Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Assignment Help

 Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Assignment Help

Assessment details

Task 1B – Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool (25%)

Due Week 6

Complete a Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool

Complete a Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool (only use template provided in the Assessment folder on Moodle) to address the experience you identified in Task 1A. Your template should not exceed 3 pages.

To complete this task:

  • Consider yourself as a community service worker and you have a client.
  • Your client’s identified issue is what you have identified in Task 1A.
  • You are required to conduct research to find at least five resources provided by government or independent agencies to support your client.
  • These resources should potentially assist your client with providing further information and support regarding the context.
  • Research at least three different councils and two agencies in your state to identify the services they provide which could support your client with the issue you identified in Task 1A.
  • Develop your own program (service) ideas by referring to a framework, theory, or approach covered in Weeks 1-6.
  • Provide evidence that your idea could benefit the client by providing end-text references to 5 peer reviewed scholarly journals adopting APA 7th style.





Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool Template (25%) Please briefly explain the client’s identified issue in Assessment 1 Part 1A here:
Resources (please provide the link to the resource)Summary content in resources

3 services provided by

councils (1 local

How the service may assist the clientDevelop your own program

Evidence from credible literature by adopting APA 7th end text referencing


  and 2 from your   
  state) and 2   
  services provided   
  by agencies   
  (please provide   
  links to each   
  website). 5 in   
Annotation: Please choose 5 online resource that could be beneficial to your client and paste the link here. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure the link to the resource is available to your lecturer.Annotation: What is this resource about? Please summarise here.

Annotation: Find a council/agency and provide the link to the service page (not home page of the council/agency) that could be beneficial to your client addressing

the exact issue

Annotation: Why did you choose the service identified on the left column? How could it address your client’s needs?Annotation: As a community service worker, what services/activities/ideas would you like to introduce to the council/agency in order to meet your client’s needs?Annotation: You need to support your claims made in the left column via credible literature. Please provide at least 5 APA 7th end text references that support the claims you made in the left column.
 identified in Task   
 1A. Please note   
 that it is your   
 responsibility to   
 ensure the link to   
 the service is   
 available to your   










Criterion Measures Intended Learning Outcome

Criterion 1 Presentation of template: 2.5 marks (10%) LO1, LO2, LO3,

LO4, LO5

Criterion 2 Resources to work with multiculturalism/diversity: 2.5 marks (10%)

Criterion 3 Councils’ and Agencies’ Services to build inclusion community services: 6 marks (25%)

LO1, LO2, LO5 LO2, LO4, LO5

Criterion 4 &


Discussion and Reference List on barriers to inclusion and apply strategies and/or frameworks to build learning and inclusion through anti -oppressive and multicultural sensitivity practice: 7.5 marks (35%)

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO5

Criterion 6 Discussion on proposing a program as a community services worker: 6.5 marks (25%)

Task Length Maximum 3 pages of Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool Template

LO4 & LO5







Task 1B: Multicultural Inclusion Reflection Tool (25%)



CRITERIONWeightHD 80% +D 70 – 79%C 60 – 69%P 50 – 59%NN 0 - 49%

Correctly completed coversheet with all required information provided.

Template completed in full. No inconsistencies.

Correctly completed coversheet. Template completed with minor inconsistencies.

Completed coversheet.

Most sections of template completed with minor or major inconsistencies.

Coversheet present with missing details. Template incomplete or some sections completed with irrelevant content.

No coversheet.

More than half of template incomplete or completed with irrelevant content.

Resources10Includes all 5 with excellent selection and summary of all five resources with working links to meet client’s needs.Includes all five with very good selection and summary of resources with working links to meet client’s needs.Attempts all 5 and good selection and summary of resources with working links to meet client’s needs.

Attempts all 5 but some resources are appropriate for client and one or two links provided do not work.

Summary somewhat links resource to client’s needs.

Poor choice of resources. Summary insufficient or missing and more than two links do not work. Does not meet client’s needs.
Councils’ and Agencies’ Services25Includes all 5 with excellent selection of services provided by councils and agencies with working link to the page with information of the service to meet the client’s needs.Includes all 5 with very good selection of services provided by councils and agencies with working link to the page with information of the service to meet the client’s needs.Attempts all 5 and good selection of services provided by councils and agencies with working link to the page with information of the service to meet the client’s needs.Attempts all 5 but some services by councils and agencies appropriate to meet the client’s needs. One or two links provided not working.Poor choice of services. More than two links do not work or only lead to the home page of the council or agency.
Analysis25Excellent and clearly stated evaluation and examples of how service can assist the client.Very good and clearly stated evaluation and examples of how service can assist the client.Mostly evaluates with some descriptive examples of how service can assist the client.Describes how services can assist the client.Limited or irrelevant explanation of how services can assist with client’s needs.
References10References presented with no errors; APA 7 guidelines observed fully.References presented with minor errors; APA 7 observed well. It does not impact the reader searching the reference.References has mostly minor errors; APA 7 guidelines observed to some extent. A number of minor errors in formatting present. They do not prevent the reader from looking up source.References has errors; APA 7 guidelines observed but not in full. These do not prevent reader searching source.Reference absent. APA 7 not used or poorly observed. Errors prevent reader from searching source.
Proposed Program20Excellent text explaining the proposed program in a clear and succinct manner with an example.Very good text explaining the proposed program in a clear and succinct manner.Text explaining the proposed program.Text explaining the proposed program. Some information missing.No proposed program or missing information related to the proposed program




























































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