Taskdescription:Developtwosequencesoflearningactivitiesaroundpicturebooksappropriatefor2-3yearoldsand4-5yearolds.Baseeach sequence on a quality text, analysis of the texts’affordances for early years literacy and understanding of childhood development in the early
Foreach sequence:
NOTE:SCEI-HErequiresits students toobservethehighestethicalstandardsineveryaspectoftheiracademicwork.SCEI-HEactively
demonstratesitscommitmenttoacademicintegritybyrecognisingscholarlyworkandpenalisingallformsofacademicdishonesty.Pleaserefer to the Institute’s HEPP01Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer,Academic Support
Grade Criteria | HighDistinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Does notmeet minimumstandard |
C1.Picture book is clearlyidentifiedand described in brief. (1.5marksper book) | C1.1 Picture book is clearlyidentifiedand described in brief. | C1.2Picturebookis identified and described, but key detailsaremissing. | C1.3Picturebookis notclearlyidentified ordescribedinbrief. | ||
C2.Picture book choice is justifiedin termsoftextquality, | C2.1Picturebook choiceis justified drawingonarange | C2.2 Picture book choiceisexplained | C2.3 Picture book choiceisexplained drawingonminimal | C2.4Picturebook choice is noted in briefdrawingon | C2.5Picturebook choiceisnotjustified in terms of text |
drawingonrelevant academic readings. (2.5marksper book) | ofrelevantacademic reading. | drawingonrelevant academic reading. | relevantacademic reading. | minimalacademic reading. | quality,academic readings are not drawn upon. |
C3. Picture book is analysedintermsof affordances for literacylearningfor target age group, drawingonrelevant academic readings. (4marksper book) | C3.1Affordancesfor literacy learning for target age group are analysed,drawingon a range of relevant academic reading. | C3.2Affordancesfor literacy learning for target age group are explained, drawing onrelevantacademic reading. | C3.3Affordancesfor literacy learning for target age group are described, drawing on minimal relevant academic reading. | C3.4Affordancesfor literacy learning for target age group are noted, drawing on minimal academic reading. | C3.5 Picture book is notanalysedinterms of affordances for literacy learning for target age group, academic readings arenotdrawnupon. |
C.4 Sequence of activitieshasaclear learning goal that connects directly to affordance noted in analysis. (1.5marksper sequence) | C4.1 Sequence of activitieshasaclear learning goal that connects directly to affordance noted in analysis. | C4.2Sequenceof activities has a learninggoalthat broadlyrelatesto affordancenotedin analysis. | C4.3Sequenceof activitiesdoesnot haveaclearlearning goal that connects directlytoaffordance noted in analysis. | ||
C5. Sequence of activitiescontains2– 4 activities that are age / developmentally appropriate and clearlyworktowards the stated learning objective(s),drawing | C5.1 Sequence of activitiescontains2– 4 activities that are explained in detail and are age / developmentally appropriate. Activitiesarewell targeted to work towardsthestated | C5.2 Sequence of activitiescontains2– 4 activities that are clearlyexplainedand are age / developmentally appropriate. Activities work towardsthestated learningobjective(s), | C5.3 Sequence of activitiescontains2– 4 activities that are clearly described and are age / developmentally appropriate. Activities work towardsthestated learningobjective(s), | C5.4 Sequence of activitiescontains2– 4activitiesarebriefly outlined andareage/ developmentally appropriate. Activitiesonlypartly work towards the stated learning objective(s), | C5.5Sequenceof activitiesdoesnot contain 2 – 4 activitiesthatareage / developmentally appropriate; activities do not work towards the stated learning objective(s); |
onrelevantacademic readings. (6marksper sequence) | learningobjective(s), drawing on a range of relevantacademic readings. | drawingonrelevant academic readings. | minimally drawing onrelevantacademic readings. | minimallydrawing on academic readings. | academic readings arenotdrawnupon. |
C6.Activitiesare planned with consideration of diverse learners, drawingonrelevant academic readings. (2.5marksper sequence) | C6.1 Activities are plannedwithcritical consideration of diverselearners, drawing on a range ofrelevantacademic readings. | C6.2Activitiesare planned with thoughtful considerationof diverselearners, drawingonrelevant academic readings. | C6.3Activitiesare planned with consideration of diverse learners, minimallydrawing onrelevantacademic readings. | C6.4Activitiesare planned with superficial considerationof diverselearners, minimallydrawing on academic readings. | C6.5Activitiesare not planned with consideration of diverse learners; academic readings arenotdrawnupon. |
C7.Assignment is formattedaccording torequirementsand written clearly and cohesively. APA 7 referencing is used. Wordlimitisadhered to. (4 marks) | C7.1Theassignment is clear and free of typographicaland structuralfeatures that hinder understanding.There is no confusion betweenauthorvoice and that of sources. Theassignmentis formattedaccording to stated requirements. Accurate mechanics ofin-textandend-of- text APA (7th Ed.) | C7.2Theassignment is clear with minor typographical and structuralfeatures that may hinder understanding.There isminimalconfusion betweenauthorvoice and that of sources. The assignment is mostly formatted according to stated requirements. Accurate mechanics ofin-textandend-of- text APA (7th Ed.) referencingstyle | C7.3Theassignment is clear with typographicaland structuralfeatures that may hinder understanding.There is minor confusion betweenauthorvoice and that of sources. The assignment is partly formatted accordingtostated requirements. Mechanicsofin-text andend-of-textAPA (7thEd.)referencing stylewereusedwith | C7.4 The assignment hastypographicaland structural features thatsignificantly hinderunderstanding. Thereis confusion betweenauthorvoice and that of sources. The assignment is minimally formatted according to stated requirements. Mechanicsofin-text andend-of-textAPA (7thEd.)referencing containseveral errors. | C7.5 The assignment hastypographicaland structural features thatprohibit understanding.There isconfusionbetween authorvoiceandthat of sources, or author’svoiceis absent. The assignmentisnot formattedaccording to stated requirements. Mechanicsofin-text andend-of-textAPA (7thEd.) referencing |
referencingstyle were used.
Wordlimitmet. | wereusedwithminor inconsistencies (no more than 2 errors). Wordlimitmet. | inconsistencies (no morethan4errors).
Wordlimitmet. |
Wordlimitmet. | stylewerenotused appropriately.
Wordlimitnotmet. |
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