Assessment 3:
Web Development Project 2 Website Development
A Web System using PHP and MySQL
50% Weightage
Deadline: Sunday 9th February 2025, 11:59 pm
In this assignment, you are required to design and develop a Web System using PHP and MYSQL. The weekly class activities and exercises will help you to acquire the knowledge required to complete this assignment. It is highly recommended that you attend lectures and complete your exercises regularly. You are now required to create a web-based system for your organisation chosen in assessment 2 using HTML5, Javascript, CSS, PHP and MySQL. Marks will be deducted for late submission for each day from the due date.
Learning Outcomes
This assignment covers the following learning outcomes:
ULO1. Analyse the underlying protocols of the world wide web, including client-server communication and the layered architecture.
ULO2. Propose static web pages using and demonstrating basic aspects of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
ULO3. Design effective and user-friendly web pages, incorporating usability principles and adherence to established style guides.
ULO4. Construct an interactive web-based system using PHP and MySQL on the local server-side.
ULO5. Apply accessibility and usability principles to design and develop inclusive, user-cantered websites and promoting security and ethical considerations.
Submission Requirements
This is a major assignment task and carries 50% weightage. All students MUST submit TWO files
Detailed Submission Requirements
There are 3 parts to this assessment. Read all sections carefully.
The website must keep track of the following information.
Part B: Project Documentation (Max 1000 words)
The objective of this document is to provide a brief information regarding the work undertaken by the project team and should include a description of the website created as a solution to the problem. Suggested structure of the Write-up to be followed but not limited to, is given below.
Part C: Demonstration
All students will be required to do a 5–8-minute presentation, demonstrating their system to the class in Week 12. Presentation must be kept simple and short and should cover all functionalities and features of your web-based system as per the requirement mentioned under general requirements section mentioned below.
Students will be called upon (in no order) on the day to present to the class. Late arrivals on the day will have penalty marks awarded, hence please ensure your availability on the day right from the beginning of the class.
If any student is absent in week 12 and or not available to demonstrate, he/she will be awarded zero for this assessment, even if the student has submitted all the working files before deadline.
General Requirements
HTML5 Requirements
All your html files must use HTML5 syntax.
CSS Requirements
(PART A) | Fail (0-49%) | Pass (50-64%) | Credit (65-74%) | Distinction (75-84%) | High Distinction (85- 100%) |
(5 marks) | No functionality included | Website meets some of the functionality specified with more than one major error and/or more than one major omissions | Website meets most of the functionality specified with one major error and/or one major omission | Website meets most of the functionality specified with Minor errors and/or minor missions | Website meets all the functionality specified |
Data Driven
(5 marks) | Database with no data included | Database included with major connectivity issues and little to no consideration is given to privacy and data protection. Justifications are lacking or not aligned with ethical guidelines. | Database included with minor connectivity issues with some consideration is given to privacy and data protection, but justifications are weak or only partially align with ethical guidelines. | Database included with one or two very minor connectivity issues and shows good consideration for privacy and data protection, with justifications that mostly align with ethical guidelines. | Fully functional database that consistently considers and implements best practices for privacy and data protection, with clear justification for choices made, aligned with ethical guidelines. | ||
Layout and Navigation
(5 marks) | Not included Layout and Navigation | The layout or navigation is confusing | Good layout and navigation | Very goodlayout and navigation, close to professional rules and standard | The layout and navigation are professional | ||
Error checking and validation using JavaScript.
(5 marks) | No error checking and validation implemented | Some error checking and validation and/or incorrect checkingand validation | Nearly complete error checking and validation but some checking and validation are incorrect | Nearly complete error checking and validation | Complete error checking and validation | ||
(PART B) Project documentatio n & Self- Evaluation (10 Marks) | No reportand self- evaluation submitted | Report not well documented and not shown evidence of work undertaken that shows understanding of ethical principles in web development. | Section of report explained well however it demonstrates a basic understanding of ethical principles, application is inconsistent or lacks depth. References to | Well written report with some section of report applies ethical principles in web development with mostly accurate justifications. References to professional | Report is well documented and referenced demonstratin g a thorough understandin g and application of ethical principles in web development |
Incorrect references to professional codes of conduct applied. | professional codes are minimal. | codes are made but may lack depth. | . All decisions are clearly justified with reference to professional codes of conduct. | ||||
(PART C) Web System demonstration
(20 Marks) | Student was absent and/or did not do presentation | Student will be accessed for various factors during presentation. Understanding of the topic and knowledge shown in implementing the learned technics in this assessment. Students’ participation in class and other contributing aspects towards in-class engagement will be considered before awarding the final marks for presentation. | |||||
Total Marks out of 50 |
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