MMM132 – Management Assignment help

MMM132 – Management – Trimester 2 2024

Individual Assignment – Final Portfolio Assessment (40 marks)

Instructions for students:

This assignment task constitutes the final assessment for the MMM132 unit and constitutes 40% of your total assessment in this unit. Note that there is NO HURDLE requirement for this assessment.

This assessment is open for 5 calendar days from 8AM AEDT on Monday 16 September 2024 of Week 12 to 5PM AEDT on Friday 20 September 2024 of Week 12. You can complete and submit the assignment at any time inside this period. 

  1. Extensions

Extensions can only be granted for exceptional and/or unavoidable circumstances outside of your control. Requests for extensions must be made before the due date using the Request for Extension of Assignment Due Date form. This form is to be used up until the day before the assessment is due - forms to be sent directly to the Unit Coordinator, Mitul Khan ( requests for extensions should be supported by appropriate evidence (e.g., a medical certificate in the case of ill health).

From the day the assessment is due onwards, students must submit the Special Consideration Request form if they require any extension.

IMPORTANT: Please be advised that being the final assessment task for the trimester, any request for extensions will impact the result finalization for the unit and timely release of results. Therefore, students who think they will be unable to submit by the above deadline are advised to apply promptly.Students who apply for and are given an Extension/Special Consideration to submit their assignment at a later date should please understand that they may be given atemporary “RW” (Result Withheld) grade for this unit at the time ofscheduled release of the results, as any extension to the submission deadlinewill lead to a delay in the processing of unit results for the concerned students.

Late submission penalties

If you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension or special consideration, 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each calendar day after the due date up to five days. Work submitted more than five days after the due date (5pm Wednesday 25 September 2024)will not be marked and will receive 0% for the task.

Assessment Task: This assignment comprises 3 parts. You are required to answer ALL parts.

Record all your answers in a single MS Word file and submit only in the designated submissions folder. 

Save your MS Word response document for submission using the file name: Deakin College student ID, unit code and the unit name, i.e. _MMM132. 

Please remember to save and back up your work regularly. It is important that you complete this task individually. Your submission will be reviewed via Turnitin for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to strengthen your skills further by reflecting on the management theories covered from Topic 1 and Topic 5 to Topic 10. 


Imagine you are applying for a first-line manager’s job at either Volkswagenor Woolworths.As part of the selection, you have been asked to complete the following parts:

  1. Part 1: Evaluating your roles for the chosen job
  2. Part 2: Preparing a LinkedIn profile showcasing your credentials 
  3. Part 3: Demonstrating your ability to identify a problem and propose solutions for your chosen organisation 

Part 1 (10 marks)

Imagine you are applying for a first line manager’s jobat either Volkswagen or Woolworths in 2024. 

  1. Choose a first-line manager job (see LO3 from Topic 1/Chapter 1) at your chosen organisation and explain and analyse the roles (see theories on managerial roles from Topic 1) you are likely to expect in this kind of job. Begin your research by reading Topic 1 / Chapter 1 (LO 3 and LO 4, pp. 5-12) of the text. 
  2. Next, explain and evaluate how your studies/experiences at Deakin College (or this could be in a job you may have/have had) could provide you with experiences relevant to those roles as a first-line manager job.

In your answer you must attempt to include:

  • essay format up to a maximum of 500-words (word count includes citations but not the reference list)
  • DEAR to define, explain, apply, analyse, and critically evaluate the ideas used in your response
  • one or more citations from the prescribed MMM132 textbook
  • one or more citations from a relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal article
  • one or more citations from a reputable source about your chosen organisation or their website
  • one or more directly quoted citations using APA7
  • one or more paraphrased citations using APA7
  • a reference list of all the sources used in this task using APA7

Part 2 (10 marks)

Having a LinkedIn profile is a good idea to search for employment, to connect with current and former colleagues and link to people you meet at networking events, conferences, and so on. Therefore, prepare a LinkedIn profile with the following information: 


  • Professional image
  • Full name
  • Description for the job you are looking for 


  • Why should the employer hire you?
  • What is your knowledge, experience, and passion?
  • What are your personal qualities?

Work Experience (put these in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest) 

  • Job title
  • Company
  • Duration of employment
  • Roles & responsibilities
  • Achievements


  • School/College/University
  • Qualification(s)


  • Skills you possess

Influencers, Companies & Academic Institutions

  • 2 LinkedIn Profile of influencers you like
  • 2 Companies
  • 2 Academic Institutions

Liking &commenting on 1 post on LinkedIn

  • Please like and comment 

Part 3 (20 marks)

Task 1: Problem Identification & Analysis (problem or something the company is doing well) (400 words, 10 marks)

  • Identify a management problem that your chosen company (either Volkswagen or Woolworths) is facing or a management concept the company is performing well and use appropriate management theories from Topic 5 to Topic 10 to discuss.
  • To know more about the relevant theories, begin your research by reading relevant topics/chapters of the textbook.
  • To find examples/practices in support of theories, research your chosen organisation’s website and/or any other non-academic sources such as news on the newspaper/magazine, online etc.
  • Use academic sources that support analysis of the problem or something the company is doing well. 

Task 2: Solutions or Key Learnings (400 words, 10 marks)

  • Discuss one action that your chosen company can take to solve the management problem identified above. However, if the company is doing something well then discuss what you have learnt from your chosen case.
  • Use appropriate management theories covered from Topic 5 to Topic 10 to support what you are saying.

In your answer you must attempt to include:

  • essay format up to a maximum of 800-words for Task 1 and Task 2 of this part 3(word count includes citations but not the reference list)
  • DEAR to define, explain, apply, analyse, and critically evaluate the ideas used in your response
  • one or more citations from the prescribed MMM132 textbook
  • one or more citations from a relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal article
  • one or more citations from a reputable source about your chosen organisation or their website
  • one or more directly quoted citations using APA7
  • one or more paraphrased citations using APA7
  • a reference list of all the sources used in this task using APA7

Report Format

Cover Page (not included in the word count)

Titleof the assignment 

Student name and IDnumber

Unit code and unitname

Class number and teacher’s name

Linkof yourLinkedIn Profile (make this public)

Part 1 (500 words)Response to Part 1+ Reference List
Part 2 (not included in the word count)Response to Part 2(take a screenshot of your LinkedIn profile, copy and paste in the word document; also provide the link of your LinkedIn profile; make sure the profile is made public)
Part 3 (800 words)Response to Part 3+ Reference List
Conclusion (included in the word count, approx. 200 words)Summary of what you learnt from doing this assignment.
Reference List (not included in the word count) 
  1. Submission Requirements

  • If a student submits an incorrect assignment and needs to upload again, the assessment with be treated as late submission with appropriate penalties. 
  • Submit this assignment one single MS Word document (not PDF or Pages). 
  • In response to Part 2, provide the link of LinkedIn profile together with the screenshot of your LinkedIn profile.
  • Line-spacing should be 1.5 except in the reference list which should be single spacing.
  • Include a footer on each page with the page number. 
  • Use APA7citing and referencing every time you cite information that is not an original thought.
  • Your submission will be penalised if you collude, co-author, plagiarise from others, or self-plagiarise. 
  • Do not resave or rename the saved copy after the submission date as you may need to submit your pre-due date backup copy if your assignment cannot be seen/read in the Deakin system. 
  • Keep a backup copy of both assignment submission confirmations until you see your grade.
  • Submit your assignment in the Assignment Dropbox site on or before the due date. Do not email the assignment to the teacher. When uploading your assignment, name your document using the following syntax: <your surname_your first name your Deakin College student ID number_[unitcode].doc (or ‘.docx’). For example, ‘Jones_Barry_123456789_ABC123.doc’. 
  • Submitting a hard copy of this assignment is not required. You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced you will need to submit your backup copy.
  • Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism and for authenticating work.

MMM132 ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT 3 Rubric (40 marks)

Performance Levels/Criteria 

(25% – 5 marks each criterion)

N (0-31.25%)

No/poor attempt

0 –12.5


N (30-49%)

Needs improvement



P (50-59%)


20 – 23.5


C (60-69%)


24 – 27.5


D (70-79%)

Very good

28 – 31.5


HD (80-100%)


32 - 40



Part 1:Using theories of Topic 1 explain and analyse the roles you would expect for this kind of job. Next, explain how your studies/experiences at Deakin College (or in a job you may have/have had) could provide you with the experiences relevant to applying for a job as a first-line manager.


(Max 10 marks)





Grading for each task


Overall, relevant theories and concepts are:

  • not evident
  • not applied







Does not include reference to text or academic journal article, or source(s) about chosen organisation.



Writing has many errors in: 

  • grammar
  • spelling 
  • English comprehension



Grading for each task



Overall, relevant theories and concepts are not clearly:

  • defined or explained  
  • applied





Includes reference to text or academic journal article, or source(s) about chosen organisation. 



Writing has meaning but errors in: 

  • grammar
  • spelling 
  • English comprehension
  • formatting errors
  • lacks effective paraphrasing



Grading for each task



Overall, relevant theories and concepts are satisfactorily:

  • defined and explained 
  • applied
  • contextualised



Includes reference to only 2 of text and/or relevant academic journal article(s), and/or source(s) about chosen organisation.



Writing has meaning but occasional errors in: 

  • grammar
  • spelling 
  • English comprehension
  • some paraphrasing



Grading for each task


Overall, relevant theories and concepts are clearly:

  • defined and explained 
  • applied
  • contextualised






Includes reference to text and relevant academic journal article(s), and source(s) about chosen organisation.



Writing has meaning with good: 

  • grammar
  • spelling 
  • English comprehension



Grading for each task



Overall, relevant theories and concepts are very well:

  • defined and explained 
  • applied
  • contextualised
  • analysed



Includes reference to text and very relevant academic journal article(s), and source(s) about chosen organisation.


Writing is clear and fluent. 


Ideas well paraphrased.




Grading for each task



Overall, relevant theories and concepts are comprehensively:

  • defined and explained 
  • applied
  • contextualised
  • analysed
  • critically evaluated


Includes reference to text and highly relevant academic journal article(s) and source(s) about chosen organisation.


Writing is skilled and meaningful with strong line of reasoning. 


Ideas well placed and paraphrased.




Part 3:Problem identification and analysis. Analysis of a management problem that chosen company (either Volkswagen or Woolworths) is facing or a management concept the company is performing well using management theories from Topics 5 to 10.


(Max 10 marks)




Part 3:Solutions. Discussions of action that chosen company can take to solve the problem identified above or discussions of key take away from the chosen caseusing management theories from Topics 5 to 10.


(Max 10 marks)





Part 2: LinkedIn Profile 


(Max 10 marks)




Poor attempt to follow the required structure. 





Somewhat follows the required structure. 




An attempt to follow the required structure. 




Good attempt to follow the required structure. 




Very good attempt to follow the required structure. 



Excellent use of the required structure. 



Example invalid form file feedback

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