TECH4100 UX and Design Thinking Assessment 3 Help


TECH4100 UX and Design Thinking Assessment 3


Assessment 3 Information


Subject Code:TECH4100
Subject Name:UX andDesign Thinking
Assessment Title:Presentation – design and evaluation
Assessment Type:Individual
Word Count:10 Minutes (+/-10%)
Weighting:40 %
Total Marks:40
Submission:Via MyKBS
Due Date:Week 13


Your Task


This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will apply design thinking models to real-world UX design projects. Additionally, you will evaluate UX design principles and practices in the development of web and mobile software applications. Finally, you will design and present methodology of your usability tests.


Assessment Description


In this assessment, you will demonstrate your advanced understanding and application of design thinking models, the UX development life cycle, UX design principles and practices, and usability testing. The assessment will be in the form of a presentation, allowing you to effectively communicate your insights and findings to a professional audience.


Assessment Task: Prepare and deliver a comprehensive presentation that showcases your ability to apply design thinking models, analyse the UX development life cycle, evaluate UX design principles and practices, and design and present on usability tests.


Assessment deliverables:

  1. Introduction:
    1. Introduce yourself and provide an overview of the project or case study chosen for the presentation.
    2. Clearly state the goals and objectives of the project.
  2. Design Thinking Models:
    1. Apply advanced design thinking models to the UX design project or case study.
    2. Explain the selection and application of the design thinking models, emphasising their impact on the overall design process and outcomes.
    3. Analyse the effectiveness and appropriateness of the chosen design thinking models.
  3. UX Development Life Cycle:
    1. Discuss the purpose and objectives of each phase and their relevance to the chosen project or case study.
    2. Identify and discuss any modifications or improvements made to the UX development life cycle based on your analysis.
  4. Evaluation of UX Design Principles and Practices:
    1. Evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of UX design principles and practices applied in the development of the chosen project or case study.
    2. Provide evidence, examples, and industry best practices to support your evaluation and recommendations.
  5. Usability Testing and Reporting:
    1. Design a comprehensive usability testing plan, including objectives, test scenarios, participant recruitment, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.
      1. Please note: You are not required to conduct the usability test; the focus should be on the process you plan to use.
  6. Conclusion:
    1. Summarise the main points discussed throughout the presentation.
    2. Discuss potential future directions and advancements in UX design and usability testing.


This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:


LO1Apply design thinking models to real-world UX design projects.
LO2Analyse the UX development life cycle andthe purpose of each phase.
LO3Evaluate UX design principles and practices in the development of web and mobile software applications.
LO4Design and reporton the outcomes of usability testsperformed across a variety of software frameworks and platforms.


Assessment Instructions


Students must conduct research externally and included references in order to produce a well referenced assessment. You should use at least ten (10) sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, social media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations and a referencing list at the end of your assessment (not included in the word limit). Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used.


  1. You must submit your presentation in a recorded video format using MyKBS (Kaltura). You aren’t required to submit the presentation slides as your slides and your face will be present in the video recording.
  2. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.


Important Study Information


Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy


KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.


Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions:


  • What is academic integrity and misconduct?
  • What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
  • How can I appeal my grade?




Late submission of assignments (within the Assessment Policy)

 A screenshot of a calendar  Description automatically generated





Length Limits for Assessments

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.



Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Further details can be accessed at


Generative AI Traffic Lights


Please see the level of Generative AI that this assessment is Level 2 has been designed to accept:



Traffic Light

Amount of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) usage


Evidence Required

This assessment






Level 1




No Generative AI allowed


This assessment showcases your individual knowledge, skills and/or personal experiences in the absence of Generative AI support.



The use of generative AI is  prohibited for this assessment and may potentially result in penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment.













Level 2








You may use Generative AI for research and content generation that is appropriately referenced.


See assessment instructions for details


This assessment allows you to engage with Generative AI as a means of expanding your understanding, creativity, and idea generation in the research phase of your assessment and to produce content that enhances your assessment. I.e., images. You do not have to use it.


The use of GenAI is optional for this assessment.


Your collaboration with GenerativeAI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learn how to reference GenerativeAI. other-sources/referencing-other-sources- generative-ai


In addition, you must include an appendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment.


Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentially resultin penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above.



















Level 3








You must use Generative AI to complete your assessment


See assessment instruction for details


This assessment fully integrates Generative AI, allowing you to harness the technology's full potential in collaboration withyour own expertise.


Always check your assessment instructions carefully as there may still be limitations on what constitutes acceptable use, and these may be specific to each assessment.


You will be taught how to use generative AI and assessed on itsuse.


Your collaboration with GenerativeAI must be clearly referenced just as you would reference any other resource type used. Click on the link below to learnhow to reference GenerativeAI. other-sources/referencing-other-sources- generative-ai


In addition, you must include an appendix that documents your GenerativeAI collaboration including all prompts and responses used for the assessment.


Unapproved use of generative AI as per assessment details during the content generation parts of your assessment may potentially resultin penalties for academic misconduct, including but not limited to a mark of zerofor the

assessment. Ensure you follow the specific assessment instructions in the section above.




Assessment Marking Guide


Marking Criteria

           | 40 marks

F (Fail) 0 – 49%P (Pass) 50 – 64%C (Credit) 65 –74%D (Distinction) 75 –84%HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100%





           | 4 marks

Introduction lacks clarity and fails to provide an overview of the chosen project or case study, as well as the goals and objectives.Provides a basicoverview of the chosen project or case study, stating the goals and objectives, but may lack clarity or conciseness.Clearly and concisely provides an overview of the chosen project or case study, stating the goalsand objectives.Clearly and succinctly provides a comprehensive overview of the chosen project or case study, stating the goals and objectives with clarity and coherence.

Provides an exceptional, engaging, and highly informative overview of the chosen project or case study, clearlystating the goalsand objectives with

outstanding clarity and impact.


Design Thinking Models



           | 5 marks

Application of design thinking models is not adequately demonstrated or lacks specific examples of their impact on the design process and outcomes.Applies design thinking models to the project orcase study, providing some examples of their impact on the design process and outcomes, but may lack depth or fail to analyse their effectiveness.Applies design thinking models to the project or case study, providing specific examples of their impact on the design process and outcomes, and evaluates their effectiveness withsome critical analysis.Applies design thinking models effectively to the project or case study, providing specific examples of their significant impact on the design process and outcomes, and critically analyses their effectiveness and appropriateness.

Applies design thinking models exceptionally to the project or case study, providing exceptional examples of theirprofound impact on the design process and outcomes, and critically evaluates theireffectiveness and appropriateness with

exceptional depth and insight.


UX Development Life Cycle



           | 5 marks

Analysis and evaluation of the UX development life cycle lack depth or fail to provide meaningful insights into its phases and their purpose.Analyses and evaluates theUX development lifecycle to some extent, providing insights into its phases and their purpose, but the analysis may lackdepthAnalyses and evaluates the UX development life cycle, providing meaningful insights into its phases and their purpose, and critically evaluates theirAnalyses and evaluates the UX development life cycle comprehensively, providing in-depth insights into its phases and their purpose, andAnalyses and evaluates theUX development lifecycle exceptionally, providing profound insights into its phases and their purpose, and critically evaluates their



  or critical evaluation.effectiveness and relevance to the chosen project or case study.critically evaluates their effectiveness and relevance with depth and clarity.effectiveness and relevance with exceptional depth, clarity, and exceptional critical thinking.


Evaluation of UX Design Principles and Practices



           | 5 marks

Evaluation of UX design principles and practices is inadequate, lackscritical analysis, or fails to provide valuable insights.Evaluates UX design principles and practices to some extent, providing some critical analysis and insights, but may lack depth or fail to demonstrate their impact on the user experience and overall success.Evaluates UX design principles and practices, providing valuable insights and critical analysis of their impact on the user experience and overall success, supported by evidence, examples, and industry best practices.

Evaluates UX design principles and practices comprehensively, providing in-depth insights and critical analysis of their impact on the user experience and overall success, supported by compelling evidence, examples, andindustry

best practices.

Evaluates UX design principles and practices exceptionally, providing exceptional insightsand critical analysis of their profound impact on the user experience and overall success, supported by exceptional evidence, examples, andindustry

best practices.


Usability Testing and Reporting



           | 5 marks

The usability testing plan is inadequately designed, lacks clear objectives, appropriate test scenarios, and comprehensive reporting of outcomes.Designs a usability testing plan to some extent, including objectives and test scenarios, but the plan may lack clarity, appropriate methods, or comprehensive reporting of outcomes.Designs a comprehensive usability testing plan, including clear objectives, appropriate test scenarios, participant recruitment, data collection methods, and comprehensive reporting of outcomes.Designs an exceptional usability testing plan, including clear objectives, appropriate and diverse test scenarios, robust participant recruitment, meticulous data collection methods, and comprehensive reporting of outcomes.

Designs an exceptional and highly innovative usability testing plan, including clear objectives, highly creative and diverse test scenarios, extensive participant recruitment, meticulous data collection methods, and exceptionally

comprehensive reporting of outcomes.



Conclusion lacks coherence or fails toSummarises the main pointsdiscussedSummarises the main pointsdiscussedSummarises the main pointsdiscussedSummarises the main pointsdiscussed





           | 4 marks

summarize the main points discussed throughout the presentation.throughout the presentation, but the summary may lack clarityor conciseness.throughout the presentation, providing a clear overview.throughout the presentation, providing a comprehensive and coherent overview.throughout the presentation, providing a comprehensive and coherent overview with exceptional clarity and conciseness.


Presentation Delivery



           | 4 marks

The presentation lacks clarity, coherence, and effective communication skills.Delivers the presentation with some clarity, coherence, and effective communication skills, but may lack engagement or have minor issues with delivery.Delivers the presentation with clarity, coherence, and effective communication skills, engaging the audience throughout the presentation.Delivers the presentation with good clarity, coherence, and effective communication skills, engaging the audience effectively.

Delivers the presentation with exceptional clarity, coherence, and highly effective communication skills, engaging the audience exceptionally and showcasing outstanding

presentation abilities.


Visual Presentation and Use of Visual Aids



           | 4 marks

The visual presentation lacks coherence, engagement, and effective use of visual aids.Presents the information visually to some extent, but the visual presentation may lack coherence, engagement, or effective use of visual aids.Presents the information visually with coherence, engagement, and effective use of visual aids.Presents the information visually with good coherence, engagement, and effective use of visual aids.Presents the information visually with exceptional coherence, engagement, and highly effective use of visual aids, enhancing the overall impact and understanding of the presentation.


Time Management and Presentation Structure



           | 2 marks

Poor time management and lacks a clear and effective presentation structure.Manages time reasonably well, with a somewhat clear and effective presentation structure, but there maybe minor issues with pacing or organisation.Manages time effectively, with a clear and effective presentation structure that enhances understanding and engagement.Manages time excellently, with outstanding clarity and an effective presentation structure that optimally enhances understanding andManages time exceptionally, with exceptional clarity and an outstanding presentation structure that enhances understanding and

TECH4100 UX and Design Thinking Assessment 1 Help


    engagement.engagement to the highestlevel possible.


Research and Referencing



           | 2 marks

Inadequate or missing external research, or referencing is not in accordance with the KaplanHarvard Referencing Style.

Conducts some external research and includes referencing, but the quality may be inconsistent or not fully in accordance withthe

Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style.

Conducts external research and includes referencing in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style.Conducts thorough external research and includes accurate referencing in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style.

Conducts exceptional and extensive external research, including accurate and meticulous referencing in accordance withthe

Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style.

Feedback and grades will be released via MyKBS


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