project proposal to help set the direction of your decisions.


Task Instructions

To complete this assessment you need to write and submit a software project proposal.

This proposal needs to be approved by your learning facilitator, changes and modifications to the original proposal may be required according to the feedback you receive. The aim of this assessment is to choose a certain problem, diagnose it and propose a solution that would convince the other stakeholders to approve your proposal. Keep in mind that you are not expected to come up with an innovative solution to an existing problem or a unique problem to solve, you just need to provide a proper solution to a problem that you want to solve.

To find your project topic, take the following steps:

  • Find a simple problem that you want to solve, for example:
    • It takes a lot of time to get your lunch order.
    • It is hard to find a parking place.
    • You take a lot of time every day to decide where to get your lunch from so you want to get updates about lunch specials,…).
    • You want to follow up on your favourite sports results.
    • You want to create a simple game to play.
  • Think about the different approaches that would help you solve these problems or at least make it easier for the users using a software application. For each of the different solutions try to think about what resources you will need, how much time you need to prepare it, the cost, and what risks might slow down your progress.
  • Choose one of these solutions and base your proposal on it. Keeping in mind cost, resources, and time.

Note: At the end of the semester, you will present an implemented software application of your proposed project. It is important to keep in mind that this is a 12-week course (3 weeks to study a different software project management strategies and prepare a report about it, 2 weeks will be allocated to identifying a project topic, 3 weeks to prepare a detailed project plan to follow, 4 weeks will be allocated to implement your project).

Document Proposal Format:

Your document should have the following format:

  1. Title of the Proposed Project.
  2. Problem Description
    • Describe the problem that you’re planning to solve.
  • Start with a brief description of a high-level problem (a few sentences) then describe in detail some issues that you are interested in solving, then provide more detail about how your work will help is solving these issues.Proposed Solution
    • Describe how you propose to address the identified problems.
    • Discuss the business value of your proposed solution. What will your customers and users gain from your proposed system?
  • Project Plan
    • Discuss here the Software Process that you will use for your proposed project.
    • Explain the activities in each of the stages (with the estimated timeline, estimated cost).
    • Try also to think about what might represent a risk to your project.
    • Explain why this is the appropriate process for your proposed project
  • Referencing
  • If needed, it is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
  • Submission Instructions
  • Submit a pdf format of your proposal via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in SDM404 : Software Development and Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Assessment Rubric



Assessment  Attributes


(Yet to achieve

minimum standard) 0-49%

Pass (Functional) 50-64%Credit (Proficient)  65-74%Distinction (Advanced) 75-84%

High Distinction (Exceptional)








The document lacked overall organisation. Limited underlying logic and flow of ideas overall


Grammatical and spelling  errors throughout document.

The document was organised and clearly written for most part. Limited logic and/or flow  of ideas in some parts of the document.


Grammatical and spelling errors werepresent in some parts of the document.

The document was organised and clearly written. The logicand/or flow of ideasin the entire document were easy to follow in most parts.


Vocabulary was well chosen  with some minor improvement needed.


Sentences were mostly grammatically correct and/or only a few spelling errors were present

The document was well organised and clearly written. The underlying logic  and/or flow of ideas were easy to follow throughout the document

Vocabulary was well chosen  and supported reader comprehension.


Sentences were grammatically correct and free from spelling errors.

The document was well organised and clearly written. The underlying logic was clearlyarticulated and easy to follow throughout the document

Vocabulary was chosen that precisely expressed the intended meaning and supported reader comprehension.


Sentences were grammatically correct and free from spelling errors.

High -level Problem  Description and Detailed Problem Description



High -level context description of the problem  domain is missing or is unclear.


Demonstrated little to no ability to define a manageable                       and achievable topic.

High -level context description  of the problem domain is missing or is unclear.



Defines a problem that is manageable and achievable, however too narrowly focused and leaves out

relevant aspects of the problem; or theproblem is so

High - level context description of the problem  domain is clear.



Defined a focused and manageable/achievable problemthat appropriately addresses most of the

relevant aspectsof the problem.

High - level context description of the problem domain is clear and describes the exact purpose of the project.



Defined a focused and manageable/achievable

problem that appropriately  addresses relevant aspects

High - level context description of the problem domain is clear,concise and describes the exact purpose  of the project.


Identified a creative, focused, and manageable problem that addresses

potentially significant yet previously less-explored







Key issues and/or problems were not identified; or key issues  and/or problems were identified inaccurately. Meaning is unclear.

broad that it cannot be adequately addressed.

Identified some key issues and/or problems. Descriptions  have some inaccuracies or omissions that interfere with the interpretation of the meaning being conveyed.



Identified mostkey issues and/or problems. Some minor inaccuracies or omissions may be present,  but do not interfere with meaning.

of the problem.




Identified all possible key issues and/or problems.

aspects of the problem.



Identified all possible key issuesand/or problems and described them clearly, accurately, and appropriately.

Proposed Solution



Demonstrated littleto no ability to identify an approach for solving the problem and/or proposed  a solution related to the problem.

Identified only a single approach for solving the problem that does not apply within a specific context in the problem.

Proposed one solution that is “generic” (off the shelf) rather  than individually designed to address the specific contextual factors of the problem.

Identified multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply within a specific context in the problem.

Proposed one or more solutions that indicatesome understanding of the problem.

Identified multiple approaches for solving the problem that applywithin a specific context of the problem.

Proposed one or more solutions that indicate comprehension of the problem.

Identified multiple and creative approaches for solving the problem that  apply within a specific context of the problem.

Proposed one or more solutions that indicate a deep comprehension of problem.


Business Value of the proposed solution




Did not present the business value (significance) of the proposed solution.


Significance of the

proposed solution failed to present analysis and/or

Presented someappropriate business value (significance) of the proposed solution.

Some relevant information was missing.

Significance of the proposed solution showed limited

Presented appropriate businessvalue (significance) of the proposed solution.


Generally showed analysis

of significance of the proposed solution. Minor

Presented sufficient and appropriate business value  (significance) of the proposed solution.


Showed analysis of

significance of the proposed solution.

Presented appropriate, sufficient and credible business value (significance)  of the proposed solution.


Significance of the proposed

solution showed clear analysis, relevance, and



 present an inaccurate or inappropriate information.analysis. May contain inaccuracies or omissions that interfere withanalysis and/or meaning.inaccuracies or omissions do not interfere with analysis or meaning. validity.

Project Plan


Software process is not identified or poorly described.

Software process were identified and described.

Stages of the software process have some description and timeline presented.


Provides justification of the use of the software process.

Identifies appropriate software processfor the project.

Describes the stages of the software process correctly and timeline presented is achievable.

Justification of the identified  software process is described clearly and demonstrateunderstanding of the software process.

Competently identifies appropriate software process for the project.

Stages of the software processare presented in detail.

Timeline shows careful planning.


Justification were clearly described and demonstrate clear understanding of the software process.

Proficiently identifies appropriate software processfor the project.

Exceptional description of the stages of the software process.

Timeline is thorough and shows that carefulplanning was applied.

Justification identifies all relevant aspects of the project and demonstrates  higher level of understanding of the

software process.



The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO b)Evaluate different software processes, and assess theirsuitability in a given context.
SLO c)Identify, analyse, and manage software project risks.
SLO d)Estimate software project effort, cost,and schedule.
SLO e)Plan an effective wayof communication betweenthe different stake holders.


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