TheSubjectLearningOutcomesdemonstratedbythesuccessful completion of the task below include: ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF
SubjectCodeandTitle BANASD600Foundationsin BusinessAnalysis Assessment CertificationExaminationandReflection Individual/Group Individual Length LearningOutcomes Submission Weighting 30% Total Marks 100marks
The assessment involves two tasks: (1) complete the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)’s Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) exam; and (2) reflect on the knowledge you acquired of the Business Analytics Body of Knowledge® (BABOK®) in BANASD600 Foundations in Business Analysis during a 3-minute in-class presentation.
InAssessment 3,youmustfirst complete theECBA™examination by IIBA®.This industry certification assessesyourfoundationalbusinessanalysisknowledgebasedontheBABOK®guide.Gainingthis
industry certification will provide you with a competitive edge, by demonstrating that you can understand best practices of the business analysis profession. Completing the learning activities and seekingguidancefromtheLearningFacilitatorisessentialifyouareto achieve apositiveresultinthis subject and in the ECBA™ examination. Assessment 3 also requires you to conduct a 3-minute presentation during class time. The presentation provides you with an opportunity to communicate your understanding of business analysis and how it relates to your professional development. Think deeply about the experiences you gained while learning about BABOK® and completing the ECBA™ examination.
TheGibbs’ReflectiveCycle1,whichconsistsofsix(6)steps(seeinFigure1)ispresentedasaguide for structuring your presentation. Specifically, please follow the headings and prompt questions listed below to guide your Reflection presentation for Assessment 3.
Gibbs,G.(1988).Learningbydoing:Aguidetoteachingandlearningmethods.FurtherEducation Unit, Oxford Polytechnic.
The University of Edinburgh. (2020, November 11). Gibbs' reflective cycle [Image].
An adaptationof the six (6) steps inthe framework is described below to guide you in your reflective report writing.
For eachknowledge areaof BABOK®studied inthis subject, identify and describethe knowledge you acquired that you consider valuable to your career or professional development. Frame the description around facts. Consider the following questions: What prior knowledge or understanding of the topics and concepts did you have? What knowledge did you acquire? What tasks did you performtoacquirethisknowledge?Refertotheweeklystudynotesyoupreparedbeforeundertaking the formative/non-graded online practice test and proctored ECBA™ examination.
Building on the description from Step 1, in Step 2, describe some feelings and thoughts you experienced while learning the BABOK® and completing the ECBA™ examination. Frame the description around your feelings and thoughts. Examine how you felt (your emotions) and what you thought (your cognitions) while receiving new information and undertaking the practice test and proctored examination.
Listed below are some guiding questions that may assist you in exploring your feelings and thoughts in your personal reflection:
When evaluating your knowledge and experiences, consider how the facts and feelings described in Steps1and2haveinfluencedyourbehaviourandactions.Frameyourevaluationaroundpositiveand negative aspects of the learnings and experiences. Reflect on your BABOK® learnings and their personal effect, explaining their value (or lack thereof). Did you agree or disagree with a theory, a worldview or someone else’s perspective, and if so, why? Have previous opinions you held changed since completing the subject? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the practice test and proctoredexamination.Howhavethesetaskshelpedyouappraisetheimportanceofbusinessanalysis in theory and practice? Was your experience completing these tasks good or bad? What did you do that was (in)effective?
Listed below are some guiding questions that may assist you in evaluating your learnings in your personal reflection:
Attempt to make sense of specific experiences, events, situations, problems, issues or examples by analysing your BABOK® learnings and experiences completing the ECBA™ examination. Link positive or negative results to decisions you made while learning about BABOK® or preparing for the practice test and proctored examination.
Listed below are some guiding questions that may assist you to analyse the new insights you gained in your personal reflection:
Draw conclusions about your learnings of BABOK® and experiences completing the ECBA™ examination by summarising and highlighting any actions required to extend your learnings and improve your future experiences. Frame your conclusions around achieving higher-order learning outcomes (e.g., transferring the knowledge you have learnt to new situations and leveraging that knowledge to develop a business idea or refine current work processes) and improving examination results (e.g., passing the ECBA™ examination if a re-sit is required or improving your assessment results in professional certification examinations).
Listed below are some guiding questions that may assist you to reach a conclusion about the new insights you gained in your personal reflection:
Building on responses from the five previous steps, plan a course of action in Step 6 to extend your learnings of BABOK® and ensure better results in the future. This step involves listing future actions you intend to perform to improve your career and professional development.
Listedbelowaresomeguidingquestions thatmayassistyoutocreateanactionplaninyourpersonal reflection:
Your Reflection presentation for Assessment 3 will be assessed against the criteria detailed in the marking rubric on pages 8 to 11 of this Assessment Brief.
You are required to upload your Reflection for Assessment 3 to the submission point in Blackboard. Please refer to the Submission Instructions on page 7 of this assessment brief for more details.
ItisessentialthatyouuseappropriateAPAstyle(version7)to citeandreferenceyourresearch.For more information on referencing, visit the Academic Skills webpage.
Submit all components of Assessment 3, such as your Weekly Study Notes, ECBA™ examination result document issued by IIBA® and Reflection presentation slides, in one PDF document via the Assessments link in the main navigation menu in BANASD600— Foundations in Business Analysis.
Your learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referencedandacademicallywrittenaccordingtotheAcademicWritingGuide.Studentsalsoneed tohavereadandbeawareofTorrensUniversityAustraliaAcademicIntegrityPolicyandProcedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or examination due to unexpectedorextenuatingcircumstances,pleaseconsult the AssessmentPolicyfor HigherEducationCoursework and ELICOSand, if applicable to your circumstances, submit a completed Application forAssessment Special Consideration Formto your learning facilitator.
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Yettoachieveminimum standard) 0–49% | Pass (Functional) 50–64% | Credit (Proficient)65– 74% | Distinction (Advanced) 75–84% | High Distinction (Highlyadvanced) 85–100% | |
Certificationexam | ||||||
CertificationExam | 20%-Weeklystudynotesandjournals | |||||
preparationand | Noweeklystudynotesand | Weeklystudynotesand | Weeklystudynotesand | Weeklystudynotesand | Weeklystudynotesand | |
completion | journalentriesprovided. | journalentriescompleted but limitedinformationis | journalentriescompleted withappropriate | journalentriescompleted withdetailedinformation | journalentriesexpertly completed.Theinformation | |
Percentageforthis criterion = 40% | summarisedinthem. | informationsummarisedin them.However,noclear note-takingtechniqueis | summarisedinthem.Some of the content could be summarisedmoreconcisely. | summarisedinthemis comprehensive and relevant.Anote=taking | ||
used(e.g.,headings,code, | Anote-takingtechniqueis | techniqueisconsistently | ||||
highlighting,orgraphic | consistentlyused(e.g., | used(e.g.,headings,code, | ||||
organisers,etc.). | headings,code,highlighting, | highlighting,orgraphic | ||||
orgraphicorganisers,etc.). | organisers,etc.)anddraws | |||||
attentiontothemainpoints | ||||||
anddefinitions.Evidenceof | ||||||
revisionandfine-tuningof | ||||||
studynotesfollowingtest | ||||||
questionsorthepractice examisprovided. | ||||||
10%-Practiceexamlearningsandreflection | ||||||
Didnotattempttocomplete | Attemptedtocompletethe | Completedthepractice | Completedthepractice | Completedthepractice | ||
thepracticeexam.No | practiceexamwith no | exam.However,no | exam.Someevidenceabout | examwithdetailed | ||
evidenceoflearning | evidenceoflearnings | indicationabouthowthe | howthepracticeexam | evidenceoflearnings | ||
provided. | provided. | practiceexamresultswere | resultswereused to | provided.Specificareas | ||
usedtoprepareforthe | preparefortheECBAexam | wherethepracticeexam | ||||
ECBAexamprovided. | isprovided. | resultswereused to | ||||
preparefortheECBA exam isprovided. | ||||||
10%- CompletionofCertificationexam | ||||||
Didnotattempttocomplete the certification exam. No evidenceofresultprovided. | Attempted to complete the certification exam with evidenceofenrolmentbutno result provided. | Completed but failed the certification exam with evidenceofresultprovided | Completed and passed the certification exam with evidenceofresultprovided. | Completedandpassedthe certification exam with evidenceofresultprovided withanexemplaryscore achieved. | |
ReflectionPresentation | |||||
Reflectionand | 10% | ||||
analysisofown | The reflection on the learnings, which should demonstrate how the studenthasdeveloped,lacks details and examples or provides details and examplesthatarelargely irrelevant. | The reflection on the learnings is supported with minimaldetailsandexamples of how the student has developed. Some of the details and examples provided are relevant but requirefurtherexplanation. | The reflection on the learningsissupportedwith sufficient details and examples of how the student has developed. Mostofthedetailsand examplesprovidedare relevant. | The reflection on the learnings is supported by a thorough examination of the student’s own experiences and development that are supportedbyhighlyrelevant details and examples. | The reflection on the learnings discerningly examinesthestudent’sown experiences and development in detail through a wide range of highlyrelevantdetailsand insights. |
experiences | |||||
demonstrating | |||||
independent | |||||
thinkingand | |||||
expressing | |||||
meaningful | 10% | ||||
Percentageforthis criterion = 20% | Lack of analysis and expressionofinsights. | Ananalysisisundertakenand insights are expressed, but both require further development. | Theanalysisandexpression of insights are adequate. | Theanalysisandexpression of insights are well developed. | Theanalysisandexpression of insights are expertly developed and comprehensively |
demonstrateindependent | |||||
thinkingandmeaningful | |||||
reflectivepractice. | |||||
Identificationof | 10% | ||||
strengthsand/or | Doesnotidentifystrengths orgapsinbusinessanalysis knowledgeandskillsinthe weeklystudynotesandthe weekly reflective journal entries. | Attemptstoidentify | Adequatelyidentifies | Clearlyandaccurately | Expertlyanddiscerningly |
gapsinBusiness Analysis knowledge and skills | strengthsorgapsinbusiness analysisknowledgeandskills intheweeklystudynotesand the weekly reflective journal entries,butfurther | strengthsorgapsinthe businessanalysisknowledge and skills in the weekly study notes and the weekly reflectivejournalentries. | identifiesstrengthsorgaps in the business analysis knowledgeandskillsinthe weeklystudynotesandthe weeklyreflectivejournal | identifiesstrengthsorgaps in the business analysis knowledgeandskillsinthe weeklystudynotesandthe weeklyreflectivejournal | |
explanationsarerequired. | entries. | entries. | |||
10% |
Some slides show key informationsupportedby evidence and citations. | Most slides show key informationsupportedby evidence and citations. | andsupporttheflowof information. All slides show key informationsupportedby evidence and citations. | neatnessandsupportthe flow of information. All slides show key informationsupportedby substantial evidence and citations. | ||
5% | |||||
Presentationdeliverytoneis too casual, and the student only reads from the slide. Student’s face and voice is not clearly presented, and the recording of the presentationhaspooraudio or video quality, and the presentation is <2 minutes or > 6 minutes. | Presentationdeliverystyleis professional. Student demonstrates familiarityofthecontentof their presentation. Occasionallythepresentation maybeincoherentorillogical Sometimes, student’s face and voice are not clearly presented,andtherecording ofthepresentationhassome quality issues. | Presentationdeliverystyleis professional. Student demonstrates familiarityofthecontentof their presentation and the content is coherent and logical Occasionallystudent’sface and voice are not clearly presented, and the recording of the presentation is well- prepared. | Presentationdeliverystyleis professional. Student demonstrates familiarityofthecontentof their presentation and the content is coherent and logical Student’sfaceandvoiceare clearly presented, and the recording of the presentation is well- prepared. | Presentation delivery tone is professional, and the student demonstrates familiarityofthecontentof the presentation and the content is coherent and logical Student’sfaceandvoiceare clearly presented, and the recording of the presentation is well- prepared. Thepresentationmeetsthe time requirement |
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