CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Assignment Help

CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs

Assessment 2


You are employed by the HOPE organisation as a community support worker. You have been asked to developaprogramforthelocalcommunityto supporthomelesspeoplewithcomorbidities whorequire referral to other agencies.

Hope is an organisation that will be supporting the needs of the community through holistic approaches.Thiswillmeannotjustlookingattheoneaspectoftheissuebutanoverallviewsothatall areas can be addressed, and a plan put in place to help better the lives of those in need.

Servicesandprograms thatwill besustainedbyHOPEwill supportpeoplesuchas thoseexperiencing homelessness or vulnerable to homelessness and engage with other support services to support their needs.Thiswill includebeingabletosupporttheclientthroughaccessingotherservicesbothinternal and external referrals.

Programs and services will allow for the client to access basic amenities such as hot showers, laundry facilities, meals, and temporary places tosleepuntil morestable accommodation can be found.Group therapiesandcounsellingcanbeprovidedfortheclientstoaddresstheirconcerns.Grouptherapycan also help clients develop social and emotional strategies to address the crisis that they are facing in their lives.


Other services an dprogrammes proposed are:                                                                                                                                     

  • Food banks
  • Legalservices
  • Educationopportunities
  • Personalenrichment/developmentopportunities                                                                                          

Otherfacilities are:

  • Showersandtoilets
  • Kitchen
  • Asafeplacetomeetandchatwith othersinasimilar situation

Anareaforrecreation, entertainment,group meetingsetc


  • Motivationalspeakers
  • Cultural programs
  • Reintegrationof releaseddetainees backinto thecommunity


  • PartA.
  • Developanimplementationplanfortheprogram.Usingthefollowingtaskstostructure your response. (600-1000 words total)
  • PartB.
  • Createalistoftheoutcomesthatarerequired(100-150words).


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