MBR516 Strategic Management Issues for Research Projects Assignment Help




Assessment 4 Details and Submission Guidelines

Individual Task

SchoolSchool of Business
Course NameMaster of Business Research
Unit CodeMBR516
Unit TitleStrategic Management Issues for Research Projects
TrimesterT2- 2024
Assessment AuthorDr Kholoud Alkayid
Assessment TypeIndividual Presentation–In Class
Assessment Title"Strategic thinking approach critique and defence”
Unit Learning Outcomes Addressed:a. Understand the interplay between external factors and internal resources in strategic decision-making.
Total Marks20
Particulars10 Slides and 10 Minutes
Release DateWeek 8
Due DateWeek 12
Submission Guidelines
  • In-class presentation in week 3-4.
  • You must upload the PPTX via the Moodle submission link in week 3 before the assessment deadline.
  • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA 6th edition for

the School of Business. For guidance, See. https://library.mit.edu.au/referencing/APA

ExtensionIf an extension of time to submit work is required, an Application for Special Consideration and supporting documentation must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer via your MIT AMS login: https://online.mit.edu.au/ams. You must submit this application no later than three working days after the due date of the specific piece of assessment or the examination for which you are seeking Special Consideration.
Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct, including the use of GenAI/ChatGPT, is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree.  Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at http://www.mit.edu.au/about-mit/institute- publications/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/Plagiarism- Academic-MisconductPolicy-Procedure. For further information, please refer to  the Academic Integrity  Section  in your Unit





Assessment Cover Sheet


Student ID Number/s:Student Surname/s:Given name/s:
Unit code:Unit title:
Due date:Date submitted:Campus:



Student Declaration I/We declare that:

  1. The work contained in this assignment is my/our own work/group work, except where acknowledgement of sources is made.
  2. Certify that this assessment has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course.
  3. I/we have read MIT's Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy Procedure, and I/we understand.

The consequences of engaging in plagiarism, collusion, and Contract Cheating.

  1. A copy of the original assignment is retained by me/us, and I/we may be required to submit the original assignment to the Lecturer and Unit Co-ordinator upon request.

I/we have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in unauthorised collaboration (collusion) or Contract Cheating when preparing this assignment.

MIT IDSignatureDate



Assessment Task Instructions



Prepare a PowerPoint presentation


Individual presentation on the "strategic thinking approach critique and defense," here’s a structured

outline you can use to develop your presentation:


Slide 1: Introduction

Objective: Introduce the purpose of your presentation. Briefly describe what strategic thinking is.

State the strategic thinking approach you will be critiquing.


Mention that you will provide both a critique and a defence of this approach. Slide 2: Overview of the Strategic Thinking Approach


Provide a detailed explanation of the selected strategic thinking approach. Explain its origins, key components, and how it is applied in real-world scenarios. Use visuals or diagrams to illustrate the model/approach.


Slide 3: Importance in Strategic Management Content:

Discuss why this approach is significant in the field of strategic management.

Explain how it helps organsations navigate complex environments and make strategic decisions. Provide examples of organsations that have successfully implemented this approach.


Slide 4: Critique of the Strategic Thinking Approach Content:

Analyse the limitations and challenges of this approach. Discuss any gaps or weaknesses identified in its application.

Provide examples or case studies where this approach may have fallen short.


Slide 5: Defence of the Strategic Thinking Approach Content:

Highlight the strengths and advantages of this approach. Discuss situations where this approach is particularly effective.

Use examples or case studies to demonstrate successful applications. Slide 6: Comparative Analysis


Compare this strategic thinking approach with other popular approaches.

Discuss how it differs in terms of application, outcomes, and suitability for various organizational contexts.

Slide 7: Application in Your Research Content:

Explain how you plan to apply this strategic thinking approach in your research project. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges you anticipate in using this approach.

Mention any adaptations you might consider to better fit your research context.


Slide 8: Conclusion Content:

Summarise the key points discussed in your presentation.

Reiterate the importance of strategic thinking in achieving organisational success.

End with a strong statement on why your chosen approach is valuable despite its critiques. Slide 9: Q&A


Open the floor for questions and discussions.

Be prepared to defend your critique and the strategic thinking approach you’ve discussed.

Slide 10: References Content:

List all the academic sources, books, and articles you referenced during your presentation. Use APA style for your citations.

Using Technology for Assessment


RationaleActivitiesTechnological tools selected
  • reflection on learning
  • feedback on performance
  • practice of critical thinking
  • teamwork
  • check for plagiarism.
  • problem-based learning
  • collaborative writing
  • an online forum on Moodle
  • Turnitin and AI matching rates


Assessment Instructions


  • The title slide and reference slide are not included in the 10-slide count.
  • Identify, use, and reflect on relevant theories, and cite and reference those using APA style.
  • The Turnitin matching rate should be less than 10%, and the AI matching rate should be 0%.
  • Coping from other sources, including ChatGPT or similar, will not be acceptable, and a plagiarism case may be filed as per the MIT policy.
  • When preparing assessments, please write them professionally and in an appropriate structure, with headings and subheadings as appropriate.

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