BUSN1001 Business Reporting and Analysis Assignment Help

BUSN1001 Business Reporting & Analysis - Assignment Help


Upper word limit: 3,500 words (excluding tables and reference list)




Please form a group of 3-4 students (4 is preferable). Group members do not need to be from the same tutorial. The final submission will be assessed on its merits irrespective of the number of members in a group. 


There will be 60 assignment groups created with 4 pre-selected companies (each company is allocated to 15 different groups). Please choose a company from the list below, and then register your group to that particular company in “Assignment – Group Selection” on Wattle. Please note that:


  • Group selection is on a first-come first-serve basis. If the company your group would like to work on has been selected by other groups, then your group will have to choose another company.
  • Please do not register on groups that already have group members (unless the existing group members agreed for you to join them). Otherwise, you may be removed from the group. 
  • Please register your team by 2pm on Monday September 16. Anyone not registered by this date may be randomly assigned to a group.
  • To find group members, you may post on the Assignment Forum. Alternatively, we may allocate some time during Week 6’s tutorial (where possible) for you to chat with your classmates and find a group.


The list of the pre-selected companies (and the link to their annual report) is below:


ASX codeCompany NameLink to 2021 Annual Report
SHLSonic Healthcare LimitedSHL
TWETreasury Wine Estates LimitedTWE
REHReece LimitedREH
FLTFlight Centre Travel Group LimitedFLT




Based on the annual report of the company allocated to your group, prepare a report that addresses the following requirements:


  1. Using the information contained in the financial statements from the 2023 Annual Report provided, calculate the financial ratios for 2022 and 2023 for the company allocated. The financial ratios required are listed in the template available at the end of this document (on page 4). Complete the template provided and attach it as the first page of your assignment. (20 marks)


  1. Referring to the ratios calculated for Requirement 1, analyse for the company allocated the overall changes in profitability, asset efficiency, liquidity, and capital structure between 2022 and 2023. (80 marks) 


In your analyses, you should:


  • Identify possible internal factors (i.e., some strategic transformations in the way the company is being run) and/or external factors that may have caused the changes. These factors are normally disclosed by the company’s directors or managers in the first few pages of the annual report (before the financial statements), where they explain the company’s financial performance and position. Your analysis should relate and critically evaluate this information disclosed in the annual report, but you may want to search for other information beyond the annual report. 
  • Compare the company’s ratios to the ratios of a competitor in a similar industry and analyse the differences observed.




  • The upper word limit of the assignment is 3,500 words (excluding tables and reference list). 
  • The assignment should be word-processed and written using professional, business English. You must use Times New Roman, 12 point font size, double spacing. 
  • The assignment is expected to be properly researched and prepared. The assignment should include a reference list identifying the sources used.
  • In preparing the assignment, emphasis should be placed on: 
  • Proper identification of issues, logical arguments and depth of analysis 
  • Coherent structure, systematic presentation and clarity of expression.




  • The assignment must be submitted in a single file in PDF or Microsoft Word. 
  • The name of the submitted file should include the ASX code of the company allocated and the ANU student IDs of all the group members and, e.g. “MTS u1234567 u7654321 u4321765 u7654123.pdf”. Assignment must be submitted in “Assignment Submission” on Wattle. Only one group member needs to submit. 
  • A completed and signed group assignment cover sheet must be submitted in “Cover Sheet Submission” on Wattle. Only one group member needs to submit.




You are expected to consult and reference news reports, financial reports, books and website in writing your essay. You should provide appropriate referencing where you use or discuss ideas from other authors’ works. All sources (including websites) must be acknowledged in accordance with the principles of academic honesty and integrity to which the ANU subscribes. The originality score on Turnitin will be reviewed for unacceptable copying. If you copy material then you must include “quotation marks”. Use a consistent system of referencing throughout the assignment. The Harvard referencing system is a common referencing style used in accounting discipline. 




The College regards plagiarism as any appropriation of the ideas or expressions of another without relevant and appropriate acknowledgment. This includes unattributed appropriation of text or content and may extend to improper referencing. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course and all discovered instances would be pursued to the full extent allowable under the rules. Where students have doubts as to how to deal with or acknowledge source materials in the assignment, they should consult the lecturer or tutor. 




Group members are expected to share the group work equally and contribute to the assignment. The following are requirements to facilitate teamwork for this assignment:


  • Submit a Group Assignment Contract defining member roles/responsibilities, team procedures, etc. Only one group member needs to submit. Each member should retain a copy of the contract. There are no marks for doing this but failure to submit or below standard submissions will incur a penalty of 5 marks for the assignment. Please submit this by 16 September 2024, 2pm in “Contract Submission” on Wattle.
  • Complete an online Peer Assessment of Teamwork Performance on Wattle. All group members need to complete. You will be asked to reflect on each team member’s contribution to both the team process and task using a peer assessment rubric. This will have a direct effect on each team member’s final assignment mark. There are no marks for doing this but failure to submit will incur a penalty of 1 mark for the assignment. Please complete this by 08 October 2024, 5pm.
  • If a student does not contribute to the assignment, the assignment mark will be 0 for the student who did not contribute.



  • The marks for Requirement 1 will be awarded for correct calculation of the ratios identified in the template below. 
  • The marks for Requirement 2 will be awarded based on the depth and breadth of coverage, quality of the analysis, evaluation and interpretation, and the writing of the report, including its English expression. The use of formal, professional expression is expected. Anything less than meticulous exposition will be penalised. An indicative marking criteria for Requirement 2 is attached. 
  • The assignment will be graded out of a possible 100 marks and all members of the group will receive the same score. That assumes that all group members contribute equally to the assignment. If that is not the case, students should contact the course convenor at the first sign that group members are not contributing according to the expectation.




Marking criteria for Requirement 2

Grade Related Descriptors / GradesDepth and breadth of coverageCritical elementsStructure, language and conventions


66-80 marks


All aspects of the topics were addressed and researched in great depth.The assignment contains great depth of analysis, evaluation and interpretation. It demonstrates a deep and broad understanding of the issues raised in the question.All aspects of the writing conform to a high academic or professional standard.


56-65 marks


Most aspects of the topics were addressed and researched in great depth.The assignment shows evidence of analysis, evaluation and interpretation. It demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter and context.Most aspects of the writing conform to a high academic or professional standard.


41-55 marks


Most aspects of the topics were addressed and researched adequately.The assignment shows acceptable levels of analytical capacity and logical rigour.Most aspects of the writing conform to an acceptable academic or professional standard.


21-40 marks


Key aspects of the topics were addressed and researched adequately.The assignment shows a basic understanding of the situation.The writing is presented with a basic structure.


0-20 marks


The assignment was superficial and / or inadequately addressed and researched the topics.

The assignment demonstrates limited understanding of the context.


The writing is not of an academic or professional standard.



Template for Requirement 1


 Formula 20222023
Return on assetEarnings before interest and tax x 100Average asset

Net profit marginNet profit after tax x 100Sales revenue      
Asset turnover Sales revenueAverage assets

Days debtorsAverage debtors x 365Sales revenue

Current ratioCurrent assetsCurrent liabilities

Cash flow ratioNet cash flow from operating activitiesCurrent liabilities      
Interest cover ratioEarnings before interest and taxNet finance costs      
Debt-to-equity ratio Total liabilities Total equity


*Note: Please specify the unit of measurements (e.g., dollar, percentage, days, times, etc.)

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