HC1031 Managing People and Organisations T2 2024 Final Assessment Help

HC1031 Managing People and Organisations Final Assessment


Final Individual Assessment


Unit Details

Name                Managing People and Organisations

Code                  HC1031

Year,Trimester  Trimester2,2024



Assessment Details

Name                     Final Individual Assessment


Due Date & Time 17October,2024

10.59pm- Brisbane & Gold Coast students

11.59pm- Melbourne &Sydney students


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Format &submission instructions


  • All answers must be entered in the answer boxes provided after each question.
  • Your assessment must be in MS Word format only.
  • You must name your file with the Unit Code and Student ID example:HC1031 – EMV56789
  • Check that you submit the correct document as special consideration is not granted if you make a mistake.
  • Your student ID& name must be entered on the first page.
  • Submission declaration must be completed on the first page.


  • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time.

Late submissions are not accepted.

  • You have two attempts to submit.The final submission will be marked only.
  • For all other penalties, please refer to the Final Assessment Instructions

Penalties· Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing.

section on Blackboard.


All responses must be entered in the answer boxes at the end of each question


Question1              (10marks)


A large manufacturing firm is striving to improve its product quality and customer satisfaction after experiencing a decline in sales and an increase in customer complaints. The management team is tasked with understanding the Management practices and perspectives change overtime in response to environmental factors such as social, political and economic forces.


Focusing on the Management Science Approach, discuss the four significant elements of Total Quality Management view covered in class.

ANSWER(box will enlarge as you enter your response)                                                               


Question2              (10marks)


A mid-sized technology firm is undergoing rapid growth and facing challenges with employee motivation and retention. Some employees feel empowered and take initiative, while others seem disengaged and wait for instructions. Managers are looking for strategies to better understand and motivate their teams, considering the different mindsets and attitudes of their employees.


How might understanding whether an employee has an internal or an external locus of control help a manager better Communicate with, motivate, and lead the employee?




Question3              (10marks)


Assume you are a new manager in a rapidly growing technology company. The company has recently shifted toward a more decentralized structure, where authority, accountability and decision-making responsibilities are increasingly delegated to lower levels of management.



How will this trend affect what will be asked of you as a new manager?




Question4              (10marks)

Imagine you are a consultant helping a range of businesses improve their leadership effectiveness. Each company has different levels of employee readiness and varying organizational needs. To provide tailored leadership recommendations, you apply the Situational Leadership Model, which emphasizes that effective leaders must adapt their style based on the readiness and maturity levels of their subordinates.


Based on the Situational Model for leaders discussed in class, describe briefly the 4 styles of leadership and include one example of a business that would benefit from each leadership style. Answer in 300 words



Question5              (10marks)


Assume you are a senior manager at a large retail company experiencing rapid growth. As the company expands its operations, you notice that maintaining control over financial

Performance and operational efficiency is becoming increasingly challenging. To ensure the organization stays on track with its strategic objectives, you decide to implement effective management control systems. Your goal is to establish mechanisms that will help regulate activities and align them with the company’s plans, targets, and performance standards.


Organisational Control refers to the systematic process through which managers regulate organisational activities to make them consistent with expectations established in plans, targets and standards of performance. Organisations need to ensure their financial and operational systems are well under control. Discuss the two management control systems covered in class. 

Answer in 300 words.



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