Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines | |
Trimester | |
UnitCode | HI6050 |
UnitTitle | ContemporaryWorkplaceProject |
AssessmentType | GroupAssignment |
DueDate+ time: | MultipleAssignments(seeBlackboardforduedates) |
Purpose of the assessment(withULO Mapping) | |
Weight | MultipleAssignments(seebelowforassignmentweight) |
TotalMarks | MultipleAssignments(seebelowfordistributionofmarks) |
Wordlimit | MultipleAssignments(seebelowforwordlimit) |
SubmissionGuidelines |
AcademicIntegrity Information | Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academicintegrity and consult your teacherswith anyquestions. Violating academic integrityisseriousandpunishablebypenaltiesthatrangefromdeductionofmarks, failure ofthe assessment task or unit involved, suspensionofcourseenrolment,or cancellation of course enrolment. |
Penalties |
This unit does not have a Final Exam but is based on your semester work and a final presentation or demonstration of your research/solution to be arranged at the end of the semester.
The project can generally take one of two forms. It can either be a research project or an IS project conductedoveronesemester.Themaindifferencebetweenthetwoformsliesintheoutcomes.While a research project will typically make a theoretical contribution (e.g. guidelines, best practice or recommendations), an IS project will produce an IT artefact (e.g. software, mobile APP or an online tool). Students who choose to do an IS project, will be expected to develop a working prototype of a smalltomedium system.The systemwillinitially be describedby asmallprojectdescription,andthe group will need to determine the requirements by studying the descriptions of other similar systems using search tools. Students need to confirm their choice with the Unit Coordinator before startingtheir project.
AssessmentComponent | Weighting |
ResearchProposal | 25% |
ResearchReport | 45% |
Presentation\Demonstration | 30% |
WhetheryouareundertakingaresearchprojectoranISproject,stepsarelargelythesamewithsmall variationsasdescribedlaterinthisdocument.Thereareanumberofmilestonesandeachoneofthem willformadeliverablerelatedtotheprojectandcontributetowardsyourfinalgrade.Thedeliverables along with timeline are outlined in Table 1 below.
Component | Deliverable | Deliverable Weight | Week |
UnitIntroduction | N/A | N/A | 1 |
Topicandgroupselection | N/A | N/A | 2 |
ResearchProposal | 25.00 | ||
ResearchBackground | Projecttitle,abstract, introduction,problem background, problem statement | 07.50(30%) | 3 |
ResearchQuestion&Methods | Research objectives, research question, project scope, researchmethods | 07.50(30%) | 4 |
ResearchPlan | Preliminaryresults\proposed solution, project timeline, conclusion,references | 07.50(30%) | 5 |
Overallorganisation&writing | 02.50(10%) | 5 | |
Fullsubmission | Proposal | 6 | |
ResearchReport | 45.00 | ||
ResearchContext | Projecttitle,abstract, introduction | 09.00(20%) | 6 |
ResearchMethods | Researchmethods | 09.00(20%) | 7 |
LiteratureReview | Literaturereview | 11.25(25%) | 8 |
Literaturereview | 9 | ||
ResearchFindings\Solution | Results,discussion,conclusion, references | 11.25(25%) | 10 |
Overallorganisation&writing | 04.50(10%) | 10 | |
Fullsubmission | Finalreport | 11 | |
Presentation\Demonstration | 30.00 | ||
Presentation\Demonstration | 12 |
As this is the final capstone unit for the master’s qualification, students will be required to work in project groups and draw on the skills and knowledge acquired throughout their studies in both the coreandelectiveunits.GroupscaneitherdoaresearchprojectoranISproject.Forresearchprojects, each group will be required to choose from a number of topics, each offering a similar level of complexity,oralternativelythegroupcouldchoosetheirownwithapprovalfromtheUnitCoordinator. Each topic will be described by a short informationalparagraph, with examples for possible research questionsprovided.Whilemostresearchprojectswillutiliseaqualitativesystematicreviewapproach tocollectdata,studentshavetheoptiontocollectdatafromthefield,usinginterviews,focusgroups, casestudiesorothermethodsuponapprovalbytheUnitCoordinator.ForISprojects,eachgroupwill be requiredtowork onapracticalproject, identify systemrequirements andproduce a fully-working prototype of their solution. As part of the IS project experience, groups are expected to self-manage anddeviseaworkingsolutiontotheirproblem,includingdeterminingrequirements,thelanguageand platform to be used, and to overcome technical difficulties encountered. For both research projects and IS projects, the students will need to choose a topic within their area of specialisation.
Projectgroupsarerequiredtomeetonceperweekthroughoutthesemesteranddiscussprogresswith theirprojectsupervisor.Frequentnon-attendanceatthesemeetingsmayaffectanindividual’sgrade. Itisenvisagedthateachmemberofthegroupwillreceivethesamegrade,unlessanindividual’sgrade is affected by other circumstances (e.g. missing the final presentation). During the weekly meetings, group members are encouraged to discuss any difficulties with their supervisor, and while the supervisor may not solve the problems for the group, they will offer advice and guidance.
Below is a brief explanation of each of the deliverables in this unit. The requirements for most assessments are similar for research projects and IS projects, with some variations on research proposal, research report and presentation/demonstration as outlined below.
Theresearchteamwilldevelopacompleteproposalintheirchosenareaofresearchincludingresearch question(s), problem statement, research methods and research plan. While topic areas will be providedbytheUnitCoordinator, itistheresponsibilityofthestudentstodeterminetheproblem to besolved.Allteammembersmustbeactivelyinvolvedinwritingoftheproposal.Aresearchproposal consists of the following sections:
Research title is the first piece of information read by the audience. You need to carefully think of a research title, that is truly and concisely reflective of what your project is all about.
An abstract is a carefully written single paragraph which succinctly describes the background and research problem that is being investigated, research methods and initial findings. Although the abstract appears at the beginning of your proposal, it is typically the last section to be written.
Brieflyintroduceyourareaofresearch,problemtobesolved,significanceoftheproblemandhoware you going to solve it.
Providefurtherbackgroundinformationontheproblemtobesolved.Youshouldcitemultiplesources from the literature to build-up the narrative surrounding the problem and significance of your research.
Succinctly describe the objective(s) of your research project in bullet-points. The objectives would typically include the identification of key issues surrounding a phenomenon and finding a solution to the issues.
Theresearchquestionliesattheheartofyourresearchproject.Thequestionstemsfromtheresearch problemyoudefinedearlierandcorrespondstoyourobjectives.Yourquestionshouldbewell-defined andanswerablewithinproject’stimeframe.Forthepurposeofthisproject,youshoulddefineasingle research question.
Make a clear statement(s) on what is (or is not) part of your project to draw its boundaries. Provide justification for your statement(s).
Explainwhatresearchmethodswillbeusedinyourproject,rationalebehindusingthechosenmethod, why other methods have been excluded.
Outlines any ethical issues that may arise as a result of the conduct of your project, and explain how these issues while be addressed in your research. Note that, for any project that involves data collection from humans, aresearchethics application to Holmes’ research ethicscommitteemust be lodged prior to any data collection taking place.
Forthosedoingaresearchproject,ifthereareanypreliminaryresultsorobservationsacquiredfrom the initial review of literature, provide them in this section.
For those doing an IS project, please provide a description of your proposed solution, how are you goingtodevelopitandhowwillitsolvetheproblem.Yoursolutioncanbeasoftwaresystem,mobile app or online tool etc.
Develop a plan for your research, which includes milestones and timeline for deliverables. You may want to use a Gantt Chart in week intervals.
Provide a list of references you cited in your document. Use Holmes’s Adapted Harvard Referencing style. Make sure that every cited reference is listed the reference list and vice versa. Also make surethat every cited reference is REAL (i.e. the citation can be traced back to its actual source). Fake referencing is treated as an academic misconduct.
Thefullproposalisadocumentthatcontainsyourentireproposalfortheresearchtobeundertaken. These documents are normally required by academic departments before students are admitted to undertake research degrees such as amaster’s research degreeor aPhD.This document will contain all components of the research proposal you worked on in the previous weeks, including research background, research questions and methods and project plan. References that were used in the proposal must be properly cited and listed.
Make sure that your proposal is free from grammatical and formattingerrors; descriptions are clear, concise and easy to follow; and use appropriate technical and non-technical descriptions as appropriate. Your proposal must be logical, succinct and must cover all the components discussed above (title, abstract, introduction, etc.).
The Research Report provides detailed information on the conduct of research, research methods, literature review, and analysis and interpretation of results. Students doing a research project will producebestpracticeorrecommendationsinrelationtotheirresearchproblem,whilestudentsdoing anISprojectwilldeliver anddescribe aworkingsolution. AResearchReport consists ofthe following sections:
A research abstract is a succinct summaryof your entire project. Your final reportshouldcontainthe full abstract. This is an extension of the initial abstract submitted with the research proposal and summarises the report including problem background, research methods, findings and implications.
Theabstractistypicallywrittentowardstheendoftheprojectwhentheoutcomesareclear.Length: 100-250 words.
Thisisafullintroductiontoyourresearch.Anintroductionwouldnormallycontainsomebackground informationontheareaofresearch,backgroundinformationontheproblemtobesolved,significance of the problem, your approach to solve the problem, any assumptions or limitations as well as any possible ethical considerations. Research question, scope and an overview of research approach should also be included. You can use the information provided in your research proposal to build-up the introduction.
Inthissectionyouclearlyoutlinewhatmethodologyyouwilluseinyourresearchi.e.whatyouintend to do and how you intend to do it. It must be clearly written so that it will be easy for another researcher to duplicate your research should they wish. Most researchers will use one or more of a numberofwell-documentedandacceptablemethodsunderstoodbytheresearchcommunity.Forthe purposeofthisproject,moststudentswilluseaqualitativeapproach(systematicliteraturereview)to answertheirresearchquestion.OtherresearchmethodsmaybeapprovedbytheUnitCoordinator if well-justified.
In the research methods section, you should also outline any ethical issues that may arise as a result oftheconductofyourproject,andexplainhowtheseissueswhilebeaddressedinyourresearch.Note that, for any project that involves data collection from humans, a research ethics application to Holmes’ research ethics committee must be lodged prior to any data collection taking place.
Theliteraturereviewgivesthereader(andtheexaminer)thenecessarybackgroundtounderstandthe studybycitingtheinvestigationsandfindingsofpreviousresearchersanddocumentstheresearcher's knowledge and preparation to investigate the problem. Studying the existing literature is one of the essentialpreliminary taskswhenyouundertake aresearchstudy.Thisenablesyouto acquaint yourself withtheavailablebodyofknowledgeinyourspecificareaofresearch.Apartfromacquaintingyourself
withexistingknowledge,inthisproject,youwilluse literaturereview as amethodofinvestigationto arrive at answers to your research question.
For those doing a research project, report on the results of your study in this section. Your findings must be reported with no bias or interpretation. Interpretation of results occur in the discussion section. Avoid including outcomes that are irrelevant to answering your research question.
For those doing an IS project, provide sufficient details on your proposed solution. How did you develop the solution, how does it work and how does it solve the problem?
Forthosedoing aresearchproject,provideinterpretationsofyourresultswithsupportiveargument. Placeyourresultsinthecontextoftheexistingknowledgeandanswerquestionssuchas:whatdoyour resultsaddtothebodyofknowledge,howsignificantyourfindingsare,whatarekeytakealwaysfrom the study, any recommendations and how can future research build on your results.
ForthosedoinganISproject,provideanin-depthanalysisonhowefficientyoursolutioninsolvingthe problem, how does it stack to other solutions in the market and what do you propose for it to be actually utilised and put to use. Significance of your solution must be justified.
Provide a complete listofallreferences citedwithinthe text. Youmust use Holmes AdaptedHarvard Referencingstyle.Makesurethateverycitedreferenceislistedthereferencelistandviceversa.AlsomakesurethateverycitedreferenceisREAL (i.e.thecitationcanbetracedbacktoitsactualsource). Fake referencing is treated as academic misconduct.
Incorporateallyourpreviousworkintoonecohesivedocumentandsubmitbytheduedateandtime. YoursubmissionmustincludetheFullAbstract,Introduction,Methodology,LiteratureReview,Results or Solution, Discussion & Conclusion in one document. Here you have a chance to take onboard any comments previously given by the instructor and make corrections.
Make sure that your proposal is free from grammatical and formattingerrors; descriptions are clear, concise and easy to follow; and use appropriate technical and non-technical descriptions as appropriate. Your proposal must be logical, succinct and must cover all the components discussed above (title, abstract, introduction, etc.).
For this component you will be required to give a 20-minute presentation (research projects) and demonstration(ISprojects)onthefunctionalityofyourprototype,orreportonyourresearchproject and findings as well as the results ofyour analysis. You will also be required to answer any questions from theaudience.The presentationswillbe conductedinasymposium type settingafter the endof the semester. You must submit your presentation slides by the deadline. You will be graded on your presentation, demonstration of technical skills and ability to answer any questions put to you. There will be a panel of academic staff grading the presentation and demonstration.
During the demonstration, it’s possible you might be asked to further demonstrate certain functionality of your solution by adding records, performing tasks and observing the results on the newly addeddata,orevenshowthecode behind thefunctionality. You shouldmake sureyou havea suitable amount of test data loaded, and that you have tested your solution prior to demonstration.
As this component is based on your presentation, you will need to present in order to be allocated agrade for this component. Students not attending will not be given the full grade even if their group demonstrates in their absence.
YourdocumentforeachsubmissionshouldbeasingleMSWorddocumentcontainingyourreport. Please use 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. Do not use PDF as a submission format.
linkedtoSafeAssignwillbesetupintheUnitsBlackboardShell.Assignmentsnotsubmittedthrough these submission links will not be considered.
Submissionsmustbemadebytheduedateandtime(whichwillbeinthesessiondetailedabove) and determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and time will be penalized per day late (including weekend days) according to Holmes Institute policies.
TheSafeAssignsimilarityscorewillbeusedindeterminingthelevel,ifany,ofplagiarism.SafeAssign will check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class members
submissionsforplagiarism.YoucanseeyourSafeAssignsimilarityscore(ormatch)whenyousubmit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the due date and time have elapsed your assignment will be graded as late.
Submitted assignments that indicate a high level ofplagiarism will be penalized according to the HolmesAcademicMisconductpolicy,therewillbenoexceptions.Thus,planearlyandsubmitearly to take advantage of the re-submission feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please
rememberwegradeonlythelastsubmission,andthedateandtimeyousubmittedwillbetaken from that submission.
HolmesInstituteiscommittedtoensuringandupholdingAcademicIntegrity,asAcademicIntegrityis integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six
categoriesofAcademicIntegritybreaches.IfyouhaveanyquestionsaboutAcademicIntegrityissues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines andsupportresources.ManyoftheseresourcescanalsobefoundthroughtheStudySills link on Blackboard.
Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deductionofmarks,failureoftheassessmenttaskorunitinvolved,suspensionofcourseenrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
Plagiarism | Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submitstheirownworkonmultipleoccasionsthisisknownas self-plagiarism. |
Collusion | Workingwithoneormoreotherindividualstocompleteanassignment,inaway that is not authorised. |
Copying | Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge.Ifastudentfailstotakereasonableprecautionstopreventtheirown original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence. |
Impersonation | Falselypresentingoneself,orengagingsomeoneelsetopresentasoneself,inanin- person examination. |
Contractcheating | Contractingathirdpartytocompleteanassessmenttask,generallyinexchange for money or other manner of payment. |
Datafabricationand falsification | Manipulatingorinventingdatawiththeintentofsupportingfalseconclusions, including manipulating images. |
Thereferencelistmustincludethedetailsofallthein-textcitations,arrangedA- Zalphabeticallybyauthorsurnamewitheachreferencenumbered(1to10,etc.) andeach reference MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited
![]() |
Allassignmentsmustincludein-textcitationstothelistedreferences.Thesemust include the surname of the author/s or name of the authoring body, year of
publication,pagenumberofthecontent,andparagraphwherethecontentcanbe found.Forexample,“Thecompanydecidedtoimplementanenterprise-widedata warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al., 2004,p3(4)).”
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