HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assignment Help

Group Assignment

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Unit CodeHI5020
Unit TitleCorporateAccounting
Assessment TypeGroupAssignment
DueDate+ time:



Purpose of the assessment(withULO Mapping)

This assignment aims to understand different classes of assets and liabilities reported by companies and the measurement basis used for each class of assets. It also seeksto develop anunderstanding ofstudentson differentitemsreported as other comprehensive and their significance (ULO 1, 3, 4, 5). Students are then required to examine the measurement, accounting treatment and disclosure of asset retirement/environmental rehabilitation obligations in detail.



  • Apply Australian Accounting Standards and Corporate Legislation to the financialreportingprocessesforcompaniesandcorporategroups;(ULO1)


  • Demonstrate the ability to prepare financial statements and financial reportsforcompaniesandconsolidatedfinancialstatementsforcorporate groups; (ULO 2)
  • Evaluate financial reporting contexts and select appropriate accounting practices and standards congruent with the situation of individual companies and corporate groups (ULO 4)
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate the financial results of the companiesorcorporategroupstoadiverserangeofstakeholders.(ULO5)
Total MarksAssignment(40marks)
Word limit3000words±500words
Submission Guidelines
  1. AllworkmustbesubmittedonBlackboardbytheduedatealongwitha completed Assignment Cover Page.
  2. TheassignmentmustbeinMSWordformatunlessotherwisespecified.
Academic Integrity InformationHolmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academicintegrity and consult your teacherswith anyquestions. Violating academic integrityisseriousandpunishablebypenaltiesthatrangefromdeductionofmarks, failure ofthe assessment task or unit involved, suspensionofcourseenrolment,or cancellation of course enrolment.
  • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date andtime,alongwith a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.
  • Your answers must be based on Holmes Institute syllabus of this unit. Outside sourcesmaynotamounttomorethan10%ofanyanswerandmustbecorrectly referenced in full.Over-reliance on outside sources will be penalised
  • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the reportandlistedappropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard

    Referencing.Penaltiesare associated with incorrect citationandreferencing.

Group Assignment Guidelines and Specifications

Assessment tasks                                                                                              (40Marks)

Select the latest annual report of an ASX-listed company. From the annual report, complete the following tasks:

  1. Briefly introduce these lected publicly listed company and provide an overview of the industry in which the company operates.
  2. How does the direct method of cash flow statement differ from the indirect method of cash flow statement?
  3. Break down the operating activities section of the cash flow statement. Identify the major sources and uses of cash within operating activities and assess the company's ability to generate positive cash flow from its core operations.
  4. Examine the investing activities section of the cash flow statement, discuss the significant investmentdecisionsordivestituresmadebythecompanyandevaluatehowtheseinvesting activities contribute to the company's strategic objectives.
  5. Explore the financing activities section of the cash flow statement,identify any debt issuances or repayments, stock repurchases, or dividend payments and Assess the impact of financing activities on the company's capital structure and shareholder value.
  6. Calculate and analyze key cashflow ratios such as the operating cashflow ratio,free cash flow, and cash flow to debt ratios and discuss the significance of these ratios in assessing the company's financial stability and liquidity.
  7. Compare the cashflow performance of the selected company over two(2)years,current and previous years and highlight and discuss any differences or similarities in cash flow patterns and financial strategies.

Assessment Structure and Marking Criteria

Abstract1 Mark
Table of content1 Mark

1.Introduction of the company:

-Briefly introduce the selected publicly listed company and providean overview of the company's industry.

  1. Cashflow statement analysis
    • Analyse the cashflow statement for the most recent fiscal year.
    • Identify and explain the three main sections of the cashflow statement: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

3.Direct and indirect method of cashflow statement?

-How does the direct method of cashflow statement differ from the indirect method of cash flow statement?

4 Marks
  1. Operating cashflow
    • Breakdowntheoperatingactivitiessectionofthecashflowstatement
    • Identifythemajorsourcesandusesofcashwithinoperatingactivities
    • Assessthecompany'sabilitytogeneratepositivecashflowfromitscore operations.
  1. Investing activities:
    • Examinetheinvestingactivitiessectionofthecashflowstatement.
    • Discussthesignificantinvestmentdecisionsordivestituresmadebythe company
    • Evaluatehowtheseinvestingactivitiescontributetothecompany's strategic objectives
  1. Financing activities
    • Explorethefinancingactivitiessectionofthecashflowstatement
    • Identifyanydebtissuancesorrepayments,stockrepurchases,ordividend payments.
    • Assesstheimpactoffinancingactivitiesonthecompany'scapitalstructure and shareholder value.
6 Marks
  1. Cashflow ratios
    • Calculateandanalysekeycashflowratiossuchastheoperatingcashflow ratio, free cash flow, and cash flow to debt ratio.
    • Discussthesignificanceoftheseratiosinassessingthecompany'sfinancial stability and liquidity.

8.Comparative analysis

-Compare the cash flow performance of the selected company over two years,aswellascurrentandpreviousyears,andhighlightanddiscussany differences or similarities in cash flow patterns and financial strategies.

5 Marks
9.Conclusion1 Mark
TOTAL Weight40 Marks

Student Assessment Citation and Referencing Rules


  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
  2. Thereferencelistmustbelocatedonaseparatepageattheendoftheessayandtitled: “References”.
  3. The reference list must include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname with each reference numbered (1 to 10, etc.) and each referenceMUSTincludeahyperlinktothefulltextofthecitedreferencesource.Forexample:
 Text Box: 1.Hawking,P.,McCarthy,B.&Stein,A.2004.SecondWaveERPEducation,Journalof InformationSystems Education, Fall, http://jise.org/Volume15/n3/JISEv15n3p327.pdf
  1. All assignments must include in-text citationsto the list ed references.These must include the surname of the author/sornameofthe authoringbody,yearofpublication,page numberof the content, and paragraph where the content can be found. For example, “The company decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).”

Non-Adherence to Referencing Rules

Where students do not follow the above rules,penalties apply:

  1. For students who submit assignments that do not comply with all aspects of the rules, a10% penalty will be applied.
  2. As per the Student Handbook, late penalties will apply each day after the student/s as been notified of the due date.
  3. Students who comply with rules BUT their citations are ‘fake’ will be reported for academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity

Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity, as it is integral to maintainingacademicqualityandthereputationofHolmes'graduates.Accordingly,all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard.


marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.

Table1:Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches

PlagiarismReproducing the work of someone else withoutattribution.When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
CollusionWorking with one or more other individualstocompletean assignment, in a way that is not authorized.
CopyingReproducing and submitting the work of anotherstudent,withor without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautionstopreventtheirownoriginalworkfrombeingcopied, this may also be considered an offence.
ImpersonationFalsely presenting oneself,orengagingsomeoneelsetopresentas oneself, in an in-person examination.
Contract cheatingContracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generallyinexchangeformoneyorothermannerofpayment.
Data fabrication and falsificationManipulatingorinventingdatawiththeintentofsupportingfalse conclusions, including manipulating images.


HI50202024T2 Group Assignment Marking Rubric



Introduction and Cash Flow Statement Analysis (6 marks)

Demonstrates a comprehensive  understanding of the subject-relevanttheory, withclearandthorough explanations and applications that are entirely accurate.Demonstrates a strongunderstanding of the subject- relevanttheory,with well-explained and correctly applied concepts. Minor issues, if any.

Demonstratesagood understanding of the subject-relevant theory,withaccurate explanations and applications, butwith some areas needing more clarity


Demonstratesabasic understanding of the subject-relevant theory, but explanations or applications are either incomplete or lacksufficientclarity.

The subject-relevant theory is incorrectly applied or explained, or an entirely incorrect model/theoryisused, not consistent with what is taught at




Direct and Indirect Method of Cash Flow Statement (4 marks)

The theory is clearly explained and comprehensively applied, demonstrating deep understandingandaccurate application of both methods.The theory is well- explained and correctly applied to both methods, with minorimprovements needed for clarity.

The theory is explained and applied accurately, thoughtheremaybe a need for more depthorprecisionin understanding both


The theory is either notfullyexplainedor applied, showing gaps in understanding or clarityaboutthetwo methods.The theory is incorrectlyappliedor explained, or an incorrect approach nottaughtatHolmes is used.




Operating Cash Flow(6 marks)

The theory is clearly explained and comprehensively applied, demonstrating deep understandingofoperating cash flows with accurate analysis.

The theory is well- explained and correctly applied, with a solid understanding of operatingcashflows, though minor issues

maybe present.

The theory is explained and appliedcorrectly,but there are areas wheretheanalysisof operating cash flows could be stronger or

more detailed.

The theory is either notfullyexplainedor applied, with significant gaps in understanding or clarity regarding operatingcashflows.The theory is incorrectlyappliedor explained, or an incorrect model/theory not taught at Holmes is used.
Investing Activities(6 marks)

Thetheoryisclearly explained and


Thetheoryiswell- explained and


The theory is explainedand


The theory is either notfullyexplainedor


The theory is incorrectlyappliedor


 demonstratingathorough understandingofinvesting activities and accurate application.

with a strong understanding of investing activities, thoughtheremaybe


but the analysis of investing activities may lack depth or clarityinsomeareas.gaps in understanding or clarity about investingactivities.incorrect model/theory not taughtatHolmesis used.




Financing Activities(6 marks)

The theory is clearly explained and comprehensively applied, demonstrating a deep understandingoffinancing activities with accurate analysis.

The theory is well- explained and correctly applied, with a solid understanding of financing activities, though minor improvementscould


The theory is explained and appliedcorrectly,but there are areas wheretheanalysisof financing activities could be more detailed or clearer.The theory is either notfullyexplainedor applied, with significant gaps in understanding or clarity regarding financing activities.The theory is incorrectlyappliedor explained, or an incorrect model/theory not taught at Holmes is used.



Cash Flow Ratios(6 marks)

The theory is clearly explained and comprehensively applied, demonstrating deep understandingandaccurate calculation and interpretation of cash flow


The theory is well- explained and correctly applied, with a strong understanding of cash flow ratios, thoughminorissues

maybe present.

The theory is explained and appliedcorrectly,but the analysis of cash flow ratios may lack depth or clarity in some areas.The theory is either notfullyexplainedor applied, showing gaps in understanding or clarity about cash flow ratios.The theory is incorrectlyappliedor explained, or an incorrect model/theory not taught at Holmes is used.




Comparative Analysis and Conclusion(6marks)

Providesacomprehensive comparativeanalysiswith clear and insightful conclusions that demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject-relevant theory.Provides a strong comparativeanalysis with well-supported conclusions, though there may be minor areas for improvement.Provides a good comparative analysis with generally accurateconclusions, thoughtheremay be some gaps in clarity or depth.Provides a basic comparativeanalysis withconclusionsthat are somewhat supported, but lacks depth or clarity in places.

Theanalysisiseither incorrect or lacks depth, with unsupported or unclear conclusions, or an incorrect model/theory not taught at Holmes is


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