BBHT2001 Quality Service Management Assignment
Unit BBHT2001 Quality Service Management
Assessment Type Assessment Number
Report 2
Assessment Weighting
Individual–Poor service analysis & recovery report 40%
Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed
With Unit and Course
ULO1: Describe how and why quality service management is pivotal to the success of a hospitality or tourism business
ULO2: Identify service failures and apply service recovery process
Week 3
GA2: Knowledge
GA3: Creativity & Critical Thinking
GA4: Ethical Practice
GA5: Cultural Competence & Social Responsibility
Date/Time Assessment Description
Detailed Submission Requirements
TBC Week3 via Moodle Turnitin 11:55pm (AEST)
Poor service analysis & recovery report-1000 words (+/-10%)
Using the Case study provided in a 1000word report, complete the following tasks–
- Identify the service issues of the service encounter using all the R.A.T.E.R criteria. Explain how the customer had built up their service expectations and why they felt they had received poor service.
- Explain what should have been the staff member’s response to the customer’s situation.
- In a diagram format, present a one page service recovery plan that should have been used by the Staff in this situation.
- Propose 2 training recommendations to the HR Department to ensure that their staff follows a service recovery process.
- Provide a final summary why this business should look at customer issues as part of their quality customer service.
Detailed Submission Expectations
- Designated case study must be used
- Format to include Cover Page and Reference list.
- Word limit 1200 words (+/-10%).References are not included in the word count.
- Refer to the AIH Style Guide and referencing method to correctly reference material in the body of your report (in-text citations) and in the alphabetical Reference List.
- References may include subject notes, textbooks, journal articles, interviews, research articles etc.
Research expectation:
- The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
- Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to the Textbook, Hotel website, Government websites and reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books and Journal articles.
- Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email ( if you require further assistance.
Misconduct · The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle.
Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information and
Included it in your assessment.
- Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or other students etc.) without the acknowledging authorize classified as misconduct.
- Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the group work arrangement is classified as misconduct.
- To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support coordinator ( if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it).
- The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website (
- Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle.
Late Submission
Special consideration
- Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late.
- Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one(1)week after the due date will not be accepted unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process.
- Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure, or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious.
- Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam.
- The form can be obtained from the AIH website ( or on-campus at Reception.
- The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on (