Assignment 1 – CS324 Distributed Systems Assignment Help
Assignment 1 – CS324 Distributed Systems 2024 Due Date:23rd September 2024,11:55 pm
Learning Outcome:Develop a software system using distributed platforms
This assignment asks you to implement adistributed system based on the so-called Leader Election protocol.
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Ring Algorithm for Leader Election
TheRingAlgorithm isaleader electionprotocol usedin distributedsystemswherenodesarearranged in a logical ring. The main goal of the algorithm is to ensure that a single leader orcoordinator is elected among the nodes in a distributed system, even in the presence of nodefailures.
Key Characteristics:
Nodesareorganizedin alogicalring structurewhereeach nodeknows onlytheidentityof its immediateneighbor in thering.
Is it possible to implement Leader Election Protocol using RPC calls? If yes, explain which RPC calls youwouldneed. If no,explainwhyitcannotbe implemented viaRPC.
PART 3: Implementing Leader Election Protocol with Peer Register using RMIExercise1
Modify the program given in Exercise 1 to include a peer register. All peers needs to register with a nodecalled “peer register”. This “peer register” node does not take part in the election process as it is only inchargeofregisteringpeersand ensuring which peerisconnectedto which oneinaring topology.
Therearesomerulesforpeer registration:
A peercan onlyregister whenthereisnoelectioni.e.apeercannotregisterwhenanelectionisinprogress.