PUBH 621 - Advanced Research Methods For Health Assignment Help

Please include these points in the assignment


We need to include intext citations and peer reviewed APA 7 referencing style. (Each line one )

And also we need 25 references





Name : Farhath Sultana 

Unit code : PUBH621

Student Id : S00391338



 You need to reference correctly (APA7) for in-text and Reference List

 You need to substantiate (cite evidence) all your ideas and


 Read the marking criteria (rubric)



1. Overview

For this assessment you are required to evaluate a public health program as per the instructions and rubric.

The purpose of this task is to enable you to assess epidemiological information and integrate epidemiological concepts and methods to critically appraise a public health program. This will help give you a good understanding of practical epidemiology programs, and an appreciation of their appropriateness, strengths, and limitations.

The assignment comprises two parts. In Part A you will need to do some calculations, provide and interpret the results of a hypothetical screening program. Part B requires you to critically evaluate a public health prevention initiative. You are to answer both Part A and Part B and submit both parts in the same document.


Weighting:                                                       40%

Learning outcomes assessed:                      LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

Length:                                                            2,000 words ± 10%. Part A: ~ 800 words. Part B: ~1,200 words 

Format:                                                            Structured written document, 1.5 line spacing

Referencing style:                                           APA 7

How to submit:                                                One Word document (incorporating both part A & part B) via the Canvas AT2 Turnitin link

Return of assignment:                                    Electronically via Canvas, within 3 weeks after the due date

Assessment criteria:                                       Refer to AT3 detailed instructions and marking rubric


2. Assignment details

This assignment comprises two parts to be submitted in the same Word document. Answer both part A and part B.

For part A, you will calculate and interpret the results of a hypothetical screening scenario.

For part B, you are to critique a public health public health bowel cancer screening program.

You are expected to source relevant websites and/or publications with correctly formatted referencing in both part A and B. Refer to the sections for part A and part B below.


Part A details (click here) (10 marks)

Part A of this assessment task requires you to calculate and interpret the results of a screening test in a hypothetical scenario, and then justify the appropriateness and applicability of the test results.

The World Health Organization defines screeningLinks to an external site. as “the process of presumptive identification of unrecognised disease in an apparently healthy, asymptomatic population by means of tests, examinations or other procedures that can be applied rapidly and easily to the target population. A screening programme must include all the core components in the screening process from inviting the target population to accessing effective treatment for individuals diagnosed with disease”. (WHO, 2020, p.6). Cervical cancer screening is designed to detect the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) which can develop into cervical cancer.

Hypothetical scenario

Recnacvph is a small but high-income (hypothetical) country in the Middle East with a total population of approximately 500,000. The overall health of the population is generally very good, with a low prevalence of chronic non-communicable disease, including cancer.

Of the total population, 270,000 people are women over 25 years of age. The societal values and beliefs in this country are quite conservative. Women rarely seek care from male medical practitioners, however 90% of the medical practitioners in this country are men.

Cervical cancer screening is designed to detect the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) which can develop into cervical cancer. The government of this country is considering conducting cervical screening tests for HPV at the population level. A validation study was conducted with the total population of women over the age of 25, to determine whether cervical screening could be used to detect HPV towards the prevention of cervical cancer. Of the 264,600 women who did not have HPV, 79,380 were tested positive. 215 women were incorrectly screened as negative.

Part A instructions

  1. Screening test calculations (5 marks)
    • Construct and complete a 2x2 table of the test results.
    • Calculate the sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) for the screening test.
    • Show your completed 2x2 table and all calculations. Round and show your final calculations to the nearest 1 decimal point. (For example, an answer of 36.24% would be shown as 36.2%. An answer of 36.25% would be shown as 36.3%).
  2. Screening recommendation (5 marks)
    • Would you recommend using this test for HPV screening in this community? Why or why not? Justify your recommendation.
    • Discuss the implications of implementing or not implementing this screening test.


Part B details (click here) (25 marks)

For part B, you are to critically evaluate an existing population-based bowel screening program for early detection and possible subsequent treatments of colorectal cancer in the Australian population. 

Include the following in your evaluation:

  1. Significance and effectiveness (Approx 500 words; 10 marks)
    • Present the public health importance of colorectal cancer and its risk factors.
    • Include the effectiveness, including cost-effectiveness, of bowel cancer screening programs for improving health.
  1. Critique and recommendation (Approx 700 words; 15 marks)
    • Include whether the benefits of bowel cancer screening outweigh potential limitations/downsides of the screening program. Present evidence for and against bowel cancer screening.
    • Discuss the uptake of the program in Australia (you may like to compare this to another country in your critique). Make a recommendation as to why such a program should be supported by the Australian government.

Please note, this assignment is not the same as conducting a critical appraisal of a published research article using a critical appraisal checklist. In your critique you are expected to explore current factors related to bowel cancer screening and provide a thorough discussion of the above areas using supporting data from high quality evidence. You may like to use a framework to help guide you in your critique. For example, you could use the dimensions of the RE-AIM framework to help you consider and discuss the strengths and weaknesses/limitations of the program.

  • Reach: how are the target population reached?
  • Effectiveness: how do you know if the program is effective?
  • Adoption: how is organisational support developed to deliver the program?
  • Implementation: how is it ensured that the program is delivered properly?
  • Maintenance: how is the program supported to be delivered over the long-term?

Your critique must be supported and justified using academic literature and appropriately referenced.

Presentation (click here) (5 marks)

It is expected that all submissions are checked for spelling, grammar, English expression, correct formatting and use of APA 7 citations and references. Double check that you have not directly copied and pasted text from source documents, but have paraphrased any material you have referred to.

All written assessments are to be appropriately formatted and within the word limit. This includes having a title page (indicating word count), 1.5 line spacing, 12 point font, and inclusion of student name/ID in the header/footer.

The word count refers to the main body of text only, which includes headings and in-text citations. Excluded from word counts are the title page and reference list.

Use a brief heading for each question. Do not write out the full text of the questions in your submission, which increases your Turnitin matching text score.

View Rubric

PUBH621 AT3 rubric
PUBH621 AT3 rubric

A1. Screening test calculations

view longer description

5 to >4.2 pts


All calculations, formulas and table correctly presented. No errors in calculations and results.

4.2 to >3.7 pts

Very good

As per excellent, but with an occasional very minor error/omission.

3.7 to >3.2 pts


As per very good, but with a few minor errors/omissions.

3.2 to >2.4 pts


Mostly correct formulas, calculations and results.

2.4 to >0 pts


Major errors/omissions that do not provide accurate results.

/ 5 pts

A2. Screening recommendation

view longer description

5 to >4.2 pts


A high-level thorough discussion of implications of screening test implications. Very clear and fully justified recommendation. Supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

4.2 to >3.7 pts

Very good

A very good discussion of implications of screening test implications. Clear and justified recommendation. Supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

3.7 to >3.2 pts


A good discussion of implications of screening test implications. Mostly clear and justified recommendation. Supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

3.2 to >2.4 pts


A fair discussion of implications of screening test implications. Recommendation provided. Supported by some appropriate evidence.

2.4 to >0 pts


Very little or no discussion of implications of screening test implications. Recommendation unclear/unjustified or not provided. Minimal or no evidence presented.

/ 5 pts

B1. Significance and effectiveness

view longer description

10 to >8.4 pts


Comprehensive presentation of significance, risk factors and program effectiveness. Fully supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

8.4 to >7.4 pts

Very good

A very good presentation of significance, risk factors and program effectiveness. Supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

7.4 to >6.4 pts


A good presentation of significance, risk factors and program effectiveness. Supported by appropriate evidence.

6.4 to >4.9 pts


A fair presentation of significance, risk factors and program effectiveness, using some appropriate evidence.

4.9 to >0 pts


Very little, unclear and/or no presentation of requirements. Minimal or no appropriate evidence presented.

/ 10 pts

B2. Program critique

view longer description

15 to >12.6 pts


An excellent critique, meeting all requirements to a high level. A thorough discussion and well justified recommendation. Fully supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

12.6 to >11.1 pts

Very good

A very good critique, meeting all requirements. A very good discussion and well justified recommendation. Supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.

11.1 to >9.6 pts


A good critique, meeting all or most requirements. A good discussion and justified recommendation. Supported by appropriate evidence.

9.6 to >7.4 pts


A fair critique, meeting all or most requirements. A fair discussion and recommendation using some appropriate evidence.

7.4 to >0 pts


Very little or no critique and/or not meeting requirements and /or unclear or unjustified or no recommendation. Minimal or no evidence presented.

/ 15 pts


view longer description

5 to >4.2 pts


High-level quality of writing that is clear, logical and coherent, meeting word limit requirements. No errors with grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations and references. Meets submission and formatting requirements.

4.2 to >3.7 pts

Very good

Very good quality of writing, mostly logical, clear and coherent, meeting word limit requirements. No or minor errors with grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations and references. Meets submission and formatting requirements.

3.7 to >3.2 pts


Good quality of writing, mostly clear and coherent, meeting word limit requirements. No or few errors with grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations or references. Meets most submission and formatting requirements.

3.2 to >2.4 pts


Fair quality of writing. May have errors with grammar, spelling, punctuation but generally meaning is discernible. May have errors in citations or references but generally applied. May not meet all submission and formatting requirements.

2.4 to >0 pts


Poor standard of writing which fails to adhere to grammar, spelling, punctuation, word limit, formatting, submission, citation and referencing requirements. The errors detract significantly from the report.

/ 5 pts
Total points: 0


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