Overview Theaimofthisassessmentistoassesstheabilityofstudentstoidentify,analyseandexplain how a range of technologies can be applied to a business in a real-world setting. This assessment is to be submittedin2000wordsformat with the following components: (5-10slides) References(at least5 or more academicreferencesusing APA7 style) ICT106 Technical User Support
ASSESSMENT1 CriticalThinking Individual assessment Marksoutof100 Worth 40% Onlinesubmission Live presentation Part1(Written20%)–Week6 Part2(Presentation20%)–Week7 To help students demonstrate necessary technical writing skills, highlight responsibilities at various support levels, andprovideanincidentmanagementplan for presented scenarios.
PhishingAttackandEmployeePasswordCompromise |
Phishingattacksareatypeofsocialengineeringattackdesignedtostealdata,login credentialsandcreditcardnumbers.Cybercriminalsmasqueradeasafellowemployeeor othertrustedentityandtrickuserswithamaliciouslink.Thelinkmaybeusedtospread ransomwareinthesystemorgetinformationsuchaspasswordsandloginsorcreditcard numbers.Theseattackscanhavedevastatingresults,includingfinanciallossanddamage tocreditandreputation,andcanalsobepartofaschemetogainaccesstoalarger partner company’s data.
TheCybersecurityAttackChallenge AnemployeeatColesWorths,aregionalgroceryretailerreceivedanemailfromhisco- worker,informinghimthatshewassharingadocumentwithhim.Hehadreceived documentsfromherbeforebutwasn’texpectingonethatday.Theemailwasvagueand hadnoprojectdetails,whichwasunusual.Heclickedthelink,anditopenedtowhat |
lookedliketheusualfile-sharingsitethecompanytypicallyuses.Hewasaskedtoenter hisloginandpassword,thengotanerrormessage.Hetriedagainandgotanothererror message.Theemployeecontactedhismanagertorequestapasswordresetandreport troubledownloadingashareddocument.Healsomentionedthathecalledtheco-worker, andshesaidshehadnotsenthimanything.Themanagerwassuspiciousthatthiswas likelyahackingincident.
Remediation,RecoveryandAwarenessTraining Thecybersecurityteamwascontactedandimmediatelyreseteveryone’spasswords.They verifiedthattheemailwasaphishingattemptusingafakesite.Theyalsocheckedsecurity settingsforanysuspiciousrulechangesandinformedeveryoneatthecompanyaboutthe incident.Two-factorauthenticationforsigningintoaccountswasimplementedtoalert userstoanynewsign-insfromtheiraccount.Thesecurityteamalsoscheduledsecurity awarenesstrainingandtestingforthiscompany.Employeeswhoreceivecomprehensive trainingarebetterabletospotphishingattemptsbylearningtechniquessuchaschecking theURLsofanysuspiciousemailsandverifyingwiththesenderdirectlyaboutanything thatappearsunusual.Thankfully,theemployeesalertedmanagementrightaway,which helpedpreventdatatheftandcompromise.Managementmadethedecisiontoengagethe cybersecurityteamtorespondquickly,halttheattackandverifynoothersystemswere compromised.Thephishingattackalerteduppermanagementtotheneedforadditional securitytrainingtoeducateandreducecyberriskinthisarea.Theyalsorealisedthata properIncidentManagementPlanshouldbedevelopedtobeimplementedifsimilar eventshappeninthefuture. |
YourTasks |
AssessmentMarkingRubric Marks out of 100Weighting 40% | |||||
Student ID: | Student Name: | ||||
Criteria | VeryGood | Good | Satisfactory | Acceptable | Unsatisfactory |
Nonverbalskills Eye Contact, Body LanguageandPoise | Holds attention of entire audience with the use ofdirect eye contact,seldom | Consistentuse of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes. | Displayedminimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from notes. | Displayedalmostno eye contact with audience, while readingmostlyfrom notes. | Noeyecontactwith audience, as entire report is read from note. |
lookingatnotes or slides.
Movements seemfluidand help the audience visualize.
Displays relaxed,self- confident natureabout self,withno- mistakes. | Made movementsor gestures that enhance articulation.
Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recoversfrom them;displays little or no tension. | Very little movementor descriptive gestures.
Displays mild tension; has troublerecovering from mistakes. | No movement or descriptivegestures.
Tension and nervousness are hiddenly obvious; strugglingtorecover from mistakes. | No movement or descriptivegestures.
Tension and nervousness are clearlyvisible;unable to continue presenting acceptably. | |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
Verbalskills Enthusiasmand SpeakingSkills | Demonstratesa strong, positive feeling about topic during entire presentation.
Uses a clear voice and speaks at a good pace so audience can hear presentation. Doesnotread offslides. | Occasionally showspositive feelings about topic.
Presenter’s voice is clear. The pace is a little slow or fast at times. Mostaudience can hear presentation. | Shows some negativitytoward topic presented.
Presenter’s voiceis low but hearable. Thepace is much too rapid/slow at times. Audience hassomedifficulty hearing presentation. | Shows plenty of negativitytoward topic presented.
Presenter’s voice is difficulttohear.The pace is much too rapid/slow most of the time. Audience has real difficulty hearing the presentation. | Showsabsolutelyno interest in topic presented.
Presenter mumbles, talks very fast, and speakstooquietlyfor amajorityofstudents to hear &understand. |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
SubjectKnowledge | An abundance of material clearly related to the research is presented. Points are clearly made andevidenceis usedtosupport claims.
Excellent discussionof the legal, ethical and privacy information. | Sufficient information with many good points made,uneven balance and little consistency.
Good discussionof the legal, ethical and privacy information. | There is a great deal of informationthatis not clearly integrated or connected to the research.
Satisfactory discussionofthe legal,ethicaland privacy information. | The information presentedhassome relevance to the topic.
Acceptable discussion of the legal, ethical and privacyinformation. | Goal of research unclear,information included does not support topic in any way.
Unsatisfactory discussion of the legal, ethical and privacyinformation. |
(25 marks) | (25marks) | (19-24 marks) | (13-18 marks) | (7-12 marks) | (0-6 marks) |
Organisation | Information is presented in a logical and interesting sequencewhich audience can follow. Flows well. | Information is presented in logicalsequencewhich audience can follow. | Audience has difficultyfollowing presentation because the presentation jumpsaroundand lacks clear transitions. | Audience has some understandingofthe presentation but mostly confused afterwards due to lack of clarity, coherence and organisation. | Audience cannot understand presentationbecause there is no sequence of information. |
(10 marks) | (10 marks) | (8-9marks marks) | (6-7 marks) | (3-5 marks) | (0-2 marks) |
Visuals | Excellentvisuals that are tied into the overall story of the research. | Appropriate visualsareused and explained bythespeaker. | Visuals are used butnotexplained orputin context. | Littleuseofvisuals, too much text on slides. | Novisualsused,too muchtextonslides. |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
Mechanics | Presentation has no misspellingsor grammatical errors. | Presentation has minimal misspellings and/or grammatical errors. | Presentationhas observable misspellings and/or grammatical errors. | Presentation has numerous misspellingsand/or grammaticalerrors. | Presentation has unacceptablenumber of misspellingsand/or grammatical errors. |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
Presentationlength | Finishedrighton time or within one minute of allottedtime+/- | Finishedwithin two minutes of allottedtime+/- | Finishedwithin threeminutesof allottedtime+/- | Finishedwithinfour minutes of allotted time+/- | Too long or too short; five or more minutes aboveorbelowallotted time+/- |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
Presentationslides/format/structure | Verygoodquality ofpresentation slides/format/ structure | Goodpresentation slidesformat/ structure | Satisfactorypresentationslides/format/ structure | Acceptablequalityof presentationslides /format/structure | Unacceptablequalityof presentationslides/format/structure |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
IncidentResponse PlanSummary | Comprehensive incidentresponse plan | Goodincident responseplan | Satisfactoryincident responseplan | Acceptableincident responseplan | Unacceptableincident responseplan |
(30 marks) | (30 marks) | (21-27 marks) | (14-20 marks) | (7-13 marks) | (0-6 marks) |
Referencing | Verygoodquality referencingfrom atleast5ormore academicsources usingAPA7 format | Goodquality referencingfrom at least 5 academicsources usingAPA7 format | Satisfactoryquality of referencing from at least 5 academic andnon-academic sourcesmostlyusing APA7format | Acceptable quality of referencing from less than 5 academic and non-academicsources using some APA7 format | Unacceptablequality and/or number of referencingfrom academic and non- academicsourcesusing mostly the wrong format
Missingreferencing |
(5 marks) | (5 marks) | (4 marks) | (3 marks) | (2 marks) | (0-1 marks) |
SUB-TOTAL (outof100) |
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