The provided zip file contains the data file [ENB.txt ] and the R code [AggWaFit718.R ] to use with the following tasks, include these in your R working directory.
Total Marks 100, Weighting 20%
The Dataset for this assignment is modified version of a subset of data used in Candanedo et al, 2017.
The experimental data have been used to create models of energy use of appliances in a low-energy house. The modified Dataset provides the energy use of Appliances (denoted as Y).
The Dataset comprises 5 features (variables), which are denoted as X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5. The details about these variables are given below:
X1: Temperature in living room area (Celsius degrees)
X2: Humidity in living room area (percentage)
X3: Temperature in office room (Celsius degrees)
X4: Humidity in office room (percentage)
X5: Pressure (millimeter of mercury)
Y: Appliances energy consumption (Wh)
For more information about the variables see Candanedo et al, 2017.
T1. Understand the data <- as.matrix(read.table("ENB.txt"))
3.The variable of interest is Y. To investigate Y, generate a subset of num_row=450 (use the same setting for the following tasks as well) with numerical data e.g. using: <-[sample (1:num_samples,num_row) c(1:num_col)]
This would give you a new dataset with num_row rows and num_col columns. Values of num_sample and num_col have to be determined from the data provided.
4.Use scatter plots and histograms to understand the relationship between each of the variables X1 X2, X3, X4, X5,and your variable of interest Y, i.e., scatter plots of (X1, Y), (X2, Y), …, (X5, Y), and histograms of X1 X2, X3, X4, X5, Y.
T2. Transform the data
Choose any FOUR variables from X1, X2, X3, X4, X5.
Make appropriate transformations so that the values can be aggregated in order to predict the variable of interest Y.
Assign your transformed data along with your transformed variable of interest to an array
(it should be ``num_row’’ rows and 5 columns). Save it to a txt file titled "name-transformed.txt". write.table(,"name-transformed.txt")
The following tasks are based on the saved transformed data.
T3. Build models and investigate the importance of each variable.
2. Use the fitting functions to learn the parameters for
An ordered weighted averaging function (OWA).
T4. Use your model for prediction.
Using your best fitting model from T3, i.e., WAM, WPM(0.5), WPM(2), or OWA, predict Y (Appliances) for the following inputs:
X1= 19.1, X2=43.29, X3=19.7, X4=43.4, X5=743.6
You should use the same pre-processing as in Task 2. Compare your prediction with the measured Y=60.
T5. Summarize your data analysis in up to 20 slides for a 5-minute video presentation The slides should include the following content:
The slides should contain all necessary information to prove your findings. All the bold terms above must appear in slide titles. Explanations and reasoning can be given verbally or in a written format.
For the 5-minute video presentation, you may provide a link to YouTube or upload a mp4 video.
Submit to the SIT718 CloudDeakin Dropbox.
Your submissions must contain the following Three files (pay attention to file types):
** The R code is missing (other codes are not allowed, such as .RMD, .RData, .Rproj and .ipynb)
** The outputs of the code are inconsistent with the content of the video/slides
** Academic misconduct is substantiated by Academic Integrity Committee.
Luis M. Candanedo, Veronique Feldheim, Dominique Deramaix. Data driven prediction models of energy use of appliances in a low-energy house, Energy and Buildings, Volume 140, 1 April 2017, pages 81-97, ISSN 0378-7788.
The original data are available in:
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