HI6027 Business and Corporation Law Assignment Help

Group Assignment

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
TrimesterT2 2024
Unit CodeHI6027
Unit TitleBusiness and Corporation Law
Assessment TypeGroupAssignment
Due Date + time :Week11
Weight40 %
Total Marks40 marks
Submission Guidelines
  • AllworkmustbesubmittedonBlackboardbytheduedatealongwitha completed Assignment Cover Page.
  • TheassignmentmustbeinMSWordformatunlessotherwisespecified.
Academic Integrity InformationHolmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teacherswith anyquestions. Violating academic integrityisseriousandpunishablebypenaltiesthatrangefromdeductionofmarks, failure ofthe assessment task or unit involved, suspensionofcourseenrolment,or cancellation of course enrolment.
  • AllworkmustbesubmittedonBlackboardbytheduedateandtime,alongwith a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.
  • Your answers must be based on Holmes Institute syllabus of this unit. Outside sourcesmaynotamounttomorethan10%ofanyanswerandmustbecorrectly referenced in full.Over-reliance on outside sources will be penalised
  • Referencesourcesmustbecitedinthetextofthereportandlistedappropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard


Group Assignment Guidelines and Specifications

Q.1 Contract Law Question (20marks)

BenwantstoimpresshisgirlfriendbybuyingheragoldTAGHeuerwatch.Hevisitsawatchshopand is shocked to see that the prices range from $25,000 to $400,000, which he cannot afford.

Hearingthis,theshopkeeperoffersBenaspecialTAGHeuerwatchfromthebackofthestore,claiming it’saunique"TAGHeuerX"model,indicatedbytheextraletter"X"onthewatch.Thewatchhassmall diamondsandagoldframe.TheshopkeepertellsBenthatbecauseit’ssospecial,hewillsellittohim for only $1,000.

Excited by the offer, Ben quickly agrees and buys the watch. Later that evening, Ben gives the watch to his girlfriend at a restaurant. She is initially happy but then notices that the watch is not working and realises that the brand name "TAG Heuer X"on the watch is actually fake. The diamonds fall out when she slams the watch on the table, and she leaves the restaurant, furious at Ben.

Ben now wants to know if he has any legal action against the shopkeeper who sold him the watch. What are Ben's rights, and what action can he take?

Inyouranswer,analysetheelementsofacontractandapplythemtothefacts.FocusonlyonContract Law and do not consider Australian Consumer Law. (Maximum – 1000 words)

Q2 Negligence Law question (10marks)

On3April2023,CharlesBurnettplacedanadvertisementintheTradingPost,aspecialistnewspaper, advertisingagaragesaletobeheldatherhomeintheweekendof5-6April2023.Charleshasprevious experience in conducting garage sales. Such activities are common in the suburbs of Sydney, where Charles’s home was situated, and elsewhere throughout Australia.

Thefirstdayofthegaragesale,5April2023,startedoutclearandsunny.Charles'spropertyincluded a concrete drivewayextendingfromacarport annexedtothe housetothepublic footpathandroad. Thedrivewaycomprisedsectionsofconcretejoinedinanexpansionjointwhichextendedthroughout its length. Charles placed a variety of domestic articles for sale on a timber table situated on the southern side of the driveway close to the carport. Prospective purchasers had no alternative but to

approachthegoodsbywalkingoverthe driveway.Charles expectedavolumeofpedestriantrafficto attend the sale. He knew, or ought reasonably to have known, of the disparity in the levels of the adjoining concrete slabs in the forecourt of his home.

DarleneenteredCharles'spremisesatabout8:40a.m.wearingslip-onshoes.Shewalkedtowardsthe timber table. To do this, she had to cross the divide in the concrete slabs. An object caught her eye, presumablyoneofthegardenorotheritemsforsaleonthetimbertable.Atthatpoint,herrightfoot rolled on the elevation of one concrete slab as it adjoined the adjacent slab. Darlene, a woman then aged 53, fell towards the ground, touching it but then regaining her footing. In the course of this motion, she felt a crack in her right foot. This was later diagnosed as having caused a fracture.

Darlene sued Charles in the Local Court of New South Wales claiming damages for negligence. Using legal principles and rules learned on Negligence, advise Darlene onwhether her case against Charles will be successful. (Maximum – 750 words)

Q3 Corporations Law question (10marks)

AI Solutions Pty Ltd (“AI”) owns 50%of thesharesof GPT Electronics (“GPT Electronics”) Pty Ltd. Last year,AIwascontactedbyBetacomsPtyLtd(“Betacoms”),whichownstheother50%ofAI.Betacoms wanted to invest a large sum of money in GPT Electronics, to allow it to research and develop a potentially valuable software application. The directors of AI atthe time hired a team of consultants, whichincludedasoftwareapplicationsexpert,andinstructedthemtoresearchthetechnicalaspects of the proposed application and future possibilities involving the technology.

The team of consultants worked for three months researching for and writing the report. The report they presented to AI’s directors showed that the proposed investment in the software application couldverylikelyprovesuccessful.JerrySpringerisoneofAI’sdirectors.HeholdsaMasterofComputer Programming degree from a well-known university. Jerry’s fellow directors asked him about the consultants’ positive projections. Jerry told them that the report is accurate. In reality though, some oftheinformationinthereportwasnotwell-researchedandsupportedbyup-to-date data.Asaresult, whenAI’sdirectorsrelyonthereportandinvestthecompany’smoneyinthenewsoftwareapplication, the investment will not be as lucrative as the consultants predicted.

Citing specific Common Law and Corporations Act directors’ duties, critically analyse and discuss whetherthedirectorsofAISolutionsPtyLtd(oranyofthem)breachedtheirdutyofcare?(Maximum

–750 words)

Citation and Referencing Rules


  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access for lecturers and markers.
  2. In-textCitations

Allassignmentsmustincludein-textcitationstothelistedreferences.Thesemustincludethesurname ofthe author/sornameofthe authoring body,yearofpublication,page numberofthe content, and paragraph where the content can be found. For example, “Thecompany decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).”

  1. ReferenceList

Thereferencelistmustbelocatedonthelastpageofyoursubmission.Thereferencelistmustinclude the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname with each referencenumbered(1to10,etc.)andeachreferenceMUSTincludeahyperlinktothefulltextofthe cited reference url.

For example:

7.Hawking,P.,McCarthy,B.&Stein,A.2004.SecondWaveERPEducation,Journalof Information Systems Education, Vol … Issue No. … , pages … to … http://jise.org/Volume15/n3/JISEv15n3p327.pdf

  1. Non-AdherencetoReferencingRules


  1. Forstudentswhosubmitassignmentsthatdonotcomplywith allaspectsoftherules,a10% penalty will be applied.
  2. Ifcitationsare‘fake’,studentswillbereportedforacademicmisconduct.

Marking Rubric : Question No 1




Identification of material facts involvedinproblem question.

(3 marks)

2.5to3marks Completely identifies all

relevantfactsof case

2 to 2.5 marks Identifiesmostof therelevantfacts of case

1.5 to 2 marks Identifies the basic relevant factsofthecase




Doesnot identify



legalissues/legal question and





Correctlyidentifies all relevant legal issues and are stated in the form of questions.


Correctlyidentifies relevant and appropriate legal rulesandcaselaw, andstatesthemin the form of


3 to 4 marks Issues correctly identifiedbutmay contain

extraneous informationand arenotstatedin the form of questions.


case law correctly identifiedbutmay contain

extraneous info andarenotinthe form of


1.5to3marks Issues are not completely identified.


Legalrulesand case law not correctly identified.

Below 1.5 marks Identifiesincorrector irrelevant issues.


Identifiesincorrector irrelevant legal rules and case law.

Thorough yet succinctapplication of law to material facts



Correctly identifies facts;well-reasoned discussion relating facts to the rules


4 to 6 marks Correctly identifiesfacts. Not well reasoned.


Factsnotcorrectly identified.

Analysis incoherent.



Citationand referencing

(includingminimum number of




3 to 4 marks Correctlycites minimumof6

references,in-text  and in reference



Hasminimumof6 references;orhas occasional errors in formatting of

in-text citations andreferencelist

1 to 2 marks Does not have minimum of 6 references or containserrorsin formatting of in- textcitationsand



Noreferencingeither in-textorinreference list; or cites inappropriate


referencesnotcitedin the correct format.

Marking Rubric : Questions 2 and 3

Total marks available:10marks



Identification of material facts involved in the problemquestion.

(2 marks)

1.75to2marks Completely identifies all

relevantfactsof case

1.5 mark Identifiesmostof therelevantfacts of case

1 mark Identifies the basic relevant factsofthecase




Doesnot identify



legalissues/legal question and



(2 marks)

1.75 to 2 marks Correctlyidentifies all relevant legal issues and are stated in the form of questions.


Correctlyidentifies relevant and appropriate legal rulesandcaselaw, andstatesthemin the form of



Issues correctly identifiedbutmay contain

extraneous informationand arenotstatedin the form of questions.


case law correctly identifiedbutmay contain

extraneous info andarenotinthe form of


1 mark

Issuesarenot completely identified.


Legalrulesand case law not correctly identified.

Below 1 mark Identifiesincorrector irrelevant issues.


Identifiesincorrector irrelevant legal rules and case law.

Thorough yet succinctapplication of law to material facts

(3 marks)


Correctly identifies facts;well-reasoned discussion relating facts to the rules




Correctly identifiesfacts. Not well


1 to 1.5 marks Factsnotcorrectly identified.

Analysis incoherent.



Citationand referencing

(includingminimum number of



(2 marks)

1.75 to 2 marks Correctly cites minimum of 6 references,in-textand in reference



Hasminimumof6 references;orhas occasional errors in formatting of

in-text citations andreferencelist

1 mark

Does not have minimum of 6 references or containserrorsin formatting of in-

textcitationsand reference list


Noreferencingeither in-textorinreference list; or cites inappropriate


referencesnotcitedin the correct format.

Professionalquality, including language use and writing


(1 mark)

1 mark Professional language. No grammatical, punctuationor spellingerrors.

0.75 mark

Some mistakes. Doesnotdetract from



Manymistakes. Detracts from understanding. Sloppy.



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