MBIS4008 Business Process Modelling Assignment Help

MBIS4008 Business Process Modelling

MBIS4008 Business Process Modelling
Assessment TypeReport
Assessment Number3 



Report (Individual)



Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning OutcomesGraduate Attributes Assessed

ULO02: Analyse the role of information technology in Business Process Mapping.

ULO03: Demonstrate capability in the application of a process mapping tool.

ULO04: Create and communicate recommendations for business process improvement.

GA 1: Communication: The ability to communicate persuasively, both orally and in writing, with a diverse range of audiences.

GA 2: Collaboration: The ability to build and manage teams, and to liaise and co-operate with stakeholders successfully.

GA 4: Critical thinking & problem solving: The ability to pro-actively identify and solve problems creatively and in a structured and methodical way.

GA 6: Flexibility: The ability to critically assess, evaluate and synthesise alternatives.

GA 7: Leadership: The ability to lead others effectively.

GA 8: Self-sustained learning: The ability to conduct future self-sustained learning through accurate and advanced research.


Due Date/Time 

Part A: Report 20% in Session8 (Moodle Turnitin)

Part B: Presentation 15% in Session 8 of Week 4 (In-class)

Report due in Session 8 (Wednesday) via Moodle Turnitin 5:00pm (AEST)


Assessment Description 

In this project, students will choose an organisation for their project and will create a BPM implementation strategy and implementation plan for the organisation. There are many new start-ups forming daily and most of these startups are disrupting their industries through the adoption of new technology. There are clear examples of how the transportation service industry has been disrupted by the likes of UberOla andDiDi. Uber disrupted the traditional taxi firms where people would often have to wait in long queues before they could get a ride. Nowadays with the use of a mobile app, anyone could arrange for an uber pickup,and they can monitor at real-time the exact location of their Uber vehicle without the anxiety and worries of uncertainty associated with waiting for a traditional taxi. The process is a lot more transparent, efficient and the data is available at real-time. By streamline the business process of traditional cabs Uber has managed to disrupt this huge sector globally.   


There are many other examples of companies such as Uber that have leveraged technology to disrupt different sectors or markets.Pick an organisation that has disrupted or in the process of disrupting a particular business sector or industry. You should answer the following questions providing the relevant supporting information: 

  • Introduce and provide reasonable background information of the company and the sector in which the operate?
  • Analyseand describe the current AS-IS business processes.
  • Map the current business processes using the relevant BPMNs.
  • Critically evaluate the changes that will occur with the inclusion of the new technology and how it will impact on the existing business processes.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of BPM by designing and developing a process mapping that will capture the new business processes.
  • Highlight the potential positive and negative impacts of the technological changes to the business. 
  • Provide any recommendations on the new improved business processes and any mitigation strategies to address the negative impacts of the proposed solutions. 


You are encouraged to attend the workshop on Referencing and Research Practice organised with the Academic Success Team (AST). You may also schedule a one-on-one workshop with the AST by emailing academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au


Process, structure and content:

The process of the project is the development of a project integrated final report and presentation. The presentation is due in week 11 and the report is due in week 10.The presentation should be an overview of the key points covered in the report. Students should envision themselves presenting the findings of their report to Executives within their organisation. The presentation should be 10 minutes long with 5 minutes of Q& A at the end of presentation. Guidance is available from your lecturer and from whom you must seek approval for the organisation that you have chosen.


The structure of the project is a 2500-word report, the contents of which are detailed below. It is the report that requires submitting as the finished piece of work and this will be marked based on the rubric provided on page 5. Ad hoc work in whatever form will not be marked if submitted.

The wordcount is 2500 words. This is subject to plus or minus 10%. The wordcount does not include the executive summary, the table of contents, the list of references or any appendices. However, please note that appendices should be used for supplementary information only: they will NOT be considered for marking.


The report content will comprise of the following sections:

Title page: this must contain the title of the report and your names, unit name, unit number and date of submission. 

Table of contents (TOC): ideally, but not necessarily, constructed using the hyperlink functions in Word. Lists of figures and tables are not required.

Executive summary: an executive summary provides an overview of the ENTIRE report. It is NOT an introduction section. It is NOT a background section. The purpose of an executive summary is to provide an understanding of the document without having to read the complete report. Ideally, half to one page in length (but no longer), the executive summary will contain a summary sentence or two on each section of the report. Do not use headings or titles in the executive summary; it should be written in essay narrative format and read seamlessly.

Introduction: the introduction informs the reader of the aims and methods applied in the project. It also defines the scope of the project (what is included and what is not). Whilst it may mention the chosen organisation by name, the introduction DOES NOT talk in detail about the chosen organisation or its industry.

Background: a background informs that reader of the context to the project. Here the organisation and its industry are described. Information about the past performance is presented along with any notes about major milestones. It is easy to ‘go overboard’ with this section and consume much wordcount; one page is all that’s needed to set the scene for theproject. 

Moreover, in this and other sections, too many students often over-rely on company websites. Most times, these websites present an organisation’s promotions (advertising) or opinions masquerading as facts. Because of the convenience and profusion of this type of information, it is too easy for students to ignore the authoritative sources of data that can be reached through AIH library databases: however, the use of AIH library databases is the way to higher marks!

Methodology: This section highlights the methodologies applied on the given dataset. You need to clearlystate a reason as to why they used that technique and provide supporting references especially if the technique is relevant for that particular industry. 

Results: In this section, students will provide the results of their analyses. The results need to be provided in a logical sequence to ensure that the document is coherent and well synthesized. The results need to clearly show the application of the techniques covered in this unit and that the relevant assumptions in terms of the data have been given due considerations.

Key Findings:The findings of the analyses will be explained in this section. You are expected to be elaborate and provide an in-depth explanation of the results and why they support or don’t support the results of the analyses. You need to provide the necessary reference to support any claims to ensure that the findings are supported by others in that field.You need to include the dashboard from their analyses as it provides an overview of the information given in the dataset. 

Recommendations: The recommendation highlights any key findings from the analyses that would help the business and organisation address areas that can be improved based on the findings. Recommendation sections are usually concise and provide practical advice to an organisation on areas that needs to be addressed. 

Conclusions:Through logical reasoning, this section should summarise how the project objectives have been achieved using appropriate business analytics tools and techniques.

List of references: this should be formatted in Harvard style.


It is also vital that your work is guided by the marking rubric.


Research expectation: 

  • The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources. 
  • Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles. 
  • Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance. 



Submission Requirements

  • Use Harvard referencing including the reference list
  • All students must submit the peer evaluation via relevant Moodle link before the assessment due date
  • You must submit the assessment through the Assessment 3 Turnitin link on the Moodle page for this unit
Individual Work 
  • The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle. 
  • Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information and included it in your assessment.   
  • Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or other students etc.) without acknowledging the author is classified as misconduct.   
  • Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you is classified as misconduct. 
  • To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support coordinator (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it). 
  • The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/). 
  • Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle. 
Late Submission 
  • Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late. 
  • Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process. 
Special consideration 
  • Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious.   
  • Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. 
  • The form can be obtained from the AIH website (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/current-students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception. 
  • The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on 
  • (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/). 


Unit MBIS4008Business Process Management


Assessment 3 – Report - Marking Rubric


Rubrics Criteria                                                                             Marking Criteria                                                          


ULO02: Analyse the role of information technology in Business Process Mapping.


ULO03: Demonstrate capability in the application of a process mapping tool.


ULO04: Create and communicate recommendations for business process improvement.





Resources are relevant and fully appropriate and demonstrates excellent research skills.




Resources are mostly relevant and appropriate and demonstrates very good research skills. 




Resources are appropriate and demonstrates good research skills.




One resource is relevant and demonstrates average research skills.




No resources were obtained, or resources are not relevant. No research skills demonstrated.



Introduction and Background

(3 marks)

Demonstrated excellent understanding of topic and written structure.






Demonstrated very good understanding of topic and written structure.






Demonstrated good understanding of topic and written structure.






Demonstrated satisfactory understanding of topic and written structure.





Demonstrated sufficient understanding of topic or written structure/ or has not been submitted or is not relevant to the topic.



Body (Results, Analyses, Conclusion &Recommendation)

(10 marks)

All of the criteria have been very comprehensively covered, demonstrating excellent understanding of the topic. 



Written style is accurate and appropriate.



Accurate word count.




All of the criteria have been comprehensively covered, demonstrating very good understanding of the topic.


Written style is accurate.



Word count approximately within range.





All of the criteria have been satisfactorily covered, demonstrating good understanding of the topic.



Written style is satisfactory.



Word count slightly over or under.




Most of the criteria have been covered, demonstrating average understanding of the topic.



Written style is very limited with many errors.


Word count evidently over or under.




Criteria has been unsatisfactorily covered or not at all, demonstrating insufficient understanding of the topic.


Written style is not appropriate or full of errors.


Word count not adhered to.




(2 marks)

Harvard referencing is accurate and complete.




Harvard referencing is accurate and mostly complete.



Harvard referencing is satisfactory.




Harvard referencing style is followed with errors.



Harvard referencing is full of errors, or not attempted.



Total / 20 marks      


Assessment 4 –Presentation - Marking Rubric


RubricCriteria Presentation Marking Rubric

ULO02: Analyse the role of information technology in Business Process Mapping.


ULO03: Demonstrate capability in the application of a process mapping tool.


ULO04: Create and communicate recommendations for business process improvement.


Visual Appeal

(3 marks)

There are no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Information is clear and concise on each slide.

Visually appealing/engaging.

There are some errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Too much information on two or more slides.

Significant visual appeal.

There are many errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Too much information was contained on many slides.

Minimal effort made to make slides appealing or too much going on.

There are many errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. The slides were difficult to read and too much information had been copied onto them.

No visual appeal.




(3 marks)

Extensive knowledge of topic. Showed complete understanding of assignment. Accurately answered all questions posed.

Most showed a good understanding of topic.

Able to answer most of audience questions.

Demonstrated good understanding of some parts of topic.

Accurately answered a few of the questions. 

Presenter didn’t understand topic.

Majority of questions were attempted to be answered.


(6 Marks)

The presentation was a concise summary of the topic with all questions answered. Comprehensive and complete coverage of information.

The presentation was a good summary of the topic. 

Most important information covered; little irrelevant info.

The presentation was informative but several elements went unanswered. 

Much of the information irrelevant; coverage of some of major points.

The presentation was a brief look at the topic but many questions were left unanswered. 

Majority of information irrelevant and significant points left out.





(3 marks)

The presenter knew the information, participated equally, and helped each other as needed. 

Extremely prepared and rehearsed.

The presenter did a good effort to prepare and present the work accordingly. Primarily prepared but with some dependence on the materials such as just reading off the slides and not mastering the content of their presentation. Lack of preparation. Evident lack of preparation/rehearsal. Dependence on slides.
Total / 15 marks     

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