ICT508 Management Information Systems Assignment Help

ICT508 Management Information Systems

Assessment 2 – Group Report and Presentation


This assessment focuses on the critical analysis of IS and IT and on their related ethical, social, organisational, and technical issues. It also focuses on the identification of solutions and the demonstration of strong presentation skills when conveying those solutions.


StudentsmustsubmitaworddocumentoftheirassessmentandpresentationviaTurnitInonMoodle by Sunday, 2 June 2024, 11:00pm.



L02. Demonstrated high level of capacity in the critical analysis of information systems and information technology issues, the development of business-driven solutions by applying relevant models and tools, and the evaluation of the potential value of proposedsolutions.

LO3. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively as a professional and function as an effective leader or member of a team.

LO4. Demonstrated high level of capacity in the critical analysis of the ethical, social, organisational, and technical issues that may prevent the implementation of information systems and the development of potential solutions to overcome these issues.

Assessment Details

A Helping Hand is an Australian charity that helps people in Australia and overseas. Their work in Australia involves serving hot meals to the homeless, providing food packs to families in need and companionshiptosickchildren and theelderly.Overseas, thecharityemploysanurse tosupportthe Naga Community in the Philippines and runs an Operational Therapy Centre to help children. The charity also runs a yearly mission where volunteers travel to various countries to deliver medical aid and support the vulnerable.

Althoughthecharityisverysuccessfulinservingtheneedy,itsoperationisinefficientduetoitslimited use of IS/IT solutions. You must work with your group to:

  1. Identifyandanalysetwo(2)IS/ITissuesthatnon-for-profitorganisationsexperience.
  2.  DiscusstheprocessthatshouldbeusedwhenattemptingtodeliverbusinessdrivenIS/IT solutions, a model and a tool that can aid in this delivery and how you can use them.
  3. ResearchcontemporaryIS/ITsolutionsanddiscusshowthecharityshouldusethemtoimprove efficiency.
  4.  Discusstheethical,social,organisational,andculturalissuesthatcouldpreventthe implementation of solutions in the industry and ways to address them.


  • Evidenceanddepthofresearch (20%)
  • Relevanceofcontent(20%)
  • Applicationofconceptsandsolutions (20%)
  • ClarityofStructure (10%)
  • Writingtotheaudience(15%)
  • Correctreferencing(15%)

Thereportcomponentisworth30%oftheoverallmarkandwillbemarkedusingtherubricdiscussed at the end of the document.

Itisveryimportanttonotethatresearchisakeycriterionthatwillinfluencethemarkyouearn.The bestresearchiswherestudentsmaketheirargumentsbyusingpeer-reviewedjournalarticles.While usingaminimumofsix(6)sourcesisexpected,studentswillonlyachieveatopmarkintheirresearch component when they adequately use over twenty (20) quality research sources.

Kindly note that using WIKIPEDIA and other online encyclopaedia is not allowed and may result in being given a fail grade for the task. Furthermore, the team leader must insert in the report a % indicatingthecontributionofeachteammember. Memberswhodonotdotheirfairshareofthe work will be penalised.

Further to the above, there is a recorded video presentation component and an in-person presentation as per the details shown below:

  • Thepresentationmustbesupportedbyappropriatevisualaids.
  • Aminimumof5slidesandamaximumof10slidesisallowed.
  • Theallowedpresentationtimeis~15minutes (forrecordedvideo)and5minutes(forin person) for each group.
  • Allgroupmembersarerequiredtopresent.
  • Optimisetheoralpresentationgradebynotsimplyreadingthewrittenreportbutalso presenting conclusions drawn from the analysis.
  • Demonstratepositiveverbalandnon-verbalcommunicationskills.

The presentation component is worth 10% of the overall mark and will be marked using the rubric discussed at the end of the document.

Important Additional Information

  • PleaseincludeSISTC’sassessmentcoverpageatthebeginningofthesubmittedwork.
  • TheassessmentmustbeAPAreferenced,typedCalibri12font,doublespacedand delivered by using the appropriate headings and subheadings.
  • Referencingisonlyconsideredadequatewhenthesourcesthatareusedintheworkare acknowledged both in-text and in the references list at the end of the essay.
  • Theassessment’slengthis3000words(+/-)10%includingreferences.
  • Theassessmentisworth30%ofyouroverallsubjectmark,includingpresentation.
  • Thisisagroup-basedassignment.Minimum2studentsandmaximum4studentsineach group.
  • ACoverletterincludingthenameofallteammembersshouldbesubmittedwiththe assignment.
  • A~15minutes recordedvideopresentationisrequiredtobesubmittedbyeachgroup.All team members should contribute to the recorded video presentation.
  • A5-minutespresentationonweek12isrequiredforeachgroup.Allteammembersshould participate in the presentation.
  • Aworddocumentandrecordedvideopresentationofyourassessmentmustbesubmitted to Moodle by Sunday, 2 June 2024, 11:00pm. The word file should be submitted in word format.
  • Youdonotneedtoprintandsubmitahardcopyofyourreportandpresentation.
  • Submittingyourworklatewillattractareductionofmarkforeachdaybeyondthedue date.
  • Itisrecommendedtoplantimeappropriatelyandstartyourassessmentearlywhichwill give you time to gain feedback from your tutor and do well.






Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. AuthoritativeresultswillbepublishedonMoodle.


Tosubmityourassessmenttask,youmustindicatethatyouhavereadandunderstood,andcomply with,theSydneyInternationalSchoolofTechnologyandCommerceAcademicIntegrityandStudent Plagiarism policies and procedures.

Youmustalsoagreethatyourworkhasnotbeenoutsourcedandisentirelyyourownexceptwhere work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.

Group Report Marking Guide–Marks 100

Weighting: 20% AssessmentCriteria:




 (0-49%)(50- 64%)



(75- 84%)(85- 100%)
depthofappropriateandappropriateandappropriateandreadingof morerelevanttitles
researchrelevanttitlesrelevanttitlesrelevanttitlesthan 10read.
 issues,theprocessIS/ITissues, theanalysisofIS/ITanalysisofIS/ITanalysisofIS/IT
 businessdrivento deliverprocessandandtoolstoandtoolsto
content(20%)contemporaryIS/ITsolutions,businessdrivendriven solutions,driven solutions,
 solutionsand thecontemporarysolutions,contemporarycontemporary
  implementation.that couldimplementation.implementation.
on         ofapplicationoftheapplicationoftheapplicationofapplicationoftheapplicationofthe
conceptsprocess,thetoolsprocess,thetoolstheprocess, theprocess,thetoolsprocess,thetools
solutions  solutions.  
 unclearandisnotandlogical inclear,easytoeasytoreadandclear,easytoread
 logical.Itdoesnotparts.It addressesreadandlogical,logical,directlyandlogical,
Clarity ofaddressthe mainmostmainissues.directlyaddressingalldirectly
 unsatisfactory.improved.headings usedGooduseofrelevantinsights.
   graphics/charts. headersused


     throughout. Powerful useof graphics/charts.



Writingtothe audience (15%)

Too much use of technicaljargon.A large number of spelling,  punctuation or grammatical errors.Someover-useof technical jargon. Several spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.Appropriateuse of technical jargon. Some spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.Appropriateuse of technical jargon. No spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.

Use of technical jargon minimised anddefinedwhen necessary. No spelling,  punctuation or grammatical


 ReferencingnotAPA referencingAPA referencingAPA referencingAPA referencing
 doneto APAappliedtoarangeappliedtoaappliedtoarangeappliedtoarange
 appropriateand/orquotes. Sourceserrors.SourcesallSourcesall
 not documented.alldocumented.Directquotesdocumented.documented.
Totalmark out of 20Comments:

Group Presentation Marking Guide–Marks100


Weighting: 10% Assessment Criteria:

 (0–49%)50–64%)(65–74%)(75–84%)(85– 100%)


Presentation  skills (25%)

Minimal eye contactbymore than one member.

Membersread fromscreenor notes.

The audience was not engaged. Majorityof presenters spoke too quickly or

quietlymakingit difficult to understand.

Inappropriate/di sinterestedbody language.

Members focusedononly part of audience.

Sporadic eye contactbymore than one presenter.

Some of the audience  was distracted.

Speakers could beheardbyonly half of the audience.

Body language wasdistracting.

Most members  spoke to majorityof audience; steadyeye contact.

Theaudience was engaged by the presentation. Majority of presenters spoke at a suitable volume.

Some fidgetingby member(s).

Regular/cons tant eye contact. The audiencewasengaged,and  presenters held the audience’s attention.

Appropriate speaking volume &body language.

Some minor  errors but overall enthusiasti


Regular/constan t eye contact.

The audience was engaged, andpresenters held the audience’s attention.

Appropriate speaking volume&body language.

Professional fault free presentation from enthusiastic presenters.

Knowledgeof topic (25%)

Presentersdidn’t demonstrate understandingof the topic.

Majority of questions answeredby onlyone member or not at all.

Responses incorrect.

Group showed general understanding of topic - lackof understanding  of some parts oftopicevident insomebutnot all members of the group.

Onlysome members accurately answered


Most showed a good understan ding of topic.

Some members  not able toanswer audience questions

Most showe  d avery good underst anding oftopic.

Allmembers able to answermost of audience questions.

Extensive knowledgeof topic.

Members showed complete understandin g of assignment. Accurately answered all questions posed.

Organisati  on / evidence of preparati  on (25%)

Unbalanced presentation or tensionresulting fromover/under- helping.

Multiple group membersnot prepared.



Significant controlling by some memberswith others only minimally contributing. Primarily prepared but with some confusion –

Slight domination of one presenter or onemember less prepared.

Members helped eachother. Well

All presenters knew the information, participated equally,and helpedeach other as needed.

Well prepared

Allpresenters knew the information, participated equally, and helped each other as needed.

Extremely preparedand rehearsed.


 /rehearsal. Disorganisedand disjointed

timing issues Some disorganisation  and strong reliance on


prepared. Some reliance on readingfrom notesand rehearsed– only minor errors.Highly professional presentation

PowerPoint onlyusedbut notwellorno visual aids prepared.

Many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Slides difficult toreadandtoo much information copied onto them.


PowerPointonly used.

Some errorsin spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too much informationon two or more slides.

Acceptable but unimaginative visualappealor errors in use of colour.

PowerPoint predominant – one or two additional aids        used, notmanaged well.

Some errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuati on.

Too much information on two or moreslides. Some imagination used

to improve visual


PowerPoint mainlyused with some additional appropriat e visualaids used effectively.  No errorsin spelling, grammar, and punctuatio  n.

Informatio nis

clear and concise on each slide. Visually appealing/e ngaging.

Imaginativeand creative choiceofvisual aids.

No errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Information is clear and conciseoneach slide.

Highly visually appealing/engag ing.

Totalmarkout of 10Comments:

Example invalid form file feedback

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