Task description:
Following the early years learning framework planning cycle (Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE], 2022), develop 2 lesson plans or learning experiences for children based on assessment of two observation reports from your placement. Drawing on principles and practices of early childhood pedagogy (AGDE, 2022), plan the learning experiences with emphasis on dance, music, drama, visual arts, and media arts.
(EYLF/VEYLDF/NQF/NQS), theories of children’s learning and development, and a range of relevant research and literature.
Word count: 1500 (excluding references and appendix)
NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively demonstrates its commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalising all forms of academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Institute’s HEPP01 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support Coordinator or Librarian.
Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines)
Due Date: Thursday 12th September 2024, 11:59 PM
Extension requests must be granted in writing before the assignment due date. Contact your lecturer in writing for extensions of up to 7 calendar days. Longer extensions may be granted but require special consideration. Special consideration applications must also be submitted before the date and require documentary evidence, such as medical certificates.
Grading Scale:
C3. The lesson plans clearly reflect play- based learning with intentionality, adopting holistic approach of children’s learning and development
(10 marks) | C3.1.1 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality are clearly explained, with critical reflection, holistic approach is justified by a rangeof relevant literature. (9 – 10) | C3.1.2 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality are clearly explained, with critical reflection, holistic approach is supported by a rangeof relevant literature. (8 – 9) | C3.2 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality are clearly described, with some evidence of critical reflection, holistic approach is supported by a rangeof relevant literature.
(7 – 7.5) | C3.3 Rationale of play- based learning with intentionality are clearly described, with limited critical reflection, holistic approach is supported by a relevant literature.
(6 – 6.5) | C3.4 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality are described, with limited critical reflection, holistic approach is described supported by limited literature.
(5 – 5.5) | C3.5.1 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality and holistic approach are described but are irrelevant or contain key misunderstan dingsor inaccuracies.
(2- 4) | C3.5.2 Rationale of play-based learning with intentionality and holistic approach not provided.
(0 – 2) |
C4. The lessonplans are evaluated with in-depth analysis of children’s learning, new areas of interests as well as future improvements. (10 marks) | C4.1 Evaluation of the learning experiences involves in-depth analysis of children’s learning, new areas of interests as well asfuture improvements using effective references from documents of learning frameworks, theories of children’s learning and development, and a rangeof relevant research and literature.
(8 – 10) | C4.2 Evaluation of the learning experiences involves general analysis of children’s learning, new areasof interests as well as future improvements. The evaluation is drawn onrelevant documents oflearning frameworks, theories of children’s learning and development, and a rangeof relevant research and literature. (7- 7.5) | C4.3 Evaluation of the learning experiences provided but general in nature with limitedanalysis of children’s learning, new areas of interests as well as future improvements. The evaluation is drawn on relevant documents of learning frameworks, theories of children’s learning | C4.4 Evaluation of the learning experiences provided butsome or all require clarification.
Evaluation is provided but contains superficial and generic analysis of children’s learning, newareas of interests as well as future improvements.
(5 -5.5) | C4.5 Evaluation of the learning experiences is not provided or irrelevant.
Evaluation doesnot include any analysis of children’s learning, new areas of interests as well as future improvement.
Evaluation is provided butcontains superficial and genericanalysis of children’s learning, new areasof interests as well as future improvements. |
and development, and a rangeof relevant research and literature. (6- 6.5) |
(0 – 5) | ||||
C5. Assignment is formatted according to requirements and written clearly and cohesively. APA 7 referencing is used. Word limit is adhered to.
(2.5 marks) | C5.1 The assignment is clear and free of typographical and structural features that hinder understanding. There is no confusion between author voice and that of sources. Theassignment is formatted according to stated requirements. Theassignment is formatted according to statedrequirements. Accurate mechanics of in-text and end- of-textAPA (7th Ed.) referencing stylewere used. Wordlimit met.
(2.5) | C5.2 The assignment is clear withminor typographical and structural features that may hinder understanding. There is minimal confusion between author voice and that of sources. Theassignment is mostly formatted according to stated requirements. Accurate mechanics of in-textand end-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing style were usedwith minor inconsistencies (no more than 2 errors). Word limit met.
(2) | C5.3 The assignment is clear with typographical and structural features that may hinder understanding. There is minor confusion between author voice and that of sources. The assignment is partly formatted according to stated requirements. Mechanics of in-text and end-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing stylewere used withinconsistencies (no more than 4 errors). Word limitmet.
(1.5) | C5.4 The assignment has typographical and structural features that significantly hinder understanding. There is confusion between author voiceand that of sources. The assignment is minimally formatted according to stated requirements. Mechanics of in-text and end-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing contain several errors. Word limit met.
(1.25) | C5.5 Theassignment has typographical and structural features that prohibit understanding. There is confusion between author voiceand that of sources, or author’s voiceis absent. Theassignment is not formatted according to stated requirements. Mechanics of in-text andend- of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing stylewere not usedappropriately. Word limit not met.
(0 -1) |
Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Dockett, S., & Farmer, S. (2020). Programming and planning in early childhood settings (8th ed.). Cengage Learning Australia. Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE]. (2022). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (V2.0).
Australian Government Department of Education for the Ministerial Council.
Irving, E., & Carter, C. (2018). The child in focus: learning and teaching in early childhood education. Oxford university press.
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