July 2024ICT504
IT Networking and Communication
Tutorial 1:NAT
10 Marks
Inthislab,we’llinvestigatethebehaviorofaNATrouter.Thislabwillbedifferentfrom our other Wireshark labs, where we’ve captured a trace file at a single Wireshark measurement point. Because we’re interested in capturing packets at both the input and output sides of the NAT device, we’ll need to capture packets at two locations. Also, because many students don’t have easy access to a NAT device or to two computers on which to take Wireshark measurements, this isn’t a lab that is easily done “live” by a student. So, in thislab, you’ll use Wireshark trace filesthat we’ve captured foryou. This should be a relatively short and easy lab since the concepts behind NAT aren’t difficult, but it’ll be good nonetheless to observe NAT in action. Before beginning this lab, you’ll probably want to review the material on NAT in section 4.3.3 in the text1.
You can download a captured packet trace file (NAT_home_side andNAT_ISP_side) from the LMS and open it in the Wireshark.
Figure1:NATpacketcapture scenario |
In this lab, we’ll capture packets from a simple web request from a client PC in a home networktoawww.google.comserver.Withinthehomenetwork,thehomenetworkrouter provides a NAT service, as discussed in Chapter 4. Figure 1 shows our Wireshark trace- collection scenario. As in our other Wireshark labs, we collect a Wireshark trace on the client PC in our home network. This file is called NAT_home_side. Because we are also interested inthepacketsbeingsentbytheNATrouterintotheISP,we’llcollectasecond
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trace file at a PC (not shown) tapping into the link from the home router into the ISP network,asshowninFigure1.(ThehubdeviceshownontheISPsideoftherouterisused to tap into the link between the NAT router and the first hop router in the ISP). Client-to- server packets captured by Wireshark at this point will have undergone NAT translation. The Wireshark trace file captured on the ISP side of the home router is called NAT_ISP_side.
Answer the following questions (1-11) by downloading the Wireshark captured packet file NAT_home_side and NAT_ISP_sidefrom the LMS and opening it in Wireshark. To justify your answers, you must provide a detailed screenshot from the captured Wireshark file. Otherwise, you will not receive marks for the question.
OpentheNAT_home_sidefileandanswerthefollowingquestions.Youmightfindit useful to use a Wireshark filter so that only frames containing HTTP messages are displayed from the trace file.
In the following we’ll focus on the two HTTP messages (GET and 200 OK) and the TCPSYN and ACK segments identified above.Our goal below will be to locate these two HTTP messages and two TCP segments in the trace file (NAT_ISP_side) captured on the linkbetweentherouterandtheISP.Becausethesecapturedframeswillhavealreadybeen forwarded through the NAT router, some of the IP address and port numbers will have been changed as a result of NAT translation.
OpentheNAT_ISP_side.NotethatthetimestampsinthisfileandinNAT_home_sideare notsynchronizedsincethepacketcapturesatthetwolocationsshowninFigure1werenot started simultaneously. (Indeed, you should discover that the timestamps of a packet captured at the ISP link is actually less that the timestamp of the packet captured at the client PC).
Figure4.22 inthetext showsthe NATtranslationtableintheNAT router.
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