Referencesourcesmustbecitedinthetextofthereportandlistedappropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing.Penaltiesareassociatedwithincorrectcitationandreferencing.Assessment Details and SubmissionGuidelines
Trimester T22024 UnitCode HI5016 UnitTitle InternationalTradeandEnterprise AssessmentType GroupAssignment DueDate+ time: September27,2024;Time11.59 PM Weight 40% TotalMarks Assignment(40marks) SubmissionGuidelines AcademicIntegrity Information Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academicintegrity and consult your teacherswith anyquestions. Violating academic integrityisseriousandpunishablebypenaltiesthatrangefromdeductionofmarks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of courseenrolment,or cancellation of course enrolment. Penalties
Studentsareexpectedtodemonstratetheirknowledgeandunderstandingofachosentopicbyapplying internationaltradetheoriesandconceptslearntduringWeek1toWeek10.Thein-depthanalysisofthe intwocountriesinPart1andchosentopicPart2,shouldbesupportedbydata/statistics,figures,tables and relevantliterature as taught in class Holmes Institute, HI5016 Black Board site.
YouareagroupofadvisorsworkingintheDepartmentofTradeandForeignAffairsinAustralia.First,as advisorsyouarerequiredto writeareportcovering anyoneoftopicsas atheoreticalreview, basedon the past 5 to 10 years, in which you compare two countries of your choice. Second, this report should provide useful findings and recommendations for investment and trade for the Department of Trade andForeignAffairsforappropriatestrategicdecisionmakingforAustraliaandmultinationalenterprises in the country. Third, the report should use avariety of resources, including thetextbook, newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and other sources. Each group must choose two countries (not including Australia). Finally, your Management Board requires that your research should predominantlybebasedonInternationalTradeandEnterprisetheoryandapplicationofHolmesInstitute syllabus.
ChooseanytwocountriesfromthelistofcountrieslistedinAnnex 1.
Foreachcountry,identifyanindustry(ies)orsector(s)ofcomparativeadvantage.Youmustuse relevant data/statistics to support your analysis used in the identification
NB:Besuretobaseyouransweronthemodelsstudiedinclass,asillustrated.Eachofyourmodelsshouldbe explainedbasedonthelecturematerial,astaughtbyHolmesInstitute,andthenappliedtothecase,asgiven withintutorials.Youmayintroduceadditionalcase material,ifneeded,toexpandonwhatisprovidedinthe HI5016Blackboardsite,aslongastheadditionalcasefactsaredirectlyrelevanttothestrategymodelyouare explaining, and also correctly referenced.
Conduct in-depth findings and analysis of your research demonstrating you understanding of the theories and applications learned in H15016. Examine the effects of your findings to Australia’s economy.
Forstudentswhosubmitassignmentsthatdonotcomplywiththerules,a10%penaltywillbe applied.
To be eligible to pass this unit, you must complete all forms of assessment and demonstrate achievementofthe learning outcomes. Allassignments must besubmitted electronically ONLY usinga word processor, uploaded to Blackboard via the Final Check and Submission of SafeAssign.
AspertheStudentHandbook,latepenaltieswillapplyeachdayafterthestudent/shasbeennotifiedof the due date.Submission deadlines are strictly enforced and a late submission incurs penalties of 5 (five)%oftheassessmentvaluepercalendarday.Unlessanextensionand/orspecialconsiderationhas been granted, no assessments are accepted after 14 calendar days of the due date, or the end of the trimester for assessments due later in a trimester. Students need to allow up to 24 hours for the Final Check of their assignment submission to SafeAssign to be available.
AneffectivewayforstudentstolearneconomicsisthroughparticipationinaGroupAssessment Project. This project is designed to accomplish effective learning.
Duringthecourseofthesemester,eachoftheelementsofyourGroupAssessment,maybereviewed by your Lecturer.
AlltheacademicpapersthatareusedintheassignmentneedtobepostedonBBbyusingFileExchange tool. Students need to highlight the discussion in the academic paper which is relevant issues related to the assignment. Academic papers can be found in ProQuest (ProQuest instruction can be found in page 6. Assignment will be marked ZERO if does not include references list.
All the discussion about group assignment needs to be recorded by using Group Blog tool. The discussion must relevant to the content of the assignment and reflects the outcome of the group meeting.
Your instructor chooses which communication and collaboration tools are available to your group. If you want to use a tool but don't find on your group's page, ask your instructor to enable it.
File Exchange | Groupmembersandinstructorscansharefilesinthisarea.Allmemberscanadd anddeletefiles,regardlessofwhoaddedthem. |
GroupBlog | In the group area, all members of a group can create entries for the same blog and build on each entry. All course members can read and comment on a group blog,buttheycan'tmakepostsunlesstheyaremembersofthe group. Instructors canchoosetogradegroupblogs.Allgroupmembersreceivethesamegrade. |
GroupJournal | In the group area, all members of a group can view each other's entries. Only groupmembersandinstructorscanviewagroupjournal.Instructorscanchoose togradegroupjournals.Allgroupmembersreceivethesamegrade. |
SendEmail | Groupmemberscanemailindividualmembersortheentiregroup. |
AllthegroupmemberscandiscussabouttheassignmentbyusingGroupBlog.Once youareallocated in a group, you can see this function.
To login
Goto:>Login>Proquest USERNAME: holmes2004 and; PASSWORD: holmes
A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria AzerbaijanB Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia BosniaandHerzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria BurkinaFaso Burundi C Cambodia Cameroon Canada CentralAfricanRepublic(CAR) Chad Chile China Colombia CongRepublic Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Congo Croatia Cuba D Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic DemocraticRepublicofCongo E Ecuador Egypt | El Salvador EquatorialGuinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia F Fiji Finland France G Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany GhanaGreece Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau H Haiti Hungary I India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy J Jamaica Japan JordanK Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan L Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein | Lithuania Luxembourg M Madagascar Malawi Malaysia MaldivesMali Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar N Namibia Nepal Netherlands NewZealand Nicaragua NigerNigeria North Korea NorthMacedonia Norway O Oman P Pakistan Panama PapuaNewGuinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Q Qatar R Romania Russia Rwanda S Samoa SaoTomeand Principe | SaudiArabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles SierraLeone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia SolomonIslands Somalia SouthAfrica SouthKorea SouthSudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria T Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga TrinidadandTobago Tunisia Turkey U Uganda Ukraine UnitedArabEmirates(UAE) United Kingdom (UK) UnitedStatesofAmerica(USA) Uruguay Uzbekistan V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Y Yemen Z Zambia Zimbabwe |
Criteria | Littleornovalue generated (Fail) | Somevaluegenerated (Pass) | Acceptable/average value (Credit) | Goodunderstandingof task (Good value Presented) (Distinction) | Excellentunderstandingof the task (Excellent value presented) (HD) |
CountriesorCountry underinvestigation 10Marks | Little or irrelevant informationprovided about the countries underinvestigation | Some relevantinformation provided aboutcountryorcountries under investigation | Good information provided about countryorcountries under investigation | Verygoodandprecise country background information provided | Excellentandprecise country or countries background informationprovided |
Understandingofthe theories of the topic Chosen and its significance to International Trade 10 Marks | Littleornoinsightonthe topic with many irrelevancies | Someinsightbackground about topic with some irrelevancies | Someclearbackground on the topic under investigation | Averyclearandconcise understanding background on thetopic | Excellent and clear description and understanding of the topicunder investigation |
Analysis,findings, discussion 10Marks | Little or irrelevant analysis,findingsand discussion provided with no clear data | Somerelevantanalysis, findings and discussion provided with some cleardata | Good analysis, findings anddiscussionprovided with data and tables | Very good analysis, findingsanddiscussion provided with clear data,tablesandgraphs | Excellentanalysis,findings and discussion provided withcleardata,tablesand graphs linked to theory |
Recommendationsand conclusion
8 Marks | Little or irrelevant recommendations andconclusion | Littleandsomerelevant recommendations and conclusion | Good recommendationsthat promote international and conclusion | Verygoodandprecise recommendationsthat promote international trade and conclusion | Excellent recommendations that promote international traderecommendations and with a precise conclusion |
Thedegreeofresearch, the format, structure, presentation, and writing of the report, plus referencing
2Marks | Not good and relevant research with many mistakesinreferencing. -Maynothavefollowed key question selection guidance, or may not meet format requirements, such as clear discussions, titles orheadings | Evidence of reasonable research with some mistakes in referencing. - Meet format requirements to areasonable standard, butcouldbeimprovedwith a clearer structure and headings | Evidence of good and relevant research with correct referencing. - Meet format requirementstoagood standard, including clear structure and headings | Evidenceofverygood andrelevantresearch with correct referencing. -Meet format requirements to a very good standard, includingclearstructure and headings | Excellent,comprehensive and relevant research with referencing correct in all respects. – Meet format requirements to an impeccable standard, including clear structure and headings |
Maximummark=40 |
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