MMM267 Business Logistics Assignment Help

MMM267 Business Logistics

Team Presentation 


Due date and time:                 All teamsshould submit their Team PPT slide deck on 5pm Sunday 8 September 2024 (Week 10). All teams must also give a live 7-minute presentation in the first class of week 11. All team members MUST present. Only contributing team members will get marks. 

Percentage of final grade:      20% (20 marks)

IMPORTANT: This is a group assignment. Students need to work in teams of 3 or 4 students. Parts of the assessment are based on the team’s group work, students who do not work in a team cannot gain the marks allocated for teamwork (see dot point three below). Teachers cannot change the requirement for teamwork. 

Guidelines for Students and Teams: 

  1. Team formation occurs in class time. Students must check the Moodle site of the unit on when the in-class team formation is due, attend the class whether on-campus or online, and form the team with students from the same class. Your teacher will assist in this process.
  2. If students miss the team formation class, they are required to contact their teacher and request to be placed in a team within a week for the team formation. 
  3. If for any reason students believe they are unable to complete the assignment in teams, then they must apply for exemption from working in a team from the Unit Coordinator ( at least 4 weeks before the assignment is due. Documentary evidence is required in support of any request. 

If a student/team submits an incorrect assignment and needs to upload again, the assessment with be treated as late submission with appropriate penalties. 


Imagine you are a consultant and your chosen organisation is one of your clients and approaches you to investigate their Supply Chain Management (SCM) challenge/risk and provide them a detailed recommendation to overcome the challenge/risk. This assignment is aligned to ULOs 1, 2, and 3 and GLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 

In the Team Presentation, you will choose a team of 3 or 4 members and together will provide ONE recommendation to the management of your chosen organisation on how to fix ONE of the identified challenges discussed in the Progress/Final Report. You must use relevant SC theoriesandconcepts,empiricalresearchliteratureplusnon-academicresources (including textbook and organisation website) in support of your analysis. Teams will be formed in Week 8.

This assignment is about taking the learning experiences from the Progress Report (Week 3) and the Final Report (Week 7)and developing a practical recommendation to your chosen organization.

As a team, choose ONE of the following business organisations for your Team Presentation:

  • Mazda (automobile manufacturer) OR

  • KFC (fast food restaurant chain) 

Your tasks 

  1. Negotiate with your group members to reach a common understanding of one of the key supply chain challenges/risks of your chosen organization
  2. Negotiate with your group members to reach a common understanding of one of the key functions of SCOR model that are required to manage SC of your chosen organization
  3. Undertake an in-depth analysis of the proposed challengewith evidence of research 
  4. Make one recommendation to management about how to solve the challenge; propose ONE recommendation through a professional team presentation
  5. Undertake an in-depth analysis of the proposed recommendation 
  6. You must use relevant SCM theoriesandconcepts from textbook,empiricalresearchliteratureplusnon-academicresources in support of your analysis
  7. You are required to cite at least four academic journal articles in support of analysis of challenge and recommendation 

Team Formation

  1. Students will choose their Team in class in Week 8. If students do not attend, then teacher will place them into a team
  2. Teams are preferably 3 or 4 students per team
  3. All team members must participate in the LIVE presentation.Only contributing team members will get marks. 


  1. Style: 20 PPT slide deck needs to be prepared for this presentation using both images and texts in each slide with evidence of citation where appropriate. 
  2. When: All teams must give a live 7-minute presentation in thefirst class of week 11.
  3. Duration of Presentation: 7 (seven) minutes maximum for each group (20 slides x 20 seconds).Make sure to automate the advancement of the slides so your presentation does not run over time.
  4. Number of slides to be used in PowerPoint: 20 slides. 
  5. Dress Code: Dress professionally

Suggested outline of your team presentation:

Slide # 1:                     Introduction of all team members with Deakin College name and ID.

Slide # 2:                     Outline of the presentation.

Slide # 3:                     Purpose of the assignment.

Slide # 4, 5, 6, 7:         Background of the organisation(this is Task 1 of Progress Report; provide all the information as required for Task 1 of Progress Report) (Citation support is required)

Slide # 8, 9, 10, 11:     Supply chain practices of your chosen organization(this is Task 2 of Progress Report) (Citation support is required)

Slide # 12, 13, 14, 15:             Discussion of current SCM challenge/risk(this is Task 3 of Progress Report/ Task 1 of Final Report) (Citation support is required)

Slide # 16:                   Outline of your recommendation (this is Task 2 of Final Report)

Slide # 17, 18:             Evaluation of the recommendation - provide a theory-based rationale for why you think this approach, if implemented, would improve the SCM practices of your client (Citation support is required)

Slide # 19:                   Conclusion

Slide # 20:                   Reference list


  • This is a group assignment, hence only one student is required to submit the assignment in the submission box. Multiple submissions may result in academic misconduct and will be dealt accordingly.
  • If a student/team submits an incorrect assignment and needs to upload again, the assessment with be treated as late submission with appropriate penalties. 
  • Submit your PPT slide deck into the assignment dropbox on Sunday Week 10
  • This is a group presentation, hence 
    • only one student is required to submit the PowerPoint slides in the submission box

Extension of an Assignment Submission Date

If there is a compelling reason why you are unable to complete your assignment before the due date you should complete a Request for Extension of Assignment Due Date form, available from the Student Portal under Documents/Forms and submit it to your unit coordinator at This must be done before the assignment due date. Supporting documentation must be provided also before an extension can be considered. See information provided on the Request for Extension of Assignment Due Date document.

Penalties for Late Submissions

Assignments received late and without prior approval will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the total available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the due date will be awarded a mark of zero. 

Academic and non-academic sources:

Youmustreferenceaminimum of four(4) differentacademicjournalarticles. Academicjournalscan befound byconducting a searchof theDeakinLibrary academicdatabases.Much oftheinformationinrelation to your selectedorganisation required tocompletethisassignmentcanbeobtained from only non-academic(sometimesidentified asprofessionalor industry)sources and the chosen organization’s home page.Thisisoftentheonly waytofindoutup-to-dateinformationaboutabusinessororganisation.Non-academicsourcesmustbeincluded inyourReferenceslist,butareNOTcounted aspart ofyouracademic/scholarlysources.

Following are some of the suggested non-academic sources: 

Organisation websites, including:

  • AnnualReports
  • AnnualReviews
  • MediaReleases

 Media websites,including:

  • TheAge
  • TheAustralian
  • TheAustralian FinancialReview (AFR)
  • TheABC
  • BusinessReviewWeekly (BRW)

Assignment submission instructions:

  1. Your document mustbe saved as the following example indicates:
  • student John Smith, ID SMIJO1302 would submit as SMIJO1302_John Smith
  1. Students must keep a copy of this assignment submitted and must be able to produce the copy in the unlikely event that the original assignment is misplaced.  Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work.  Electronic loss of data is common, but is NOT a satisfactory excuse for an extension of a submission date.

Academic Misconduct 

Students should familiarise themselves with the Academic Integrity Policy (available from the Deakin College website or the Student Portal under Students/Forms/Policies and Procedures). 

Academic misconduct is a serious offence in academia. These include plagiarism, collusion, cheating and ‘misrepresentations’ (which includes falsification of documents). Penalties will be applied consistently with the Academic Integrity Policy.

Plagiarism occurs when a student intentionally or accidentally presents the work of another person(s) as though it is their own original work without proper reference to that source or sources. For example, copying or paraphrasing an author’s work without referencing that work, translating foreign works into English without acknowledging those sources, or reusing one’s own previously submitted or assessed work. 

Collusion occurs when work is produced by collaborating with other person(s), without permission, and then presenting that work as if it is your own. For example, copying any part of another student’s assignment, allowing another student to copy any part of your assignment, or allowing another person to rewrite or make changes to your assignment. 

Cheating occurs when a student engages in other forms of dishonest conduct, whether in an assessment or in any representation. For example, communication with another student during an examination, having unauthorised notes during an examination ‐ the notes may be on or in an object, a data storage device or on any part of the body, or ‘contract cheating’, which is the purchasing work or commissioning another person or website to produce a work which is then passed off as your own. 

Misrepresentation occurs when a student presents falsified documents, or by words, conduct or non‐disclosure of information creates a false status or an impression inconsistent with facts, for example, falsely asserting attendance at a lecture or a laboratory session or submitting a falsified medical certificate. 

Whenever you refer to another person’s research or ideas (whether by directly quoting or by paraphrasing them) you MUST acknowledge that source. Copying paragraphs from the internet and presenting them as your own work is plagiarism. If you download and copy paragraphs from the internet, you must identify the source. 

You MUST acknowledge the sources that you have drawn on. This is a necessary courtesy to the original authors, and also allows the readers of your work to follow up on any points that you have raised. 

If you directly copy another writer's phrase, sentence or paragraph, then you should use quotation marks and note the source of the quote. If you use another writer's ideas, but not his or her exact words, you should again note the source. There are a number of ways by which you can refer to other people's work. 

The main referencing method used at Deakin College is the APA7 referencing method, which involves noting the author's name, the title of the article and journal, or book, the year of publication, the journal's volume number, the book publisher's name and location, and the relevant page numbers. 

A copy of Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing is available on the Deakin University website:

Marking Rubric for Team Presentation (Total Mark is 20)

MMM267 Team Presentation Marking Rubric: (20% - 20 marks)





No/poor attempt

(0-1.4 marks)


Needs improvement

(1.5-2.4 marks)



(2.5 – 2.9 marks)


(3-3.4 marks)


Very good

(3.5-3.9 marks)


(4-5 marks)

Details of the SCM challenge/risk and associated solution

(Max 5marks)

Details have little or nothing to do with SCM challenge and/or proposed solution. No referencing 

Details poorly address the SCM challenge. It is difficult to understand what the challenge was and what the solution is. Citation support is not correctly formatted 



Details relate to the SCM challenge but are too general or are incomplete. The audience needs more information to understand what the challenge is and what the proposed solution is with some errors in referencing Details include important information about the SCM challenge and solution.The evidences (information sources) support the description of the challenge and proposed solutions. However, the audience may need more information to understand fully. Also be mindful of correct citation support for all the tasks. 

Details capture the important information about the SCM challenge and the proposed solution. The evidences (information sources) support the description of the challenge and proposed solutions. It increases the audience’s understanding, but may need only minor supplementary information for a comprehensive understanding. Citation support is mostly error free



Details capture the important information about the SCM challenge and the proposed solution. The evidences (information sources) support the description of the challenge and proposed solution. It increases the audience’s understanding and engagement

Citation support is effectively used throughout 

Structure and flow


(Max 5 marks)

Information does not relate to the topic


Not all information relates to the topic. It is difficult to follow and understand the contents. The flow is not too logical nor concise/coherent



Most of information relate to the topic and make it easier to understand. But there are some flaws in the logic and the coherence





Most of information are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. Minor flaws in the logic and the coherence





All the information is related to the topic and make it easier to understand. There are a few areas that need improvements and the idea depicted in the video. Overall, there is good logical flow. Most part is concise and coherent



All the information is related to the topic and make it easier to understand. The story and the idea depicted in the video is easy to follow and understand. The flow is logical, effective and relevant throughout. Everything is concise and coherent to the point

Overall Quality of Presentation


(Max 5 marks)

None of the visual and time instructions are followed


Visual coherence of presentation significantly lacking. Significant variation in time allowed


Limited effort to create a coherent visual presentation. Presentation fell outside the 7-minutelimit


Basic effort to create a coherent visual presentation. Presentation was either over or under time by 1 minute


Presentation was mostly well-timed, showed evidence of attention to visual details, and completed within the allocated 7 minutes


Presentation was visually appealing, well-timed and completed within the allocated 7 minutes


Referencing using APA7 Referencing style 


(Max 5 marks)





Reference slide either missing or containing no academic sources



The requirement for minimum referencing is not followed. Referencing style is not compliant to APA7 style



Referencing slide formatted with systematic errors including fewer than 4 academic sources


Referencing slide formatted with some systematic errors including 4-5 academic sources



Referencing slide formatted with some errors including 5-6 academic sources





Reference slide formatted perfectly with 7-8 academic sources




Example invalid form file feedback

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