ICT504 IT Networking and Communication Assignment Help


IT Networking and Communication

Tutorial 2 : Getting Started with Cisco Packet Tracer (Part A) and OSPF (Part B)

2+ 8=10 Marks


July 2024


GettingStartedwithCiscoPacketTracer(Part A)



Please complete Activity 6 and submit the course completion badge. The badge's name should match your VIT's name. Therefore, ensure you provide your full name while registering. In case of mismatching, you won't receive any marks.

OSPFandACL (Part B)

Downloadthe Tutorial 2—Cisco packetTracer filefrom theLMS. Open it in theCisco packet tracer. It’s the basic topology; you can use it to complete Part B. Please make sure all the devices have your student ID. You must submit the Word file showing all the configuration and verification with screenshots and a completed Cisco packet tracer file. AllthedevicesshouldberenamedtoyourStudentID.Youwon'treceiveanymarksifyou don't submit the Word and Cisco packet tracer files.

YoumayusethelinksbelowtolearnaboutOSPFandACL. https://networklessons.com/ospf/basic-ospf-configurationhttps://www.9tut.com/access-list-tutorial


The goal is to practice using the basic commands of OSPF and standard ACLs. Please do the following configurations:

  1. -Configurethe IPaddressesas:

-Host A: Gateway:


-R1´s G0/0:


-R1´s G0/1:

-S1: Gateway:


-R2´s G0/0:

-R1´s S0/3/0:

-R2´s S0/3/0:

Checkthatyou canpingbetween hostsin thesamesubnet:


  • FromHostA toHost B.
  • FromHost CtoR1´sG0/1 interface.
  • FromS1to S2.
  • FromR1´sS0/3/0interfacetoR2´sS0/3/0 interface.


Notethatyoucan´tpingbetweenhostsindifferentsubnetsbecausetheroutersdon´thave any entry in their routing table.


  1. –EnableOSPFinallinterfaces,bothR1andR2(area0),withonlyonesubcommandin the OSPF configuration.

    Check that the neighboring relationships have been created between R1 and R2. Checkthat,afterconfiguringOSPF,youcanpingbetweenhostsindifferentsubnets.

    • FromHostA toHost C.
    • FromHostC to S1.
    • FromHostAto S1.


  1. –ConfigureACLontherightrouters,interfacesanddirectionsbasedonthese requirements:
    • Permitpacketsfrom S1goingto subnetofhosts Aand B.
    • Denypackets fromS2goingto subnetof hostA and B.
    • Permitpacketsfrom S2going tosubnet ofhost C.
    • DenypacketsfromS1goingtosubnetofhostC. After configuring ACL, check that:
    • Youcan pingfrom S1 tohost A andB, but notto host C.
    • Youcan pingfrom S2to hostC, but notto hostsAandB.



Tutorial  2–Part ANot Submitted. Or Totally Inaccurate Or AcademicMisconduct. 0 Points

Excellent: Course completion Badge submittedwith valid credentials.

2 Points

Tutorial  2–Part BNot Submitted. Or Totally Inaccurate Or AcademicMisconduct. 0 PointsUnacceptable: Inaccurate and incomplete; many inconsistencies. 2 points

Acceptable: Somewhat accurate and complete;more than a few inconsistencies, errors or screenshots of alltasksarenot provided.

4 points

Good: Mostly accurate and complete.  Allrequired screenshots are available  for given tasks.

6 points

Excellent: Totally accurate and complete lab report; all tasks relevant screenshots are provided with necessary headings/explanations. 8 Points

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