MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Assessment 3 Help


MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Assessment 3


Assessment 3 Information



Subject Code:MBA502
Subject Name:Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity
Assessment Title:Company Diversity Award Presentation
Assessment Type:Video and PowerPoint Slides
Word Count:5–7 minutes
Total Marks:40
Due Date:Tuesday 11.55pmWeek 13



Your Task

The Australian HR Institute (AHRI) is a professional organisation designed to be a guardian of professional excellence, provides a number of professional certificates and promotes sustainable business models. The AHRI also hosts the annual awards for excellence in Human Resources including the Workplace Diversity Awards. For this assessment, students will choose a company (the word ‘company’ is used here broadly and can stand for a company, a business or an institution) from the winners of the 2023 Australian HR Institute (AHRI) diversity-related awards and produce a 5–7-minute video and accompanying PowerPoint presentation outlining and analysing the company's diversity- related strategies.


Assessment Description

The link below is where students can find more information about the AHRI Diversity and Inclusion Awards:


Students must choose one company from the Workplace Diversity Awards 2023 winners. For this assessment, students are to address the following questions:

  1. Company context and choice of a diversity group.

In this first section, students should provide a short overview of the company. As part of this overview, students should explain why this particular diversity group was identified as the company's focus and how it connects with theories discussed in Weeks 10-12.


  1. Details a minimum of two (2) specific initiatives

Students should detail two initiatives implemented by the company to address the disadvantages faced by their nominated group.


  1. Analysis of the overall company's approach to their diversity category

In this last section, students are to explain how the company was successful in addressing the organisational and leadership related diversity challenges they faced.



LO1:Analyse the key features of emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence, as well as one’s own strengths and weaknesses in relation to EI / CI.
LO2:Apply the concepts of emotional and cultural intelligence to the modern workplace, and the implications for leadership, teamsand for transforming organisational cultures.


Assessment Instructions


Students should include a minimum of five (5) references on the PowerPoint slides (7 to 9 slides) to support the content of the presentation:


  • Three of these five references must refer to relevant academic theories that have been covered in Weeks 10-12.
  • The remaining two or more references can come from contemporary business articles, news items and/or comparison websites.


Please refer to the Assessment Marking Rubric to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.



How to submit.


The PowerPoint slides should be embedded into the video. Therefore, students submit one video via MyKBS, using Kaltura.


Important Study Information


Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy


KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.


Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions:


  • What is academic integrity and misconduct?
  • What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
  • How can I appeal my grade?




Late submission of assignments (within the Assessment Policy)

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Length Limits for Assessments

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.



Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Further details can be accessed at


Generative AITraffic Lights



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