MGT306 Project Management Assignment Help

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Individual Essay









Sundayby 11:59pm









30 Marks

Essay Question Task:


  1. Howaprojectis identified
  2. Howprioritiesaredetermined
  3. Thekeycomponentsofaprojectcharter
  4. PrepareaRequestforProposal(RFP).


Check list Of Tasks to be Completed Before Submitting Assessment Task 1 on Turnitin This table is to be included in your assessment submission.




1Include on your cover page:  
  • Title of Assessment Task 1
  • Subject Code and Subject Name
  • Student Name
  • Student ID
  • Name of Lecturer
2Anessayrequiresa150word introduction  
3The body of essay has four paragraphs  
4aBody Paragraph 1 requires a minimum of three in- text references within the paragraph.  

Body Paragraph 2 requires a minimum of three in-

text references with in the paragraph.



textreferenceswithinthe paragraph.



textreferenceswithinthe paragraph.



keypoints inthebodyofthe essay


Aminimumoften references.Websitesarein


6bBooks,textbooks,refereedjournalarticlesmust have been published in the last 5 years.  
6cReferencesintheBibliographymustbelistedin alphabetical order by author surname.  
6dBibliographyandin-textreferencesmustuseAPA Style referencing.  

Format of Essay

  1. CoverPage
  2. Introduction
  3. ParagraphOne
  4. ParagraphTwo
  5. ParagraphThree
  6. ParagraphFour
  7. Conclusion
  8. Bibliographymustincludetenreferences
    • Listreferencesinalphabeticalorderbyauthorsurname.
    • Useonlyrefereedpeerreviewedjournalarticles,booksandtextbooks
    • Tenreferencesneedtobeincludedinthe bibliography

How To Write An Introduction

The purpose of this essay is to critically discuss how a project is(1)identified,(2)prioritiesselected,(3)key components of a project charter and (4) prepare a Request For Proposal (RFP) for (insert project title).

Firstly,this essay will critically discuss how a project is identified.

Secondly,this essay will critically discuss how project priorities are select edashighimpacthighurgencyor low impact low urgency project management goals.

Thirdly,this essay will critically discuss how components of the project charterareidentifiedas relevant for the project (specify set goals and by when).

Fourthly,this essay will critically discuss how a contract orpreparesa Request for Proposal(RFP)forthe achievement of (insert goal(s) and by when statement(s).

How to citeapara phraseas an in-text reference


How to citea direct quote asanin-text reference


Example of How To write a Cause and Effect Analytical Paragraph

The intention of this paragraph is to critically discuss how a project is identified during an organisation strategic planning review to build three missiles manufacturing plants in three different states, to commence manufacturing from 1st July 2026, 2030 and 2034.

Brown(Yearofpublication),highlights a demand for the need to shift Australia defence activities in more forward offensive directions and for long range 300 kilometres missiles to bebuiltin Australia with a joint ownership between the government specialise denterprises.It is project edthat between100 -300 highly skilled employees will be initially recruited and that a total of 3 to 5 manufacturing plants will be built, withthe first plant ready for production by 2028 onwards.

The Australia White Defence Strategic Review(Released23April2023),arguesthat joint government and specialised defence manufacturing capabilities need to be established and manufacturing in Australia by 2028.

In addition, Brown (2023), also argues that with the Ukraine and Russian war, access to traditional long range deterrentmissilesarenotreadily available.SinceCOVID19theAustraliangovernmenthasidentified the need to deglobalise and invest in self-sufficiency in manufacturing of high-tech projects that are

strategic to Australian security.

Inconclusion,a project of strategic importanc ecanoccurinresponse to world events,assupportedwitha newly released strategic national security paper that identifies emerging high impact high urgency

strategic defence manufacturing opportunities.A government lead and driven missile manufacturing industry in Australia will also lead to joint government and design ated private enterprises being targeted to manufacture missiles in Australia with the required recruitment of a highly specialised skill-

based workforce.

How to write a Bibliography How to cite a Textbook:

SurnameofAuthor,InitialofFirstname.,(yearofpublication),TitleofTextbook,(Edition)Nameof Publisher, Place of Publication.

How to citea Refereed Journal Article:

Surname of Author,Initialof First Name.,(yearofpublication),Title of Article,Name of Journal,Volume Number, Issue Number, p. or pp.

Google Scholar

Using refereedjournalarticlesthathavebeenpublishedinthelas t5 years.

Example of a Bibliography that includes 4 references:

Bartlett,C.,&Beamish,P.(2014),TransnationalManagement:Text,CasesandReadingsinCross-Border Management (7th ed.), New York, McGrath-Hill/Irwin.



Farahnak, L., Ehrhart, M., & Torres, E. (2020), The Influence of transformational leadership and leader attributesandimplementationsuccess,JournalofLeadershipandOrganisationalStudies,27(1),98- 111.


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