SubjectCode: | MBA401 | ||
SubjectName: | People,Culture,andContemporaryLeadership | ||
AssessmentTitle: | Leadershipandorganisationalanalysis | ||
Assessment Type: | Casestudy | ||
AssessmentLength: | 1500 | Words | (+/-10%) |
Weighting: | 40% | ||
Total Marks: | 40 | ||
Submission: | MyKBS(Turnitin) | ||
DueDate: | Week9 |
Analyseagivencase/scenario, prepareawrittenreport ofthefindingsandmakepracticable recommendations for resolution of the issues in the case.
This assessmentrequires studentstoapplytheconcepts,modelsandtheories studied inthissubjectto analysea[given]organisationalandleadershipcasestudy(whichwillbeprovidedinMyKBS). Students willanalysethecase,specificallyfocusingonorganisationalculture,decision-making,leadershipand communication,conflict,negotiation,andresolution.Theanalysiswillbepresentedasawrittenreport structuredaccordingtotheinstructionsbelow.
LO3: | Explainthekeyfunctionsofleadersandmanagersinacontemporaryorganisation. |
LO4: | Evaluatetheinfluenceofleadershiponorganisationalculture. |
Awrittencasestudywillbeprovidedasaseparatedocument intheAssessment2TabofMyKBS. Students will read and analyse the case and then prepare a written management-style report of their findings structured as follows:
Thefinal1500reportistobesubmittedtoMyKBS/TurnitininMicrosoftWordformat. This is a test of your analytical skills therefore students cannot use GenerativeAI.
Pleaserefertotheassessmentmarkingguidetoassist youincompletingalltheassessment criteria.
KBSvalues academicintegrity.Allstudentsmustunderstandthemeaningandconsequencesofcheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
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StudentsmayseekstudyassistancefromtheirlocalAcademicLearningAdvisororrefertotheresourceson the MyKBS Academic Success Centrepage. Further details can be accessed at
TrafficLight | AmountofGenerativeArtificialIntelligence (GenerativeAI) usage |
EvidenceRequired | This assessment (✓) |
Level1 | Prohibited: NoGenerativeAIallowed
This assessment showcases your individual knowledge,skillsand/orpersonalexperiences in the absence of Generative AI support. |
The use of generativeAI is prohibited for thisassessmentandmaypotentiallyresult in penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. |
✓ |
Level2 |
YoumayuseGenerativeAIforresearchand content generation that is appropriately referenced.
Seeassessmentinstructionsfordetails This assessment allows you to engage with Generative AI as a means of expanding your understanding, creativity, and idea generation intheresearchphase ofyourassessmentand to produce content that enhances your assessment.I.e.,images.Youdonothaveto use it. | TheuseofGenAIisoptionalforthis assessment.
YourcollaborationwithGenerativeAImust be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learn how to reference GenAI. -other-sources/referencing-other-sources-generative-ai Inaddition,youmustincludeanappendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment. Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentiallyresultinpenaltiesforacademic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above. |
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Level3 |
YoumustuseGenerativeAItocomplete your assessment Seeassessmentinstructionfordetails
ThisassessmentfullyintegratesGenerative AI,allowingyoutoharnessthetechnology's full potential in collaboration with your own expertise. Alwayscheckyourassessmentinstructions carefully as theremaystillbe limitations on whatconstitutesacceptableuse,andthese may be specific to each assessment. |
Youwillbetaughthowtousegenerative AI and assessed on its use.
YourcollaborationwithGenerativeAImust be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learn how to reference GenAI. -other-sources/referencing-other-sources-generative-ai Inaddition,youmustincludeanappendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment. Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentiallyresultinpenaltiesforacademic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above. |
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AssessmentMarking Guide
Criteria | HighDistinction(85- 100%) | Distinction(75-84%) | Credit(65-74%) | Pass(50-64%) | Fail(0-49%) |
Understandingof the case and identification of main issues. 10marks | Background to case is succinctly explained and articulatedinspecificterms. One(1)mainissueandone (1) sub-issue clearly identified and articulated directlyrelatedtocaseand relevanttheories. | Background to case is explained in general terms. One(1)mainissueandone sub-issue identified and articulatedgenerallyrelated to case and relevant theories. | Background to case presentbutrequiresfurther summary or development. One (1) main issue identified which requires developmentorconnection to relevant theories. | Background to case unclear, not related or verbose. One (1) main issue mentioned which doesnotdrawfromcase or requires clearer linkto relevant theories. | Background to case does not seem to connectwithcaseoris misunderstood. No clearissueidentifiedor does not draw from case or relevant theories. |
Analysis. 15marks | Clear, concise and critical explanation of "why" the issueshaveoccurredusing more than one (1) relevant theory. A critical analysis between theory and practice is clearly developed, applied to the case study and supported with referencing demonstrating excellent depthofknowledge. | Clear and concise explanation of "why" the issues have occurred using more than one (1) relevant theory.Ananalysisbetween theory and practice is well developed and supported with referencing demonstrating sound depth of knowledge. | Clearexplanationof"why" the issues have occurred using one (1) relevant theory. A link between theory and practice supported with some referencingdemonstrating a developing depth of knowledge. | Mostly descriptive and broad account of case with generalised theory or theoretical links with sparseornoreferencing which demonstrates a limited depth of knowledge. | Noevidenceofcritical thinking or analysis. Descriptiveaccountof casewithnoorwrong theory or theoretical links resulting in poor depth of knowledge. |
Recommendation s and theory into practice.
10marks | Two (2) sound applicable recommendations for resolution and to prevent recurrence of the issues and problems identified are highlydeveloped,workable, practical and based on relevanttheories | Two(2)recommendationsfor resolution and to prevent recurrence of the issues and problems identified are well developed, workable, practical and based on relevant theories. | One(1)recommendation for resolution and to preventrecurrenceofthe issues and problems identified. Practical application is broad and requires tighter link to relevanttheories. | Underdeveloped or generalised recommendations. Practicality needs developmentandfurther consideration. Not related to relevant theories. | Missing or underdeveloped recommendations.Not practical or related to relevant theories. |
Structure, presentationand referencing.
5marks | Management style report, engaging structure with logical flow. Easy tofollow. In-text and final references areinKBS-Harvardwithno errors and all in text citationsincludedin reference list. | Management style report well-structured with logical flow. Easy to follow. In-text and final references are in KBS-Harvard with minor errorsandallintextcitations included in reference list. | Report follows the given structure, proof reading A redraft for clarity required. In-textandfinalreferences are in KBS-Harvard with errors, and most in text citationsincludedin reference list. | Reportdoesnotfollow the given structure. Difficult to follow and illogical.In-textandfinal referencelistmissingor incompleteand/ornotin KBS-Harvard. | Report does not follow thegivenstructureand ideas do not flow. No attemptormajorerrors in referencing. |
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