ICT503 – Database Systems Assignment 2
Group Assessment: 5 members Weightage: 50%
Due: Session 11
Assessment Details for Assessment 2:
Assessment tasks | Learning Outcome Mapping | ||||||
Assessm | Assessment | When due | Weight | ULO# | CLO# | CLO# | CLO# |
ent ID | Item | ing | for | for | for | ||
MITS | GDIT | GCIT | |||||
S | S | ||||||
2 | Database Application and Demonstratio n |
Session 11 |
50% |
1,2, 3, 4 |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
(Group) |
The assignment requires a group report submission and group video presentation with ppt. In the report and video presentation ppt, all members student Id, Student Name and contribution statement needs to clearly provided. Group leader need to submit the report document, ppt and presentation video. All others need to submit the group participation form to claim that you participated in the assessment. Failure to mention your contribution in group report or failure to submit individual group participation forum may result a “0” mark. In video presentation, all members face must be visible throughout the duration of the presentation and you need to share the ppt during the presentation.
In this assignment, you are required to apply a normalization principle to given unnormalized tables, create database using SQL, perform CRUD operations on SQL database.
Write a relational schema, and show the First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF) and Third Normal Form (3NF) for the following tables. Choose appropriate attribute names while decomposing the composite attributes e.g., full name can be divided into firstname and lastname.
Case Study:
Video Rental (VR) is a start-up business which allows customer to rent videos. They want to create a database to store the information of their videos, customer, renting details and rental fee charged. VR asked you to create a database for them which include the following tables
Activity 3: Presentation
You need to prepare a presentation ppt and do a group presentation(Each student 2 min-2:30 min).You can form a group with 5 students from your corresponding tutorial only. Also, you can conduct a zoom meeting for the presentation and all members faces must present throughout the meeting. You can record the meeting and active participation, clarity, sound, body language strong technical knowledge etc. will be evaluated.
Submission Instructions
chance of loss whole presentation mark. So, please make sure the link is openable for all those who are using.
Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends.
Criteria | Excelle nt | Very good | Good | Fair | Poor | Very poor | Not submitted/atte mpted/complet ely wrong |
Activity 1- NF(15% ) | 1NF to 3NF for both tables without anymistake s | Any 1 normali sation is wrong | Any 2 normali sations are wrong | 1NF to 3NF wrong for 1 table/Any 3 normali sations are wrong | Any 4 normali sations are wrong | Any 5 normali sations are wrong | Not submitted/Com pletely wrong |
Activity 2- Create(1 5%) | 6 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | 5 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | 4 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | 3 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | 2 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | 1 tableschema s are correctwithout any error | Not attempted/All table schemas arewrong |
Activity 2- Insert(1 5%) | Insert data into 6 tables as given | Insert data into 5 tables as given | Insert data into 4 tables as given | Insert data into 3 tables as given | Insert data into 2 tables as given | Insert data into 1 tables as given | Not attempted/All insertions wrong |
Activity 2-Q1 to Q5(15% ) | Q1-Q5 all are correct | 4 select stateme nts are correct | 3 select stateme nts are correct | 2 select stateme nts are correct | 1 select stateme nts are correct | All selectstateme nts are wrong | All selectstatements are wrong/Not attempted |
with smallmistake s | |||||||
Presenta tion- NF(10% ) | Excelle nt presenta tion of NF | Very good presenta tion of NF | Good presenta tionof NF | Fair presenta tionof NF | Poor presenta tionof NF | Very poor presenta tion of NF | Not presented NF |
Presenta tion C &I(10%) | Excelle nt presenta tion of createschema s & Insertstateme nts | Very good presenta tion of createschema s & Insertstateme nts | Good presenta tionof create schemas & Insert statements | Fair presenta tionof create schemas & Insert statements | Poor presenta tionof create schemas & Insert statements | Very poor presenta tion of createschema s & Insertstateme nts | Not presented create schemas & Insertstatements |
Presenta tion- Select Q1- Q5(10% ) | All 5 select statements present anddemons trated without errors | 4 select stateme nts present and demons trated without error | 3 select stateme nts present anddemons trated withouterror | 2 select stateme nts present anddemons trated withouterror | 1 select stateme nt present anddemons trated withouterror | All selectstateme nts are presente d. Howeve r, with error | Not attempted |
Presenta tion with ppt, face | Excelle nt presenta tion, | Very good presenta tion, | Good presenta tion, Collabo | Fair presenta tion, Collabo | Poor presenta tion, Collabo | Very poor presenta tion, | Not presented |
presence of all members, Clarity and sound, duration and Group collabor ation(5 %) | Collabo ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | Collabo ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | Collabo ration, face visibilit y, engage ment through out the meetingwith ppt | |
Report and ppt structur e & References (5%) | Excelle nt report and ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | Very good t reportand ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | Good reportand ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | Fair reportand ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | Poor reportand ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | Very poor report and ppt structur e and excellen t referenc ing(IEE E referenc ing) | No references |
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