Assessment Details andSubmission Guidelines | |
Trimester | T22024 |
Unit Code | HC1031 |
Unit Title | ManagingPeopleandOrganizations |
Assessment Type | GroupAssignment |
DueDate+time: | 04/October/2024 11.59pm(Melb/Sydneytime) |
Purpose of the assessment(withULO Mapping) | 1. Comprehend: the theoretical foundation of management and organisational studies. 2. Apply critical and analytical thinking, including a capacity to question existing practices and assumptions etc. 3. Evaluate Management and organisational issues relevant to organisational outcomes in a global and diverse context etc. 4. Demonstrate and apply research skills, showing initiative in consultingtheacademicliteratureandintegratingfreshideasintothediscoursein preparation for lifelong learning. 5. Demonstrate the capacity to express ideas, conceptsandarguments ina logicalandcoherent writtenformandin conformity withrelevantstandardsofacademicwriting. |
Weight | 40% |
Total Marks | Assignment(40marks) |
Word limit | 2500±10%words |
Submission Guidelines |
Academic Integrity Information | Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teacherswith anyquestions. Violating academic integrityisseriousandpunishablebypenaltiesthatrangefromdeductionofmarks, failure ofthe assessment task or unit involved, suspensionofcourseenrolment,or cancellation of course enrolment. |
Penalties |
Group Assignment Guidelines and Specifications
Instructions in Forming a Group
Students are requiredto formandself-enrolinto agroupof4 membersinBlackboard.Notethatyou can’tchangethegroupforanyreason.Youneedtogotoclasstofindgroupmembers.Youmustform agroupwithstudentsinthesameclass/samecampus.Youaretoformagroupatyourearliest.Discuss with your lecturer in the class if you have any question.
For help with any group registration matters in Blackboard, please address your email to,studentID,unitnameandnumber) are included.
This assignment provides an opportunity for students to reflect on modern organizational concepts, problems, and challenges, applying concepts and frameworks covered in this unit to solve such problems. You will explorethe management approaches of an entrepreneur from Australia and then compare and contrast with an entrepreneur of a similar company from outside Australia (e.g. India, Nepal,Africaetc.)Thisgroupassignmentensuresthatstudentsnotonlyresearchandunderstandthe management practices of their chosen entrepreneurs and companies in different contexts, but also critically analyse and reflect on these practices, providing a comprehensive learning experience.
SelectoneofthesuccessfulentrepreneursfromAustraliafromthelistbelow.Researchthecompany or companies they have developed or currently control and answer the following questions:
Select another successful entrepreneur of a similar business or company to the one you selected in Task 1 (B) from outside Australia (e.g. India, Nepal, Africa, America, Europe etc.)
Researchthecompanyorcompaniestheyhavedevelopedorcurrentlycontrolandanswerthe following questions:
Compare the management styles used by the two entrepreneursinTask1(A)andTask1(B)by answering the following questions:
Each member will reflect on what they learned from this assignment,by each answering the following question:
Referencere quirement:
You must provide at least 5 relevant academic journal articles, and follow the Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing, which include providing the hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.Search and read several journal articles before you select the relevant articles you will use for the assignment.
Marking Criteria (alsorefertothemarkingrubric):
Total 40marks
Excellent | VeryGood | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
Introduction, | Reportisexcellently | Reportisverywell | Reportiswell | Reportissufficiently | Noorlittlelogical |
structureand | structured,with | structured,with | structured,with | structured,with | structureofreport. |
format | subsections and | subsectionsand | subsectionsand | subsectionsand | Manydirectquotes |
presentation | logical paragraphing. | logical | logical | logicalparagraphing | and/orverylittle |
(5 marks) | Correctlay out | paragraphing. | paragraphing | Someelementsof | paraphrasing.Some |
including Calibri,font | Correctlayout | Correctlayout | layoutorlength | elementsoflayout | |
size11,about the | includingCalibri, | includingCalibri, | incorrect. | orlengthincorrect | |
right length | fontsize11,about | fontsize11,about | |||
therightlength | therightlength. | ||||
Explanationofthe | Informationishighly | Informationis | Informationis | Informationis | Informationis |
2selected | relevant, | relevantandflows | somewhat | lackingin | largelyirrelevantor |
companies | comprehensive,and | logicallywithminor | relevantandhasa | relevanceand/or | lackslogicalflow |
(5 marks) | flows with a high | gaps.The | moderatedegree | hassignificant | entirely.Most |
degree of logic and | descriptioniswell- | oflogicalflow. | issueswithlogical | detailsareunclear | |
coherence.Alldetails | organized,with | Somedetailsmay | flow.Many | or disorganized. | |
arewell-organizedand | mostdetails | beunclear or | detailsare | ||
clearlypresented. | presented clearly. | poorlyorganized. | unclearorpoorly | ||
organized. | |||||
Considerationof4 | Very detailed discussion | Detaileddiscussion | Sufficient | Barelyadequate | Insufficient |
theories | onkeytheorieswith | onkeytheories | discussiononkey | discussiononkey | adequatediscussion |
(Hofstede+3 | examples | withexamples | theorieswith | theories | onkeytheories |
other) | examples | ||||
(10marks) | |||||
Analysis of similarities/ Differences re: twocompanies | Outstanding in-depth analysisofsimilarities/ differences | Verysoundanalysis of similarities/ differences | Agoodanalysisof similarities/ differences | Satisfactoryanalysis of similarities/ differences | Veryshallow analysis of similarities/ differences |
(10marks) | |||||
Impactof | Hasunderstoodand | Hasunderstood and | Hasunderstood | Limited | Noevidencethat |
adoptingtheories | respondedtoeachof | respondedtomost | some task | understandingofthe | thestudenthas |
ornot | the taskr equirements | task requirements | requirementand | taskwasevident, | understoodwhatis |
(5 marks) | appropriately. | appropriately. | attemptedto | butsome | requiredinthis |
respond | requirementsare | task. | |||
appropriately. | missing. | ||||
Summation, | Aninteresting,well | Averygood | Goodsummaryof | Satisfactory | Poor/nosummary |
satisfactionand | writtensummaryof | summaryofthe | themainpoints.A | summaryofthe | ofthemainpoints. |
experiencegained | themainpoints.An | mainpoints.Agood | finalcommenton | mainpoints.Afinal | Apoorfinal |
(5 marks) | excellent final | finalcommenton | thetopicbased on | commentonthe | commentonthe |
commentonthetopic, | thetopic,basedon | theinformation | topic,but | topicand/ornew | |
basedonthe | theinformation | provided. | introducednew | materialintroduced | |
informationprovided | provided. | material | |||
Totalmarksoutof 40 |
HolmeswillbeimplementingarevisedHarvardapproachtoreferencing.Thefollowing rules apply:
There ferencelistmust belocatedonaseparatepageatthe end of the essay and
For example:
Allassignmentswillrequireadditionalin-textreferencedetailswhichwillconsistof the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of
For example;
“Thecompanydecidedtoimplementanenterprisewidedatawarehousebusiness intelligence strategy (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
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