ExaminestrategiesforbuildingresilienceinAboriginalandTorres StraitIslanderchildren.ConsiderWesternnotionsofsocialjusticeaswellasAboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies and worldviews in your response.
ReportonAustralianearlychildhoodeducationpolicyandpracticedevelopmentsoverthepast20yearsregardingtheinclusionofAboriginalandTorres Strait Islander epistemologies in early childhood education. Document key changes and make recommendations for further developments. Justify your
recommendationsdrawingonrelevantacademicliterature,governmentreportsandpolicydocuments. Criteria:
NOTE:SCEI-HErequires its students toobserve the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academicwork. SCEI-HEactively demonstrates its commitmenttoacademicintegritybyrecognisingscholarlyworkandpenalisingallformsofacademicdishonesty.Pleaserefer totheInstitute’sHEPP01 AcademicIntegrityPolicy andProcedure for further informationor speak toyour lecturer, Academic Support Coordinator or Librarian.
Extensionrequestsmustbegrantedinwritingbeforetheassignmentduedate.Contactyourlecturerinwritingforextensions ofupto7calendardays.Longer extensions may be grantedbutrequire specialconsideration.Specialconsiderationapplications mustalsobe submittedbefore the dateandrequire documentary evidence, such as medical certificates.
GDECE101Foundationsofearlychildhoodeducation Assessment 2: Report (2500 words, 50% weight)
Grade Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Doesnotmeetminimumstandard | ||
C1. Explain your understandingof Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander epistemologies (15 marks) | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesare clearly explainedin detail, with critical reflection. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies are clearly explained in detail. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesare clearly explained. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesare clearly described. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesare clearly stated. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesare referredtobutare unclear or misunderstood. | Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies are absent or inaccurate |
C2.Explainpolicy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesin ECEoverthepast 20 years (10marks) | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies in ECE over the past 20 years are explainedindetail, with some critical analysis. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies inECEoverthe past 20 years areexplainedin detail. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies in ECE over the past 20yearsareclearly explained. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies in ECE over the past 20yearsareclearly and accurately described. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesin ECEoverthepast 20 years are outlinedand accurate. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologies in ECE over the past 20 years contains misunderstandings orsignificantgaps. | Policy developments regarding the inclusion of Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander epistemologiesin ECEoverthepast 20yearsisabsent or inaccurate. |
C3. Recommend further changes / developments to policyandpractice based on critical appraisal of currentpolicies and practices (10 marks) | Relevant,specific recommendation of policy and practice clearly explained, with criticalreflection. | Relevant, specific recommendatio n of policy andpractice clearly explained. | Relevant, specific recommendationof policy andpractice clearly presented. | Relevant, specific recommendationof policyorpractice areclearly presented. | Relevant,specific recommendation of policyor practiceprovided. | Recommendation for policy or practiceare providedbutare incomplete or contain key misunderstanding. | Recommendation for policy or practicearenot provided, are irrelevantor inaccurate. |
C4. Relevantacademic literatureisdrawn upon to support explanations and arguments presented. (10marks) | Abroadrangeof academic literatureisdrawn upon to justify argument. | Abroadrangeof academic literatureis drawnuponto clarify argument. | Arangeofacademic literature is drawn upon to support argument. | Arangeof academicliterature is drawn upon, but only superficially supportsargument. | Minimalacademic literature drawn upon. | Academic literaturedrawn upon, but irrelevanttotarget content. | Noliterature drawnuponor literaturedrawn uponisnotfrom appropriate sources. |
C5.Assignmentis formatted accordingto requirements and writtenclearlyand cohesively. APA 7 referencing is used.Wordlimitis adhered to. | C5.1Theassignmentisclearandfree of typographical and structural features that hinder understanding. Thereisnoconfusionbetweenauthor voice and that of sources. The assignmentisformattedaccordingto statedrequirements.Theassignment is formatted according to stated requirements.Accuratemechanicsof in-text and end-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing style were used.
Wordlimitmet. | C5.2The assignmentisclear with minor typographical and structuralfeatures that may hinder understanding. There is minimal confusion between author voice and thatofsources.The assignment is mostlyformatted accordingtostated | C5.3The assignmentisclear withtypographical and structural featuresthatmay hinder understanding. There is minor confusion between author voice and thatofsources.The assignmentispartly formatted accordingtostated | C5.4The assignment has typographical and structuralfeatures that significantly hinder understanding. Thereisconfusion between author voice and that of sources. Theassignmentis minimally formatted | C5.5Theassignmenthastypographical and structural features that prohibit understanding. There is confusion betweenauthorvoiceandthatof sources,orauthor’svoiceisabsent.The assignment is not formatted according to stated requirements. Mechanics of in-text and end-of-text APA(7thEd.)referencingstylewerenot used appropriately. |
(5marks) | requirements. Accuratemechanics of in-text and end- of-textAPA(7thEd.) referencing style were used with minor inconsistencies (no morethan2errors). Wordlimitmet. | requirements. Mechanicsofin- textandend-of-text APA (7th Ed.) referencing style were used with inconsistencies(no more than 4 errors). Wordlimitmet. | accordingto stated requirements. Mechanics of in- text and end-of- textAPA(7thEd.) referencing containseveral errors.
Wordlimitmet. |
Wordlimitnotmet. |
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