Following the early years learning framework planning cycle (Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE], 2022), develop 2 lesson plans or learning experiences for children based on assessment of two observation reports from your placement. Drawing on principles and practicesofearlychildhoodpedagogy (AGDE,2022),planthelearningexperienceswithemphasison dance,music,drama,visualarts,andmedia arts.
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Formatting:12-pointseriffont(eg.TimesNewRoman).1.5ordoubleline spacing.
DueDate:Thursday12thSeptember2024,11:59 PM
Extensionrequestsmustbegrantedinwritingbeforetheassignmentduedate.Contactyourlecturerinwritingforextensionsofupto 7calendar days. Longer extensions may be granted but require special consideration. Special consideration applications must also be submitted before the date and require documentary evidence, such as medical certificates.
Grade Criteria | HighDistinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Doesnotmeetminimum standard |
C1. Assess the observationwith in-depth analysis. (5marks) | C1.1Observationisclearly articulated and directly relevanttothelearning context,within-depthanalysis usingeffectivereferencesfrom documents of learning frameworksandarangeof relevant research and literature.
(4–5) | C1.2Observationis clearly articulated and directlyrelevanttothe learning context, with in-depthanalysisusing effective references from documents of learning frameworks andrelevantresearch and literature.
(3.5) | C1.3Observationis articulated and relevanttothe learning context, withanalysisusing references from documents of learningframeworks and relevant researchand literature.
(3) | C1.4Observationis articulatedbutnotall relevant to the learningcontext,with limited analysis using references from documents of learning frameworks andrelevantresearch and literature.
(2.5) | C1.5Observationisnot articulatedorirrelevanttothe learning context. Theanalysisisabsentor inadequate. No evidence of references fromdocumentsoflearning frameworks and relevant researchandliterature
(0-2) |
C2. Develop2lesson plans based on assessment of observation reports.
(2.5marks) | C2.1Twolessonplansare clearly described, contain relevantdetailsregardingaims, target cohort, duration, and materials. ConnectiontoEYLFclearly explained.
(2.5) | C2.2Two lesson plans are briefly described, contain relevant details regarding aims, target cohort, duration, and materials.Connectionto EYLF mentioned or brieflydescribed. (2) | C2.3Two lesson plans are briefly described,contain relevant details regardingaims, target cohort, duration, and materials. ConnectiontoEYLF mentioned.
(1.5) | C2.4Two lesson plansareprovided but not clearly described,contain relevant details regardingaims, target cohort, duration, and materials. ConnectiontoEYLF mentioned.
(1.25) | C2.5Lessonplansare developedwithincompleteor irrelevant details regarding aims,targetcohort,materials, and connection to EYLF provided.
(0–1) |
C3.Thelesson plans clearly reflect play- basedlearning with intentionality, adoptingholistic approach of children’s learning and development
(10marks) | C3.1.1 Rationaleof play-based learningwith intentionality are clearly explained, withcritical reflection, holistic approach is justifiedbya range of relevant literature. (9 – 10) | C3.1.2 Rationaleof play-based learningwith intentionality are clearly explained, withcritical reflection, holistic approach is supportedby a range of relevant literature. (8 – 9) | C3.2 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality are clearly described, with someevidenceofcritical reflection, holistic approachissupported by a range ofrelevant literature.
(7–7.5) | C3.3 Rationale of play- basedlearningwith intentionality are clearly described, withlimitedcritical reflection, holistic approach is supported by a relevantliterature.
(6–6.5) | C3.4 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionalityare described, with limited critical reflection,holistic approachisdescribed supported by limited literature.
(5–5.5) | C3.5.1 Rationaleof play-based learning with intentionality and holistic approach are describedbut are irrelevant orcontainkey misunderstan dings or inaccuracies.
(2-4) | C3.5.2 Rationaleof play-based learningwith intentionality and holistic approachnot provided.
(0–2) |
C4. Thelessonplans are evaluated with in-depth analysis of children’s learning,new areas of interests as wellasfuture improvements. (10marks) | C4.1Evaluationofthe learning experiences involvesin-depthanalysisof children’s learning, new areasofinterestsaswellas future improvements using effective references from documents of learning frameworks,theoriesof children’s learning and development,andarangeof relevant research and literature.
(8–10) | C4.2Evaluationof the learning experiencesinvolves general analysis of children’s learning, newareasofinterests as well as future improvements.The evaluationisdrawnon relevantdocumentsof learning frameworks, theories of children’s learningand development,anda range of relevant researchandliterature. (7- 7.5) | C4.3Evaluationof the learning experiences providedbut generalinnature withlimitedanalysis of children’s learning,newareas of interests as well as future improvements.The evaluationisdrawn on relevant documentsof learning frameworks, theories of children’s learning | C4.4Evaluationof the learning experiencesprovided but some or all requireclarification.
Evaluationis providedbutcontains superficial and generic analysisof children’slearning, new areas of interestsaswellas future improvements.
(5-5.5) | C4.5Evaluationofthe learningexperiencesisnot provided or irrelevant.
Evaluationdoesnotinclude any analysis of children’s learning, new areas of interestsaswellasfuture improvement.
Evaluationisprovidedbut contains superficial and genericanalysisofchildren’s learning, new areas of interestsaswellasfuture improvements. |
anddevelopment, and a range of relevantresearch and literature. (6-6.5) |
(0–5) | ||||
C5.Assignment is formatted according to requirements and written clearly and cohesively.APA7 referencing is used. Word limit is adhered to.
(2.5marks) | C5.1 The assignment is clear and free of typographical and structuralfeaturesthathinder understanding. There is no confusion between author voiceandthatofsources.The assignment is formatted accordingtostated requirements.Theassignment is formatted according to statedrequirements.Accurate mechanics of in-text and end- of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencingstylewereused. Word limit met.
(2.5) | C5.2Theassignmentis clear with minor typographical and structuralfeaturesthat may hinder understanding.Thereis minimal confusion between author voice andthatofsources.The assignment is mostly formatted according to stated requirements. Accuratemechanicsof in-textandend-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencingstylewere used with minor inconsistencies (no more than 2 errors). Word limit met.
(2) | C5.3Theassignment is clear with typographical and structural features that may hinder understanding. There is minor confusion between author voice and that ofsources.The assignmentispartly formattedaccording to stated requirements. Mechanicsofin-text andend-of-textAPA (7thEd.)referencing stylewereusedwith inconsistencies (no morethan4errors). Word limit met.
(1.5) | C5.4Theassignment has typographical and structural featuresthat significantly hinder understanding.There isconfusionbetween authorvoiceandthat of sources. The assignment is minimallyformatted according to stated requirements. Mechanicsofin-text andend-of-textAPA (7thEd.)referencing contain several errors. Wordlimitmet.
(1.25) | C5.5 The assignment has typographical andstructural features that prohibit understanding. There is confusion between author voiceandthatofsources,or author’svoiceisabsent.The assignmentisnotformatted according to stated requirements. Mechanicsofin-textandend- of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencingstylewerenot used appropriately. Wordlimitnotmet.
(0-1) |
Arthur,L.,Beecher,B.,Death,E.,Dockett,S.,&Farmer,S.(2020). Programmingandplanninginearlychildhoodsettings(8thed.).CengageLearningAustralia. Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE]. (2022). Belonging, Being and Becoming: TheEarly YearsLearning Framework for Australia (V2.0).
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