Youmust reference allthesourcesof informationyou have used inyour assessments. Please use the IEEE referencing style in your assessments in this unit. Refer to the library’s referencing guides for more information.
Academic misconduct
VIT enforces that the integrity of its students’ academic studies follows an acceptable level of excellence.VITwilladheretoitsVITPolicies,ProceduresandForms,whichexplaintheimportanceof staff and student honesty about academic work. It outlines the behaviours that are "academic misconduct", including plagiarism.
In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through VIT Policies,Procedures and Forms, late submission of assessments will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be applied as soon as the deadline is reached.
Students wishing to request Special Consideration for an assessment the due date of which has not yet passed must engage in written emails to the teaching team to Request Special Consideration as earlyaspossibleandbeforethestarttimeoftheassessmentduedate,alongwithanyaccompanying documents, such as medical certificates.
Reasonable adjustments in assessment methods will be made to accommodate students with a documented disability or impairment. Contact the unit teaching team for more information.
Contract cheating usually involves the purchase of an assignment or piece of research from another party.Thismay be facilitated by afellow student orfriendorpurchasedonawebsite. Other forms of contract cheating include paying another person to sit an exam in the student's place.
Grade | Percentage |
A | 80%– 100% |
B | 70%–79% |
C | 60%–69% |
D | 50%–59% |
F | 0%–49% |
Assessment 2 : Research Report
Weight | Length | Due date | ULO |
20% | 1000-1500 | Week7 | ULO2 |
Inthis assessmentstudentsare requiredto researchonanarticleinITnetworkingandcommunication.Theresearchneedstobegearedtowards the transmission fundamentals with focus on the networking and communication, analysing the performance of networks. The assessment is aimed to improve the student’s investigation and analysis skills.
In this assessment you are required to prepare a 1000-1500 words abstract in IEEE Style. To prepare the abstract you need to select an article published in 2020 and later. The selected article needs to include networking and communication. The article needs to be on one of the areas given below.
All submissions areto be submittedthroughTurnitin.Drop-boxeslinkedto Turnitinwill be set upinMoodle. Assessments notsubmittedthrough these drop- boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the end of session 6 Sunday 11:59PM.
The Turnitin similarity score will be used in determine any plagiarism of your submitted assessment. Turnitin will check conference websites, Journal articles, online resources, and your peer’s submissions for plagiarism. You can see your Turnitin similarity score when you submit your assessments to the appropriate drop-box. If your similarity score is of concern, you will have a chance to change your assessment and resubmit. However,re-submissionisonlyallowedpriortothesubmissionduedateandtime.AftertheduedateandtimehaveelapsedVIT’slatesubmission penalty applies.
PleaseNote:Allworkisduebythedue dateandtime.Latesubmissionswillbe penalizedattherateof20%oftheassessmentfinalgrade perday including weekends.
Task | Description | Marks |
ReportLayout | The report layout, language and structure should be appropriate. The report should include title, table of contents, tableoffigures,sectionsandsubsectionsheadingandnumbering,figuresandtablesnumbers,citingtables,figuresand referencesinthebodytext.ReferencesectiontoaddthereferencesintheIEEEformat. | 2 |
Abstract | Includethestep-by-stepexplanationofconfigurationandtherelatedprotocolsandtechnologies | 2 |
Introduction | Thissectionshouldprovideabriefsummaryofthetopicandpaper,theoutlineoftheassessmentandthefollowing sections. | 2 |
LiteratureReview | Youshouldperformaliteraturesurveyontheselectedarticle.Theliteraturesurvey shouldincludeatleast5research papers published by 2020. | 6 |
Evaluate | Basedontheavailableliterature,identifyandevaluatetheperformanceofwirelesscommunicationnetworks. | 4 |
Conclusion | Summaryofthereport. | 2 |
References | FollowtheIEEEStyle | 2 |
Marking criteria/Rubric
Assessmentcriteria | Exceptional>=80% | Admirable70%–79% | Creditable60%-69% | Acceptable50%-59% | Unsatisfactory<=49% |
C1.ReportLayout 2points | Extremely well structured and organizedreport;useof professional language; report template has been followed | Well-structured and organizedreport;use of professional language; report template has been followed | Structured and organised report; use of language is appropriate;template has been followed | Structured and organisedreport;use of language couldbe improved; template has been followed partially | Choppyandconfusing; format was difficult to follow; languageneedstobe proofread plenty of errors; template has notbeen used |
C2.Abstract 2points | Theabstractprovidesan insightofthearticle;the abstract is crisp; written extremely well | The abstract provides an insight of the article; the abstract is crisp;writtenverywell | Theabstractprovides an insight of the article; written well | The abstract provides aninsightofthearticle | The abstract is vague anddifficulttofollow; the abstract is not written well at all |
C3.Introduction 2points | Theintroductioniswell roundedandprovidesa brief descriptionof the assessment; the introduction sets an excellent flow for the report | The introduction provides a brief description of the assessment; the introductionsetsa good flow for the report | The introduction provides a brief description of the assessment; the introductionsetsthe flow for the report | Theintroductioncould relate more to the assessment | The introduction does not relate to the assessment and does notsettheflowforthe assessment |
C4.LiteratureReview 6points | The literature review provides an in-depth analysisof5published articles/conference papersinthearea;the literature review is extremelywellwritten | The literature review provides an in-depth analysis of 5 published articles/conference papers inthearea; the literaturereviewiswell written and | The literature review provides an in-depth analysis of the publishedliteraturein thearea;theliterature provides an insight of thearea | The literature review providesananalysisof the published literature | The literature review lacksdepthanddetail; the literature review fails to provide a critique |
andprovidesaclear insight of the area | providesaclearinsight of the area | ||||
C5.Evaluate 4points | Thesectionprovidesan excellent evaluation of the performance; a well-roundedevaluation against the existing techniques | Thesectionprovidesa goodevaluationofthe performance; a good evaluationagainstthe existing techniques | Thesectionprovidesa goodevaluationofthe performance; an evaluationagainstthe existing techniques | Anevaluationofthe performance is somewhatprovided | The evaluationofthe performance has not beencarriedout;very little analysis is provided |
C6.Conclusion 2points | Providedanexcellent summary of the assessment,covering all aspects of the assessment | Provided a good summary of the assessment,covering most aspects of the assessment | Provided a summaryof the assessment; somewhatcoveredthe aspects of the assessment | Providedasummaryof the assessment. | Theconclusionsfailed to summarise the assessment |
C7.References 2points | Thereferencesfollowed IEEE Style; the references were cited and complete | The references followedIEEEStyle; mostthereferences were cited and complete | Most references followed IEEE Style; someofthereferences were cited and complete | Most references followedIEEEStyle;the references were not cited | Thereferencesdidnot follow IEEE Style and were not cited and incomplete |
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