HI5033 Database Design Assignment Help

HI5033 Database Design - Tutorial 5

Inthistutorial,wewillfocusonusingSQLstatementstoperformdataselectionwithinthe Northwind database, which was provided in Tutorial 3.


Constructan SQLstatementtofind thetotal number ofproducts in stockfor eachcategory


ConstructanSQLstatementtoretrievealistofallproductnamesalongwiththe corresponding suppliers, this list is sorted byproduct names in ascending order.


Construct an SQL statement to display a list of city names along with the number of customersineachcity,sortedindescendingorderbasedonthenumberofcustomers.


ConstructanSQLstatementtofindtheproductsthathavethehighestpricewithintheir categories. Display the product name, category name, and unit price.




Construct an SQL statement to display the employee ID, first name, last name, and the numberofterritorieshe/shemanages,withtheresultssortedbythenumberofterritoriesin descending order.

Note:ForLabExercise1,youarerequiredtosubmitaMicrosoftWorddocumentthatincludesa cover page, SQL statements, and screenshots of the results for 5 tasks from Tutorial 5.

ThetotalmarksforLabExercise1 are10,witha maximumof2marksavailableforeach task.


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