NUR1203 Cultural Safety and Professional Practice Assignment Help

NUR1203 Assessment 3: Recorded PowerPoint Task


Assessment nameNUR1203 Assessment 3: Recorded PowerPoint
Brief task descriptionThis assessment requires you to apply the MATE Bystander Training Interventions to the provided case study. You are to create a 7 slide Power Point presentation and upload this with your voice-over as a PowerPoint with voice-over recording (NOT VIDEO) that is to be no shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes 30 seconds.
Rationale for assessment taskThis assessment task supports you to be an effective Bystander in the workplace and will hopefully extend beyond this. It is a requirement that healthcare workers are Culturally Safe practitioners. Part of this is when we witness culturally unsafe practice, that we have the skills to navigate this and bring change to the workplace setting.
Due DateBy 2355hrs (AEST) on 1 October 2024

7 Power Point slides

No shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes 30 seconds recorded presentation

Marks out of: Weighting:25% of the overall course 25 marks out of 25
Course Objectives measured

CLO 1. Apply verbal and non-verbal strategies and standards that facilitate therapeutic communication and inter-personal relationships.

CLO 2. Apply knowledge of historical, social, and political issues to explain the socio-political context of health care

Task information


Task detail

This assessment requires you to respond to the following case scenario.

You are to identify ONE of the culturally unsafe care points within this scenario. Utilising the MATE Bystander Intervention Framework, you are to create a 7 slide Power Point presentationThe Power Point presentation with your voice-over is to be submitted and no shorter than 5 minutes 30 seconds and no longer than 6 minutes 30 seconds.

The four components of the Bystander Intervention Framework are to be used as the basis of the PowerPoint presentation.


Case study

You are doing a clinical placement on a busy medical ward, and you are working with a Registered Nurse (RN). Both of you attend to Viraj (aged 38 years) who suffered a lumbar (L2) vertebral injury at the age of 16 years and is being admitted for investigation of chronic asthma. Viraj is seated in his wheelchair on arrival and is accompanied by his husband John. Viraj is able to self-manage his activities of daily living and communicate well in both English and Hindi as he is originally from India. Viraj’s husband John is an Australian.

The RN assumes that Viraj is unable to communicate for himself and talks only to John but assumes that John is a support worker who is in attendance for admission. Despite Viraj’s husband John very clearly explaining to the RN that he is Viraj’s husband, the RN does not speak directly to Viraj.

The RN turns to face John and makes the following comment, “Hello there – who do we have



here today? Thanks for bringing Viraj in for his admission. How long has he been sick for? Do you know? I have his chart here with me and just want to ask you some questions about his medical history if that’s OK? Who is his next of kin? Do we need to get an interpreter?”


After completing Viraj’s admission, you walk back to the nurse’s station with the RN. The RN turns to you and states “Don’t you think it’s weird that Viraj is married? He is disabled – who

would want to marry someone like that? And to an Aussie man? Weird! He will probably need some weird diet.”


Speak clearly in your voice-over for each slide that you will record as you talk about and answer the questions for each PowerPoint slide as background.


Slide 1 Title Slide

· List ONE of the culturally unsafe care points you have identified.

· Identify the type of bias that is being demonstrated.


· Your name and student number

· The name of the Degree you are studying i.e. Bachelor of Nursing

· The course name and the course code written on the title slide.

This slide is to be accompanied by a brief voice-over introduction of yourself and the presentation.

In your voice-over you are to explain how it is an episode of cultural unsafe care and what type of bias is being demonstrated.


Slide 2 Acknowledgment of Country

You are to include an Acknowledgment of Country. This Acknowledgment of Country is to reflect the Aboriginal Nation where you live so find the correct Aboriginal Nation name. Utilise the AIATSIS Map of Australia to assist: (Off-shore students to use the Aboriginal Nation name of the Toowoomba location).

The voice-over is to align with PPT content.


Slide 3 - Direct Intervention

Define the intervention. Identify 2 Bystander Training Interventions that you would undertake in this scenario. For each intervention provide, a). a brief written description and b). the verbal statement reflecting the written description.

A voice-over is to be recorded that aligns with PPT content.

In-text reference required (smaller font is permitted for in-text reference).


Slide 4 - Indirect Intervention

Define the intervention. Identify 2 Bystander Training Interventions that you would personally undertake as a student nurse. For each intervention provide, a). a brief written description and b). the verbal statement reflecting the written description. A voice-over is to be recorded that aligns with PPT content.

In-text reference required (smaller font is permitted for in-text reference).


Slide 5 - Distraction Intervention

Define the intervention. Identify 2 Bystander Training Interventions that you would personally undertake. For each intervention provide, a). a brief written description and b). the verbal statement reflecting the written description.

A voice-over is to be recorded that aligns with PPT content.

In-text reference required (smaller font is permitted for in-text reference).



Slide 6 - Protocol Intervention

Identify the NMBA Codes of Conduct that the identified culturally unsafe care is breaching. List a minimum of two (2) NMBA Codes and discuss how they are relevant to the episode of culturally unsafe care.

A voice-over is to be recorded that aligns with PPT content.

In-text reference required (smaller font is permitted for in-text reference).


Slide 7 - Reference Slide

Provide a Reference list applying the APA 7 Referencing system of the sources you have used in this assessment.

Writing Style

· Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines.

· Brief sentences or dot points are to be utilised on each slide that are the framework for your recorded voice-over explanation.

· Minimum of 4 references

· APA 7th Edition Referencing System - contemporary literature must be sourced (no more than 7--years old)

· Clear speech to voice-over (not video) for each slide

Formatting Style

· 7 Slides

· Verdana Font

· Font size: 24 points

· PowerPoint slide design of your choice

Resources available to complete taskUSQ academic writing is provided in links on the course Resources Tab. Referencing :


Submission information


What you need to submit

PowerPoint with audio recording no shorter than 5 mins 30 seconds and no longer that 6 minutes 30 seconds. Do not use Vector graphics/images within the PowerPoint. If 'SmartArt

Design' graphics are used, they will need to convert to 'Shapes' before submission.

Submission requirementsThis assessment must be submitted in electronic format as a PowerPoint with voice recording as part of the file. Your file size must not exceed 100MB.
File Name Conventions

Save your PowerPoint recording as ONLY a .pptx; or .pptm file with the following naming conventions: surname_initial_studentnumber_coursecode_A3

DO NOT submit other file types as they cannot go through Turnitin and will not be accepted.

ModerationAll staff assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement

Students should be familiar with, and abide by, USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity and the definition of Academic Misconduct . Penalties apply to student’s found to have breached these policies & procedures.

All standards of academic integrity, as set out in UniSQ policy and procedure, apply to this assessment. In particular, the use of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) text generator or paraphrasing tools without proper attribution and authorisation is plagiarism and could also amount to cheating. In NUR1203 authorisation is NOT given to use AI text generators or paraphrasing tools.


Assessment Policies & procedures

Late Submissions Penalty

Please refer to the link on late submission of assessment items and penalties applied – Late Submissions of Assignments:


MARKS LOST FOR LATE PENALTY 5% of the Mark awarded to the student, per Calendar Day late. Assessment items submitted more than ten (10) calendar days after the published due date without an approved extension, or more than ten (10) calendar days after the revised due date where an extension has been granted, will receive a mark of zero.


Note on Late submission & extensions: Applications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in accordance with the USQ Assessment procedure and the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure. Refer to the links on StudyDesk for copies of these procedures.


According to the BNSG Program Rule 4 - all assessment must be attempted to be eligible for a pass in the course.



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