MBIS5009 Business Analytics Assignment Help

Assessment TypeGroup Project 



Assessment WeightingGroups 40% 
Alignment with Unit and CourseUnit Learning OutcomesGraduateAttributes Assessed

ULO02:Analyze and reflecton the application of different Business Analytics techniques in business scenarios.

ULO03: Use Business Analytics approaches to findtrendsand patterns in data from which to form a sustainable competitive advantage.

ULO04: Examine the features of various BusinessAnalyticssoftwareanddrawinsights from their application in business situations.

  1. Communication: Theability tocommunicate persuasively, both orally and in writing, with a diverse range of audiences.
  2. Collaboration: The ability to build and manageteams,andtoliaiseandco-operate with stakeholders successfully.
  3. Research:Theabilitytoconductand evaluate project.
  4. Critical thinking & problem solving: The ability to pro-actively identify and solve problemscreativelyandinastructuredand methodical way.

    6.Flexibility:Theabilitytocriticallyassess,evaluate and synthesize alternatives.

    8.Self-sustainedlearning:Theabilitytoconduct future self-sustained learning through




ReportdueWeek12(Friday)viaMoodleTurnitin5:00pm(AEST)Part A Written Report (20%) and Part B Group Presentation (15%).

Assessment Description


The group report should be at least 2,500 words. Students should apply advanced business analytics on a chosen dataset. They are expected to apply a combination of business analytic techniquestotellthestorybehindthedatasetandtoprovidemeaningfulinsightsderivedfromthe dataset. Moreover, this could also contribute to more informed discussions making and an increase in the organization’s business value.


The groups should answer the following questions:

  1. Determine the background and purpose of the dataset.
  2. Analyze the dataset and apply different Business Analyticstechniquestogain insights from the data.
  3. Determine trends and patterns in thedatawherebytheorganizationwouldbeableto benefit through data driven decisions and improved business value.
  4. To apply Business Analytics tools and draw insights from their applicationina business context over time.


Each group should obtain permission from theunitcoordinatorastowhichdatasettheyshoulduse and they should also discuss the type of business analytic technique that they

would like to apply for this assessment.Notwo groupshouldusethesamedatasetandthe


dataset should have at least3000records.Therearemanypubliclyavailabledatasets that students can evaluateand analyzeforthisassessmentsuchas Yahoo WebscopeandSQLBELLE.Studentscan also use search engines such as Google dataset search.


The group report shouldbeabusinessreportsomethingthatcanbepresentedtomanagement of an organization. Students should apply a combination of business analytic techniques for this assessment, and it should not be limited to the following approaches:

  • Descriptivestatistics
  • Multiple LinearRegressionandtimeseriesforecasting
  • Predictiveanalyticsandclusteranalysis
  • Naturallanguageprocessing,socialmediaanalyticsandsentimentalanalysis


You areencouragedtoattendtheworkshoponReferencingandResearchPractice organizedwith theAcademicSuccessTeam(AST).Youmayalsoscheduleaone-on-oneworkshopwiththeASTby emailing academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au.


Thestructureoftheprojectisa2500-wordreport,the contents of which are detailed below. It is the report thatrequiressubmittingasthefinishedpieceofworkandthiswillbemarkedbasedon the rubric provided on page 5. Ad hoc work in whatever form will not be marked if submitted.

The word count is 2500 words. This is subject to plus or minus 10%. The word count does not include the title page, the table of contents, executive summary, the list of references or any appendices.However,please note that appendices should be used for supplementary information only: they will NOT be considered for marking.


The report content will comprise of the following sections:

Title page:this must contain the title of the report and your names,unit name,unit number and date of submission.

Table of contents(TOC):ideally,but not necessarily, constructed using the hyperlink functions in Word. Lists of figures and tables are not required.

Executive summary: an executive summary provides an overview of the ENTIRE report.It is NOT an introduction section. It is NOT a background section. The purpose of an executive summary is to provide an understanding of the document without having to read the complete report. Ideally, half to one page in length(but no longer),the executive summary will contain a summary sentence or two on each section of the report. Do not use headings or titles in the executive summary; it should be written in essay narrative format and read seamlessly.

Introduction:the introduction informs the reader of the aims and methods applied in the project.It also defines the scope of the project (what is included and what is not).

Background: a background informs that reader of the context to the project. It is easy to ‘go overboard’ with this section and consume much word count;one page is all that’s needed to set the scene for the project.

Methodology: This section highlights the methodologies applied to your given case. You need to clearly state a reason as to why they used that technique and provide supporting references especially if the technique is relevant for that industry.

Results: In this section, students will provide the results of their analyses. The results need to be provided in a logical sequence to ensure that the document is coherent and well synthesized.The results need to clearly show the application of the techniques covered in this unit and that the relevant assumptions in terms of the data have been given due considerations.

Key Findings:The findings of the analyses will be explained in this section.You are expected to be elaborate and to provide an in-depth explanation of the results and why they




support or don’t support the results of the analyses.You need to providethenecessaryreference

to support any claims to ensure that the findings are supported by othersinthatfield.

Recommendations: The recommendation highlights any key findings from theanalysesthatis informed by thefindings. Recommendation sections areusually conciseand provide practical advice on areas that needs to be addressed.

Conclusions:Through logical reasoning, this section should summarize howtheprojectobjectives have been achieved using appropriate business analytics tools and techniques.

List of references: this should be formatted in Harvard style.


It is also vital that your work is guided by the marking rubric.


Research expectation:

  • The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
  • Credible sources should be varied and include,but not limited to,the Text book, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles.
  • Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance.
Detailed Submission Requirements
  • Use Harvard referencing including the reference list
  • All students must submit the peer evaluation via relevant Moodle link beforethe assessment due date
  • YoumustsubmittheassessmentthroughtheAssessment4PartAGroupReportand Assessment 4 Part B Group Presentation Turnitin link on the Moodle page for this unit
  • The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle.
  • Turnitin is plagiarism software,which will identify if you have copied information and included it in your assessment.
  • Copying information from others(i.e.websites,partner company information,or other students etc.) without acknowledging the author is classified as misconduct.
  • Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment is classified as misconduct.
  • To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning supportcoordinator  (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it).
  • The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website  (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/).
  • Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle.

    Note:Generative AI tools(like Chat GPT)can only be used for learning purposes. Penalties may apply for academic misconduct.


Late Submission
  • Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late.
  • Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5%per day (or part thereof) of thetotal marks available for the assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends.Assignmentssubmittedlaterthanone(1)weekaftertheduedatewillnotbe accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process.
Special consideration


  • Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated tothe student'sperformanceinacomponentoftheassessment,orwhenitisconsiderednotto be serious.
  • Studentsapplyingforspecialconsiderationmustsubmittheformwithin3daysofthe due date of the assessment item or exam.
  • TheformcanbeobtainedfromtheAIHwebsite(https://aih.nsw.edu.au/current-students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception.
  • The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on
  • (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/).



MBIS5009Business Analytics

Assessment4–Group Report- Marking Rubric


RubricsCriteriaMarking Criteria
 ResearchResources are relevant andResourcesaremostlyResourcesareappropriateOneresourceis relevantNoresourceswere
 (10marks)fully appropriate andrelevantandappropriateandanddemonstratesgoodanddemonstratesobtained,orresources
ULO02:Analyze and reflect on the application of different Business Analytics demonstrates excellent research skills.demonstratesverygood research skills.researchskills.averageresearchskills.arenotrelevant.No research skills demonstrated.
techniques in      
business scenarios.      


ULO03: Use Business Analytics approaches to find trends and patterns in data

from which to forma

Introduction and Background

(10 marks)

Demonstrated excellent understanding of topic and written structure.Demonstratedverygood understandingoftopicand writtenstructure.Demonstratedgood understandingoftopicand writtenstructure.Demonstratedsatisfactoryunderstandingoftopic andwritten structure.Demonstratedsufficient understandingoftopicor written structure/ or has not been submitted or is notrelevanttothe topic.
sustainable competitive      

ULO04: Examine the features of various Business Analytics software and draw insights from their

application in business

Body(Results,Analyses, Conclusion&Recommendation)

20 marks)

All of the criteria have been very comprehensively covered,demonstrating excellentunderstandingof thetopic.

Allofthecriteriahavebeen comprehensively covered, demonstrating verygood understandingofthetopic.



All of the criteria have been satisfactorily covered,demonstrating goodunderstandingofthe topic.Mostofthecriteriahave beencovered, demonstratingaverage understanding of the topic.Criteria has been unsatisfactorilycovered or not at all, demonstratinginsufficient understanding of the topic.

Written style is accurate and appropriate.



Accurate word count.


Wordcount approximatelywithinrange.




Wordcountslightlyover or under.

Written style is very limitedwithmanyerrors.


Wordcountevidently over or under.

Written style is not appropriateorfulloferrors.


Wordcountnotadhered to.



 Referencing(5marks)Harvard referencing is accurate and complete.Harvard referencing is accurate and mostly complete.Harvard referencing is satisfactory.Harvard referencing style is followed with errors.Harvardreferencingisfull of errors, or not attempted.




Weight: 15% for the Group Presentation

Students are expected to create and present a12-15 minute overview of the findings from their Team Report.



Student IDs:




Assessment Criteria:



Presentation Stylee.g.,clarity,engagement/20
Team participation/10
 Out 15%
General Comments:


Example invalid form file feedback

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