Assessment 1 - Multiple Choice Questions and Short Questions Assignment Help

Name : Assessment1-OPTION A

Duedate:13September2024,11:59pmAEST.Youcansubmitversionsofyourassignment earlier than the due date to check for similarity.

Length:Upto2000wordsmaximum(no+10%–tables,diagrams,in-textreferencesand headings are included), including a 1-page A4 table. The reference list and appendix are excluded.A video recording of 6 to 7 minutes long will also be submitted.

Weighting: 45%

FontandStructure:TimesNewRoman12,linespacingis1.5with2.5cmmargins.You need to follow the QUT cite/write format carefully (

PART A – Personal Reflection

  1. Reflect on your personal qualities and strengths that can or have already assisted you in developing your leadership skills/qualities. Consider how you have used these qualities andstrengthsinyourprofessionaljourney,inmakingcareerdecisionsandgoals,andany changes in your perspective over time, etc. (approximately 500 words).

PART B –Career Progression

  1. Identify a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) job that you would like to apply for after graduating and find a position description for that job (not necessarily with your preferred employer). Attach this position description to your assessment as Appendix. Criticallyexplainwhyyouwouldliketoapplyforthisrole(approximately 500words).
  2. Providewrittenresponsesfortwoselectioncriteriafromthepositionyouhaveidentified inPartB.Oneselection criterionneedstobetechnical/skillsbased(e.g.,abilitytoapply the legislation, carry out audits, etc) and one needs to be professional/communication based(seepoint2aboveforexamples).Theseresponsesmustbeevidence-based,follow the STARL framework (Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Learning) and be approximately 650 words (together for two responses).
  3. Provide responses (video recording) for the following two hypothetical questions you maybeaskedbytheinterviewingpanelifyouweresuccessfulinbeingshortlistedforthe position you have identified in Part B (6 to 7 minutes long for two responses):
    • Whywould you bethebest person forthis job?
    • Describethebiggestchallengeyoufacedatuniversity(orinyourpreviousjob) and how you overcame it.

PART C –Future outlook

  1. ConsiderthedynamicnatureandthefutureoftheHealth,SafetyandEnvironment(OHS and/or Environmental Health) profession. Explain, along with your, view about the need for “lifelong learning” throughout your personal career (approximately 350 words).
  2. Considerthefollowingprofessionalattributesandskills.Rateyourabilityineachofthese areas and provide a brief explanation of your rating. Thinking about lifelong learning, list learning goal/s for areas that you believe you need to further develop, specifically describing how you will achieve each goal. This information must be shown in a tablelike the one shown below (the table must be 1 A4-page in length)
ProfessionalattributeSelf-rating(e.g.excellent, good, average, needs improvement) andbrief rationale for your ratingLearninggoal/sand how they will be achieved within the next 5 years
Effective communication in a varietyofcontextsand modes  
Effectiveconflict resolution  
Implementing evidence-based practice  
Theabilitytowork independently and collaboratively  
Engaginginethical behaviour  


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